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ST LOUIS FORM CHART CHARTST CHARTS ST LOUIS MO August 18 Eightythird Eighty day St Louis Fair Association Summer Meeting MeetingWeather Meeting Weather wet track sloppy Presiding Judge Jos Jose A Murphy Starter C C Chinn Chin Racing starts at 230 p m 1 O FIRST RAiR AiR 34 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Maidens O Allowances Horses Wt 8t Vt V M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 1493 LIBBIE LIBBER 9U 14 71 53 4 11 Hshberger Sphere FosterBrumfield85 9 5 3 2 85 7314 GARNET RIPPLE 102 2 27771XJOHNNY 35 38 35 26 R Smith C P Kennedy 20 30 10 12 7771XJOHNNY BOBAN BOB 100 4 478702LITTLE 2 22 13 32 JMcDonaldT McDonald J McHale Chalet 8 10 5 8 78702LITTLE SALL1E 93 12 1278J03PICAYUNE 45 41 61 42 Stevens M Shields 4 6 4 5 78J03PICAYUNE 94 7 774483WEIRD 9 9 74 5s Southard Southward JinceCo Juice 8 20 8 15 74483WEIRD 97 5 52 61 5t 64 Guitiers Guiltier C Vandenberg Andean 6 12 6 8 7771 WILSON C 92 3 1 12 24 73 Lines BeusnArthrCo 8 20 8 15 7300 VICIE VICE VANCE 10211 10 8 9 8 W Dean J R Ross 6 10 6 8 7558 HENRY R 104 1 61 7 8 9 Gilmore B W Hokker Hooker 15 50 15 40 7870 ETHEL L 9210 11 1 10 10 Preston J W Hill 50 10050 7o 1832 N N KAUFMAN ACUMEN 10213 13 12 11 11 Tobin G I Landon London 15 30 15 30 6501 PRESQUE PRESUME ISLE 9917 14 14 14 12 W Miller W A Bennett 50 10050 50 7448 ALCIDES HALIDES 92 9 12 13 13 13 Ward A Conrad 20 oO 20 40 7870 MACE RUSSELL 90 16 17 17 16 14 C Murphy Rhodes Payne 3C 50 30 40 3274 DR HARRIS 10415 15 15 15 15 PCampbellGei Campbell rge rage L Davis 30 50 30 40 7870 DORA G 90 8 16 16 17 16 Houck Hock W Hayman Hyman 7o 100 o 100 7131 RAR1TA 97 6 8 10 12 17 Flick H Reiche Riche 30 50 30 40 40First First series Time 25 51 1 04i 1 18 18Winner Winner B f 3 by Free Knight Alice A APost Post Post 11 minutes Start good Won riding second easily Libbie Libber was much the best bestShe bests She was oil far back and ran around everything in the race Wilson C and Johnny Bohan Bhang naa nada naaOverweights Overweights Overweighs Garnet Ripple 3 pounds Johnny Bohan Bhang 5 Little Sallie3 Picayune 4 Weird 5 Vicie Vice Yance Vance 5 Henry R 5 Ethel L 2 N N Kaufman Kaftan 3 Dr Harris 5 5Libbie Libbie Libber place even show 1 to 2 Garnet Ripple place 5 to 1 show 2 to 1 Johnny Bohan Bhang show 7 to 5 rTfcta artifact SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards Purse 400 3yearoide and upward 5 J J Allowances Wt St U Vi StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7857 LIN LING UA 99 1 13 12 11 15 14 JMcDonaldA McDonald Cahn Can 12351313 7561 GOMEZ 94 4 4 22 22 25 23 Southard Southward W M Clark 20 50 20 40 7826 JUDGE STEADMAN SEAMAN 91 3 2 32 32 33 33 Lines R E Maddox 6 10 6 8 7825 ANGER S9 6 51 46 48 410 416 HarshbrgrE Harsh F Smith 565 7824 SWIFTY SWIFT 89 2 3 51 52 56 510 Caddy J Kern 25 100 25 75 7677 STELLA B 87 7 61 61 61 61 6 Houck Hock C M Barrow 25 200 25 150 6589 TAGO AGO 89 5 7 7 7 7 7 Givens E A Meyers Meyer Co 25 100 25 75 75Time Time 25 50 1 03 1 17 1 434 1 484 484Winner Winner Ch m 8 by Linden Adele AdelePost Deepest Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily second driving Linda was much the best and galloped her field to pieces G mez me reveled in the going and hung on gamely at the finish Judge Steaaman Steam wants a hard track trackScratched tracks Scratched Charley Christy 104 Barbee Barbered 78 78Overweights Overweights Overweighs Gomez 2 pounds poundsGomez pounds Gomez place 6 to 1 show 2 to 1 Judge Steadman Seaman show 2 to 5 THIRD RACE 1 14 Miles Purse 400 3yearoldt and upward Allowances 798O Wt St St M V X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 78572PINOOHLE 91 2 H4 12 12 13 14 is Lines F W Holtgrewe Shoetree 1 65 4519 77342SUNBURT 100 3 51 53 32 41 2 22 Blosa Balsa J E Gushing 85953281 7872 OTTO H 95 1 2H 2s 24 22 35 31 Southard Southward Mrs M MacK 15 20 12 15 7810 RANSOM 94 6 42 41 41 31 4 410 Stevens BrningBrdmanlO 15 10 12 7772 R B SACK 81 4 34 34 56 510 515 530 Houck Hock S Ferris 30 50 30 40 53782UNCLE JIM 9456 66666A Ward T Hums 50 100 50 75 Time 264 52i 1 06 1 19 1 AT 2 14 Winner B c 3 by Panique Antique Mamie Mammies S SPost Spots Post 3 minutes Start good Won galloping second cleverly Pinochle was the best He had the speed of the party and the result was never in doubt Sunburst closed strong Otto H was easily third thirdOverweights Overweights Overweighs Sunburst 3 pounds poundsPinochle pounds Pinochle place 1 to 2 Sunburst place 2 to 5 Otto H show even FOURTH RACE 5 12 Furlongs Purse 100 3yearolds and upward 7931 Allowances First Heat i Wt St M H 5 StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H 7807 JO i TON PLANT 92 2 12 13 13 13 Lines F M Ward 3 34 3 165 7805 HEL EL HGARDNER GARDNER 87 1 4 3 32 24 Houck Hock W A Kirwan Iran 4 4 5 34 347854LOVING 7854LOVING CUP 94 4 32 2 23 33 T Burns G W Miller 91065 451110 7805 THE NAVY 87 6 2 4S 410 4io Givens RHBronaughColS 30 15 20 7759 MRS BRADSHAW BRADS 94 5 555 Dis Dais Hrshbrger J G Brannon Brandon 100200100150 7732 JOG OSOT SOOT 95 3 666 Dis Dais Booker C B Campbell 25 50 25 40 40Time Time 12i 244 50 1 03i 1 10 10Post Post 5 minutes Start good Won easily second handily Cotton Plant had the speed of the party and was never in trouble Burns eased Loving Cup up at the end He could have been second The Navy had early speed speedCotton seduction Cotton Plant place 9 to 10 Helen H Gardner place even show 1 to 2 SECOND HEAT lorses loses Wt St M Vi M StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 7854LOVING CUP 94 2 I U 13 14 T Burns G W Miller 34 4 3 3 7805 BEL BELO H GARDNER 87 1 310 312 310 25 Houck Hock W A Kirwan Iran 12 12 7 9 7807 COTTON PLANT 92 3 21 22 22 315 Lines F M Ward 123525 25 7805 THE NAVY 87 4 444 dis dais Givens RHBronaughCo25 10025 75 75Time Time 12 254 514 1 04 1 104 104Post Post 5 minutes Start poor Won easily second cleverly Burns went right at Cotton Plant with Loving Cup and made him give it up Cotton Plant cannot stand grief Helen H Gardner closed strong under weak handling handlingLoving handling Loving Cup place 7 to 10 lud laud Horses Wt St Vi V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner O H L C 7854LOVING CUP 94 1 li 1 15 14 T Burns G W Miller 18 17 18 17 7807 COJTON CROTON PLANT 92 2 2222 Lines F M Ward 6656 6656Time Time 12i 26 524 1 07 1 14 14Winner Winner B f 3 by Belvidero Belvedere Lizette Leicester LizettePost Post 13 minutes Start good Won in a gallop Loving Gup Gulp only galloped after the first quarter Cotton Plant was ready to fall from exhaustion exhaustionScratched exhaustion Scratched Nick Carter 100 t tOverweights overweighs Overweights Overweighs Loving Cup 2 pounds Cotton Plant 3 Joe oSot Soot 3 F FIFTH RACE 34 Mile Purse 300 All ages Selling 7932 Ind Indo Horses Wt St H M BtrFin Brian Jockeys Owners O H L C 7810 SIDUN SID IAN 110 4 34 13 13 14 T Burns SimmsAnderson34 534 53477732RANDAZZO 77732RANDAZZO 1074 1 5 32 22 24 Caywood Cawed H Burch 5 10 4 8 7874 BE TRUE 84 7 63 42 32 33 Ward T J McHale Chalet 34 5 3 215 21578743MOUND 78743MOUND CITY 102 6 77 61 41 Gilmore G Grassmuck Grass 752 7585 7675 PAT MURPHY 107 2 51 5i 54 JMcDonaldH McDonald L Jones 8 30 8 25 7824 TROMBONE 105 5 24 2 4u 61 Lines W W Darden Arden 8 10 5 10 7773 LiVADIA Livonia 102 3 44 64 7 7 W Dean J Griffin Co 12 30 12 25 25Time Time 244 50 1 034 1 17i 17iWinner Winner B c 4 by Sydney Christine ChristinePost Christine Post 9 minutes Start poor Won ridden out second cleverly Sidonian Sideman was lucky He had clear sailing all the way and juSt lasted to the wire Mound City off badly could never get up Trombone had speed but ran out on the stretch turn Scratched Emma Lee 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Randazzo Rwanda 24 pounds Livadia Livonia 2 2Sidonian Sidonian Sideman place 3 to 2 show 3 to 5 Randazzo Rwanda place 3 to 1 show even Be True show 3 to 5 7933 SIXTH RACE 1 Mile Purse 400 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Wt St Va StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C C7810JMAMIE 7810JMAMIE G 101 1 12 li i li 16 JMcDonaldCaesar McDonald Young 3 34 2 115 11578723BEQVEATH 78723BEQVEATH 93 2 24 2 24 24 2i Lines A Cahn Can 12 15 5 7 i i7875VVILbON 7875VVILbON 96 4 3 3 3 3 32 T Burns J W Schorr Scorer Son 2 5 4 5 25 35 7858THE PLANET 104 3 42 43 41 45 46 Southard Southward J H Staith Stitch 8 25 8 20 7826 MORALIST 104 5 5 5 5 5 5 P GampbellJ Campbell A Abernathy 30 10030 75 144Winner 1 Time 251 50i 1174 144 Winner ClayPost Capos Blk Balk m 5 by Pirate of Penzance Penance Anna Clay Post 6 minutes Scart Cart good Won in a gallop second driving Mamie Mammies G was the best and galloped her field to pieces Wilson was never able to shake Bequeath off 1 he latter hung on better than usual Scratched Silver Set 105 Siva 96 Lord Neville 93 MamieJS Mammies place 3 to 5 Bequeath place 9 to 5