Windsor Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-08-19


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WINDSOR FORM CHART CHARTWINUSOK CHARTINGS WINUSOK WINDSOCK ONT August 18 MeetingWeather Meeting Fourteenth day Windsor Jockey Club Summer Meeting Weather wet track sloppy Presiding Judge John J Carter Starter H D Brown Racing starts at230 p m rj FIRST RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St H M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners OH L C S82 ruKSE ruSE FtfOUD 100 9 51 42 41 IH Mason E Slaughter 6 6 44 77242M1DLO 4477242M1DLO 97 1 1 li 13 23 Valentine C Scanlan Canaan 3 3 24 2fc 7821 FAUSTONIC FAUSTIAN 97 5 34 33 32 3 Castro W A Blogg Boggy 6 8 68 7777 ROSE DOR DORA 95 4 25 25 23 41 Dugan Duane Fred Kraft 3 34 3 3 7813 NEGONC1E 95 2 7 61 61 5 Harrington Waters Hodges 15 20 15 20 7815 CAN I SEE EM 95 10 10 8 7 63 Frost J H Combs 3 3 24 3 7724 MISS EMMA 9511 11 9 9 7 McQuade Maculae Desba Debra Co 12 15 12 12 7884 BOB LEACH 97 7 42 51 5 8 Tully E L Palmer 6766 7662 HAZEL GREEN 97 8 8 10 10 9 Stark Gil Gail Curry 10 12 10 10 7843 J W COuK Coke 97 3 6 7 8 10 Hopkins R Hueston Houston 20 25 20 20 7882 K C 104 6 9 11 11 11 N Hill Boggs Bogs Co 20 30 20 25 Time 25Time 25 50i 1 04 1 184 KingstonPost Kingston Winner 184Winner B c 4 by Purse Bearer Pride of Kingston Post 7 minutes Start fair Won driving to the limit Purse Proud got up in the last stride Valentine went to sleep on Midlo Milo He should have won Rose dOi dO quit in the last eighth Can I See Em was off poorly Scratched Nover Mover 97 Overweights Overweighs poundsPnrso pounds K C 4 pounds Pnrso Pro Proud olace solace 8 to 5 sb K MS i r7 O K SECOND RACE 58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Maidens Allowances nd Horses Wt St H Vt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 72672ROYAL SALUTE 110 8 64 12 14 16 1678422IVY 78422IVY COTTA 103 4 51 53 34 2n Mason T P Hayes 2 24 2 24 7818 C BARLEY O 10747 34 2 22 31 Graham J L Luke 7 7 66 6947 ED ROTH 110 5 4n 44 41 45 Rawley Brawly R Rome 20 30 20 25 7883 LOVE LETTER II 100 2 14 3 64 5 Rymal Royal Edward Fee 20 25 2020 7912 JIM LICK 103 3 77 53 6 Valentine H H Stover Stove 6655 7883 LEAL LEA II 100 1 24 6 7 7 Dyment Doyen J James 25 30 25 25 7818 MOUNTAIN ROSE 104 6 8888 Peterman Letterman C Scaulan Scapula 30 30 25 30 JACK 30JACK CAREY H3 9 9 9 9 9 E Burns J Flynn 20 30 20 30 30Time Time 26i 52 1 0o4 Winner Ch c by Kinglike Trill TrillPost Trillions Post 4 minutes Start fair Won in a gallop second driving Rojal Royal Salute made a show of his field The next two fought it out Love Letter II quit in the stretch Jack Carey could not untract interact himself Charley O likes a fast track He did not run his race Scratched raceScratched backscratcher Darbonno Dearborn 100 100Over Over weights Charley O 44 pounds Mountain Rose 4 Jack Carey 3 Ivy Cotta place 4 to 5 Charley O show even THIRD RACE 1 Mile Purse 250 3yearolds and upward Allowances Ind Indo Horses Wt St M Vi Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C 7779 SIMON D 93 1 li 114 IH IH 13 Vitatoe Vitiate White Stafford 5 5 4 7913 MISS GUSSIE GUSSIED 89 3 33 6 21 24 26 Mason E Fitzgerald 251225 7815BENRY 2512257815BENRY LAUNT AUNT 109 2 43 31 320 325 350 Sherland Shetland J P McCann Mecca 2 24 2 24 6296 GEORGE L D II 104 4 2n 42041041548 Biggins Higgins D D Clarke 100200100150 4396 CANNONADE 101 5 5 5 5 5 5 Whittaker Whittier W E Fielding 40 60 40 50 Time 50Time 25J 50i 1 03i 1 174 1 44i FlossPost Flossiest Winner B c 3 by Simple Simon Miss Floss Post 3 minutes Start good Won easily second cleverly Simon D was never in trouble and won full of running Miss Gussie Gussied could never get up The last two were o utclassed outclassed Launt Aunt did not run his race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched What Next 109 Overweights Overweighs Miss Gus = ie 1 pound George L D II 1 Simon D place 4J 4Jo5 o5 TOt FOURTH RACE58 Mile Purse 250 2yearolds Allowances md ma Horses norses noses wt at 54 ft btr br Jm Jockeys Owners O H L C 7156 WREATH 65lioii r 65 75 1 65 lioii limonitic 7814CR1NKLE oniiMiij nimbi lua luau i 12 i 11 21 N Hill J Dundon Undone 34 3 4 7820 ERGO 105 2 25 25 2 35 Valentino J A Newman 4545 78203CAVOTTE 454578203CAVOTTE 105 3 6 6 6 4n Morgan H Peyton Python 4544 7883 SILVER FISH 100 4 4H 5 4 52 Mason George Hendrio Hendrix 10 20 10 15 7820 FLYING BELLE 106 5 31 43 51 6 Gleabon Fleabane N Dymeut Dyne 8 10 8 8 7842 MISS TRIX TRI 105 7 pulled 135Time up Frost S P flarlan farmland 24 3 24 135 Time 254 50J 1 05 DiademPost Diadem Winner Gr f by Knighi Knight of Ellerslie Wellesley Diadem Post 5 minutes Start straggling It was a driving finish Wreath was much the best She was almost left but caueht caught Crinkle who had the best of the start in the last sixteenth and f ught aught it out gamely Trix Tri went to her knees at the start She dislocated her hip and was de ¬ stroyed strayed afier daffier the race The field was badly strung out at the start Ergo tired badly the last eighth eighthOverweights poundWreath pound Overweights Overweighs Plying Belle 1 pound Wreath place 1 to 2 Crinkle place 3 to 2 show 1 to 2 Ergo show even 7938 E 1 18 Miles Purse 230 3yearolds and upward Selling StrFin Strafing Jockeys O H L C 24 3 24 24 22 22 Frost T R Scott 4 44 4 4 78453 ui BEAU i w i IDEAL mw a 108 o 3 o M 41 o 38 o o 31 o 31 Neumeyer Mummery ieumeyer ileum E ± H i Hauna Hanna uauna Juana 2 115 2 2 7886 REY FREY DEL MAR 110 8 7 51 415 425 450 Gorman C Rice Co 2 2852 7543SfRAPS 94 6 6 7 7 62 52 McQuade Maculae H McCarren Macabre Jr 20 30 20 25 7882 NERO 100 2 3 41 58 54 62 Nixon M H Healy 40 60 40 50 78863DUDLEY E 97788877J Booth LeeCbristy Lecheries 20 25 20 20 7845 DON CLARENCIO CLARENCE 103 4 56 61 62 8 8 Petorman Petra Mrs F JKittlemanlS Kirtle 20 15 20 Time 20Time 251 514 118 145 l58i Winner l58iWinner B c 3 by Ben Strome Stone Graf tie tieOff thief Off at first break to a good start Won easily second the same Tusculum Truculent reveled in the goina gina and won as he pleased Lady of the West was the best of the others Rey Frey del Mar outrun ning Ming strong The last four pulled up in the final quarter Scraps could untrack untracked notuntrack himself himselfScratched himself not Scratched Mirth 95 95Tusculum Tusculum Truculent place 4 to 5 Lady of the West place 8 to 5 show 1 to 2 rTQOO retook SIXTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 250 4yearolds and upward Selling Wt St H Str Star Fin Jockeys Owners Q H L CT 7882 GLEN ALBYN ABLY 97 4 22 24 23 li Mason J W Cramer Crammer 3 IT 5 78822MISS AL FARROW ARROW 95 5 14 1 1 24 Valentine H H Stover Stove 2 24 2 7886 INTRIGUER 97 6 44 41 33 35 Dugan Duane J M Mathewson Mathews 6 63 7813 GERTRUDE 95 2 64 6 44 44 Frost J W Boll 4 7 4 7817 SANTA CRUZ 102 3 54 5i 7 5 Hopkins W A Harper 7817 GOMOR GOMORRA 97 7 34 34 54 6 McQuade Maculae FC Hammond 4 10 1 5 3 10 1 lf 7817 GALGO ALGOL 97 1 7887 Castro A S Patrick 10 12 10 1O 7911 DOWNRIGHT 9510 97 6 8 R King J E Seagram 20 12 2O 7817 BELLE OF NILES 95 9 10 10 9 9 Harrington Wynn Wright 20 25 20 20 7719 CH1QUITA 95 8 8 9 10 10 A Morrison Orison T H Smith 8 10 8 8 Time 25 51 1041 1184 LeePost Sleepiest Winner 1184Winner B g 4 by Glenelg Genteel Lady Lee Post 5 minutes Start good Won handily second easily Glen Albyn Abby and Miss Al Farrow Arrow fought got off it running out the last furlong The latter tired Dugan Duane was no help to Intriguer Santa Cruz runningOverweights Overweights Overweighs Santa Cruz 5 pounds Glen poundsGlen poundage Albyn Abby place even Mie Mice a Pmrnr Mariner io a o Q

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Local Identifier: drf1898081901_5_2
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