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AQUEDUCT FORM CHART CHARTAQUEDUCT CHARTA AQUEDUCT L I August 18 Fourth day Queens County Jockey Club Summer Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather cloudy track good Presiding Judge Wm C Cozier Starter C J Fitzgerald Racing starts at 2 00 p m 7940 FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs 400 added 2yearolas Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt 8t Vt Yt M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L 0 7726 DOMINEER 110 7 71 41 41 11 Moody J Kahn 8 25 8 20 78762SOMERS 2078762SOMERS 110 3 21 21 2i 21J Simms Sims M F Dwyer 75 95 75 75 7876 IMPROVIDENT 110 8 5 7 51 31 OLeary O'Leary F L Parker 5 10 5 8 7876 SERAPHIC 107 6 887 4H Cunngham Chung Wm Easton 15 100 15 75 YULETIDE 75YULETIDE 110 2 41 51 61 5 Hamilton J S Curtis 20 100 20 75 7849 DR FITZSIMMNS 110 10 9 9 8 61 Spenser J C Fitzsimmons 5 10 5 8 7851 CROWN 107 1 11 31 31 71 Maher T L Reynolds 2 2i 2 24 7665 HIGH WATER 107 5 61 61 9 81 Littlefield Littered W B Gilpin Gulping 8 25 8 20 20LOWNA LOWNA LEONA 107 9 10 10 10 910 Hewitt A D HamptonCoSO Hampton 60 30 50 7903 BEN BLUE 110 4 31 li li IQio IQ bonger boner C Gorman 6 12 6 10 7876 EIGHTEEN CARAT 110 11 11 11 11 11 Coylie Collie E Coyle Cole 10 60 10 40 Time 40Time 24 49 103 110 110Winner Winner ChiquitaStart Ch c by Prestonpans Preston Chiquita Circuital Start good Won driving Domineer was lucky and best in the going Somers Isomers wafunlucky and poorly handled Improvfdent Improvident closed a big gap and liked the going Seraphic showed great improvement due to the slow track Yuletide ran a great race for a green one Dr Fitzsimmons was off badly and his jockey went to sleep on him himScratched hemstitched Scratched Northumberland 110 Wild Airs 107 107Domineer Domineer place 8 to 1 show 4 to 1 Somers Isomers place 3 to 5 Improvident show 7 to 5 SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 40 Yards 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St 4 Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7877LENNEP 103 2 24 li 3 12 11 Manor TP Hayes 1 179042LANSDALE 79042LANSDALE 107 1 3i 3i 2 31 210 Spencer W L Oliver 4 7880CAMPANIA 108 3 li 2 3 23 310 Moody T D Sullivan 4 12 4 8 7878 FROHMAN FROGMAN 90 4 4 4 4 4 4 Daly Dally M J Daly Dally 5856 Time 5856Time 25 50 1 02 1 16 1 42 1 45 45Winner Winner B f 3 by Candlemas Candelas Wanton WantonStart Wantons Start straggling Won easily Lennop Lennon was much the best and is in winning form Lansdale Landler liked the slow going and being saved the first part finished strong Campania Campanula was anchored by too riddenScratched much weight and her jockey Frohman Frogman got away very badly and was aot oat well ridden Scratched Ben Ronald 110 110Lansdale Lansdale Landler place even i P7OI O THIRD RACE About 78 Mile 150 feet short 100 added 3yearolds and 4 t7tt upward Selling End Horses Wt St Vi Vi K Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L T 7618SWAMP ANGEL 106 4 li 12 li IH Maher A J Joyner Joiner 71015 35 35 35787S3DEBRIDE 787S3DEBRIDE 108 2 21 31 3 2 Spencer T D Sullivan 10 12 10 12 1278802VANESSA 78802VANESSA 99 7 7 61 32 3 Moody Mrs M C Lyles Lyle 4 4 3i 34 7878 TANIS ANIS 108 3 51 5 53 43 McDermottH McDermott Patterson 10 30 10 20 7878 HEADLIGHT 104 5 3i 41 43 53 J Clay C M Miller 10 12 10 12 7817 VIGENTA VIETNAM 100 1 41 24 63 610 Neville Gormley Grimly Bros Brows 10 25 10 20 7727 STACHELBERG SATCHEL 109 6 61 7 7 7 Coylie Collie J E McCarty McCarthy 20 25 20 20 Time 20Time 24 49 102 115 125 125Winner RushlightStaitfair Winner Ch f 4 by Magnetizer Rushlight Rushing Staitfair Tatar Won driving Swamp Angel was the best He ran a good game race and can beat better ones Debride Deride was well handled and very lucky and liked the going and closed strong Vanessa broke last and lost a lot of ground through her jockeys bad work Tanis Anis ran his race Headlight was forced into the deep going and shut off Vigenta Vietnam dislikes the track Scratched trackScratched tracks Squan Sequa 106 Frohman Frogman 92 Fenetta Vendetta 90 90Dobride Dobride Oxbridge place 3 to 1 show even Vanessa show 1 to 2 2fTQ fTQ fT JO FOURTH RACE 58 Mile 500 added 2yearold Handicap Ind Indo Horses Wt St H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 78512ST GLAIR LAIR 119 4 21 21 21 li Cunngham Chung T F Barrett Barrette Co 3 3 2 115 7876PRCEOF WALES 114 1 12 12 11 2 Maher Gideon Daly Dally 85 9 5 85 95 7901VBEN VIKING 116 3 5i 41 4i 31 Simms Sims T P Hayes 2i 6 2i 5 7851 PASSAIC 106 2 31 31 31 41 Songer Sponger R Earle Earl 5544 7851 MAIL BAG 105 6 679032SISTER 41 61 51 53 Spencer W L Oliver 5856 79032SISTER FOX 95 7 7 7 7 62 JCunRham F Reagan 10 30 10 30 7198 LITTLE REGGIE 100 5 6i 51 6 7 Moody GeoSchultzeCo20 10020 75 75Time Time 24 49 1 02 02Winner Winner Ch c by St Leonards Leonard Carita Caritas CaritaStart Caritas Start good Won handily St Glair Lair was best He is a good colt and was lucky Prince of Wales showed unusual gameuess gameness though he disliked the going He is greatly improved Ben Viking wants a fast track He fell out of race early but closed a big gap in the stretch and is very good Passaic got a bad ride He can do better and is best in mud Mail Bag is of small account Sister Fox was almost left leftScratched Scratched Leando Leland 113 113St St Glair Lair place e 7944 FIFTH RACE 1 Mile 400 added 3yearolds and upward Selling nd Horses Wt St M Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7900 MAXIMO MAXIM GOMEZ 99 6 3i 2 23 li 13 Maher M Clancy 12 12 13 25 79043ROSS1FER 109 3 Hi 12 li 26 25 Spencer G F Johnson 5 6 44 5 7557 SQUAN SEQUA 105 5 51 51 51 6 3i Moody W L Oliver 10 40 10 30 78483CHARAGRACE 101 4 41 41 31 33 4io OLeary O'Leary J Hynes Haynes Co 6 10 6 76fi7 KING T 108 1 6 6 6 5 5n Simms Sims JVendig Vending 10 15 10 10 7881 riCULrTOR inculcator 95 2 21 3i 41 41 6 Michaels Michael Thomas Green 20 60 20 40 Time 40Time 25 50 1 03 1 16 1 43 QuesalStart Squeals Winner Ch c 3 by Victory Quesal Squeal Start good Won easily Maximo Maxim Gomez was easily best Rossifer Rosier is a greatly improved horse Squan Sequa closed strong Chara Charta raco race was unlucky and anchored in the deeo dee going rn the rail KJUT JUT T wact act = hpavy heavy sir w going cllptor collator bsl bs nrs Mrs nina iivrcrs divorces y B i I Scratched Debride Deride 111 Lansdale Landler 109 Her Own 109 Chenille 105 Headlight 105 Van ¬ essa Tessa 98 98Rossifer Rossifer Rosier place even show 1 to 2 Sqnan Santana show 8 to 5 Continued on 2nd page SIXTH EACE ACE 1 Mile 400 added 3yearolds Maidens Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt 8t X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H I i 7151 HABKY HANKY CEAWFED112 2 2i 21 21 41 12 Hamilton J Watkins 6 10 6 8 Johnson77152FENETTA 7725 HAEDY HEADY C 109 9 51 51 7 23 23 Garrigan Arian N J Johnson 8 15 8 12 77152FENETTA Smitl78813LA 107 7 8 61 31 H 33 Simms Sims Walter Smitl Smith 21 3 21 3 Neilson78812DE 78813LA EUSSE ESE 107 6 9 7 41 3i 4 James E W Neilson Nelson 5 7 5 6 78812DE WITHEOW WRITHE 109 8 10 9 8 51 5 Songer Sponger G Sipler Simpler 6 10 6 7 7035 Miller78773SLASHEE DUCHSS DUCHESS ANNETTE107 10 11 11 10 6 61 Maher F T Miller 3433 78773SLASHEE 112 3 1 It 9 9 7 Penn E Thomas 5856 7727 BBASS BASS 112 11 12 8 6 8 8 McDermottS McDermott A White 10 15 10 15 Bros562oSPERO 7881 WAUWEGO WAUKEGAN 112 1 31 31 11 11 93 Hewitt Turney Tourney Bros Brows 20 30 20 20 562oSPERO 11212 4H 41 11 7 IQio IQ Spencer J Hornberge Horner 10 20 10 15 7727 TOEEEON 112 5 1 10 5 10 111 novlio novel T P Rpvn Pavan 30 50 30 40 5438 ME KALTENBACH 112 4 6 12 12 12 12 Pickering W Midgley Midge 0 100 20 100 100Time Time 25 51 104 119 146 RangeStart Rangiest Winner B c by Ben dOr doer or Miser Mountain Range Start fair Won driving Crawford was probably best in the going Hnrdy Henry C is best in mud but cot a poor ride Watch him in shorter racps raps Fenetta Vendetta wants light weight La Eusse Reuse tired badly Is best on a fast track but ran well Withrow Withdraw Annette and Slasher Lasher had no chance at the start It was a very bad race by bad horses Harry horsesHarry horsehair Crawford place 3 to 1 show 8 to 5 Hardy C place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Fenetta Vendetta show 1 to 2