St. Louis Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-08-19


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ST LOUIS JENTRIBS ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track sloppy sloppyFirst sloppy First Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wgt Wt Hdcp Dc 7933 Moralist 4 107 64C 7872 Truxillo Trujillo 4 107 645 7810 Harry B 4 107 625 7826 Overland 5 104 640 7773 Forsythe Forsythia 4 104 675 7631 The Dazzler 4 104 650 7712 J M B 4 101 655 7629 Pawnee 5 104 630 75943Springtime 7 104 650 7932 Pat Murphy 6 104 63 7772 Aunt Jane 6 102 615 7671 Ola Olla Foster 4 102 600 7243 Black Silk 6 102 600 77C8 Lorrania Loran 3 102 640 7875 Cappy Crappy 4 102 665 Second Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 7732 Eussella Russell 4 102 650 7629 Practitioner 4 101 655 7735 Pinkey Pinkeye Potter 5 100 700 7671 Big Fellow 5 100 625 7872 Amber Glints 5 98 670 7805 Eay Easy B 4 96 645 7854 Alma Glyn Lyn 4 95 690 69078713King 78713King Oscar 3 90 i675 7871 School Girl 3 85 630 7875 Chiquita Circuital II 3 85 685 7871 Miss Floride Fluoride 3 85 635 7535 Allie Sallie B 3 85 630 63078243Empress 78243Empress Josephine 3 85 665 7805 Nora S 3 85 665 7731 Violin 3 87 625 625Third Third Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Selling SellingInd Selling Ind Indo Horse color sex pedigree Wt Hdcp Dc Hdcp78733La 78733La Fayette Layette 106 675 7873 UucleBill Duckbill 106 685 7827 ClarenceB Clarence 106 665 7873 Dick Collins 106 655 7758 Hittick Haiti 106 650 7907 ArlineC Airline 103 640 64070643Bessie 70643Bessie Ewing 103 680 680Assessor Assessor ch c by Wadsworth Adsorb Misfit 103 7628 Florissant 103 600 7907 Willie Howard 103 665 6657809Oraibee 7809Oraibee 103 690 7873 Hose Ash 103 695 6957855Zurich 7855Zurich 103 660 7873 Our Nellie 105 700 700Fourth Fourth Race 2 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 7709 Marquise 5 95 725 7734 Jack Bradley 6 93 710 7772 C S Bush 4 92 690 7560 Li Hung Chang 3 77 675 67579302Sunburst 79302Sunburst 6 96 715 715Fifth Fifth Race 34 Mile All Ages Selling 7631 Mitchell 4 108 700 7907 King Gold 6 108 690 69078742Borden 78742Borden 3 108 695 7907 Czarowitz Carbonize 4 108 685 7932 Trombone 3 108 665 7858 Nemo Memo 3 108 62o 7854 Aquinas 4 105 670 67079073Viggins 79073Viggins 3 105 660 7907 Gilray Gila 3 105 650 65079072Harrie 79072Harrie Floyd 4 103 675 7907 Miss Lizzie Tizzies 3 103 645 7905 MonaB Mona 2 84 625 625Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Selling79102Maddalo 79102Maddalo 4 104 740 74076133Laureate 76133Laureate 6 103 750 7875 Prince of India 4101 710 7907 Count Fonso Fonts 4 101 700 7933 The Planet 4 101 730 73079333Wilson 79333Wilson 3 96 735 73579063Flora 79063Flora G 3 91 675 7736 Lord Neville 3 90 680 7910 Eebel Feeble Jack 3 90 695 7875 Domsie Dossier 3 90 680

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Local Identifier: drf1898081901_2_5
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