untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1898-08-19


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PAILT PAIL RACING FORM ISSUED EVEBY EVE DAY S 3AILY BEFLEOTION DEFLECTION OF THE AMEBIOAN GAMBIAN TUBF TUB BY TELEOEAPH TELEGRAPH 3AILY EACINQ EXACTION FOEM OEM PUBLISHING CO EDITOE EDITED F H BBUNELL i iASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE ASSOCIATE EDITOB EDIT C C BILEY BILE 126 5th Ave Chicago 111 Saiared Aired in the Post Office at Chicago as aeo aero assd ass claaa matter COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDZntsred Copyrighted Zntsred Netsurfed according to act of Congress in the year 1898 by Frank H Brunell Runnel in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington D C U 8 A AThe Bathe The chart nnmbera number of DAILY EAOINO EATON FOBM FOB must not be nsed nosed They are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS BUBBOBIPTIONS MUST BE PAID IN ADVANCE TEEMS TEEMSPor Teems Por Poor Month 125 125Half Half Year 750 750One One Year 1400 Tha Thai above rates are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass fistulas mail mailDaily malarial Daily Bacing Backing Form Publishing Co prefers to Bend single copies as firstclass fistulas mail in all cases casesLocal caseload Local subscriptions outside the down town dis dais trict strict will be declined at other than first class mail matter rates BT LOUIS MO OFFICE 19 N Broadway BroadwayBasement Broadway Basement AgentOn Agent ti M MUBPHY MURPHY Agent On sale at 830 A M MDAILY DAILY DAILY EACING ACING FOBM FOB can be delivered to any address in St Louis LouisBack Louisa suppliedOrders supplied Back numbers can be promptly supplied Orders for advertisements can be left at the Bt Louis office for telegraphic transmission CINCINNATI OFFICE 408410 Vine Street J E HAWLEY Agent On Sale at Noon AT BUFFALO N Y New Tifft Tiff House HouseAT House AT DENVEE DENVER COL COLE Warren WalkertCo Walker 805i6thlStreet 805i6thlStreetA2 A2 BUTTE MONT Keefe Keene Bros Brows Post Office News Stand StandAT Stand AT MEMPHIS TENN TEN E M Mansford Manfred Co Clark Bros Brows BrosAT Rosa AT NASHVILLE TENN TEN TENNHard Ensnared Hard Co 415 Church Street Duncan Hotel HotelAT Hotel AT SAN FEANCISCO FRANCISCO Foster Orear Rear Market Street Ferry News Stand StandAT Stand AT KANSAS CITY MO MOEicksecker Eicksecker Wickeder Cigar and News Co 9th and Walnut Streets CHICAGO ILL AUGUST 19 1898

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898081901/drf1898081901_2_1
Local Identifier: drf1898081901_2_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800