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SARATOGA KNTU1JKS Probabilities Weather cloar clear track good goodFirst goofiest First Race 68 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses color sex pedigree VVt Vt Hdcp Dc Hdcp80982Holdup 80982Holdup 112 665 66580532Menu 80532Menu 109 660 8098 MissOrder Disorder 109 650 8121 Tyran Tyrant A 109 675 8098 Happy Knack 107 655 8098 Flying Scotchman 107 630 630Champion Champion b c by Cavalier May Bee 107 8098 Sensina Sestina 101 645 8078 Motive 104 640 8098 Semper Simper Leon 104 670 670Cousin Cousin Jess ch c by Uncle UncleJess Uncle Jess Lenas Lena First 99 Second Race 1 Mile MileAll Illegally All Ages Allowances AllowancesInd Allowances Ind Indo Horses Age Wt Hdcp Dc 8123 Premier 5 107 68 J 7942 Headlight 5 107 685 8079 George B Cox 3 105 700 70078902Joe 78902Joe Miller 7 104 690 8099 Sister Ulara Lara 4 102 675 675Third Third Race 78 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances81243Primo 81243Primo Minister 6 103 675 8124 Joe Anderson 3 100 660 8075 Trianon Transom 4 100 640 8124 Flareaway Faraway 3 95 650 8075 Flo Floe W 3 83 655 655Fourth Fourth Race 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances 81020xnard 3 169 690 6908i222Ma 8i222Ma Angelino Angelina 3 106 680 80542 Bon Ino Indo 4 104 605 8102 Hums 4 100 670 8054 Brighton 4 98 700 700Fifth Fifth Race 1 18 Miles 4yeariolds and upward Allowances 8101 Marshall 8 116 670 8076 LB 4 Ill 600 8125 Squan Sequa 4 Ill 650 8102 Donation 5 Ill 6f5 6f581223Vanessa 81223Vanessa 4 109 675