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OFF PERSONS AMD AM HOUSES When the Hawthorne judges ruled Owner Meyers Meyer and Jockey Nixon off for the fraudulent running of the horse Tusculum Truculent they also speci specie ¬ fically fiscally ruled off Meyers Meyer other horses in addi Addis ¬ tion ion to Tusculum Truculent they being Filibuster Obsti Bestir ¬ nate mate Simon Boardmarker Bookmarker Frank Stanton ietabout pieta Dayton Star Sun Bonnet and Im ¬ mense menses This was by way of precaution to pre ¬ vent these horses from presently bobbing up as the property of other people when in fact they might still be secretly the property of the man ruled off offRule effulgent Rule 186 of American Racing Rules is in part as follows When a person is ruled off the course or outlawed and so long as his sentence continues he shall not be allowed on the grounds of the course or be qualified whether acting as agent or otherwise to subscribe for or to enter or to run any horse for any race in either bis bias own name or that of any other per ¬ son and no horse of whijh which he is wholly or partly the owner or which is under his care management training or superintendence or in the winnings of which he has any interest shall be qualified to be entered or run in any race raceUnder ascender Under this rule it is apparent that when a man is ruled off bis bias horses are ruled off also At least that is the apparent intent of the rule But it is lame and deficient in not specifically prescribing that all of a ruled off mans horses shall also stand ruled off until such time as the man himself may be reinstated reinstatedla reinstated la tha than case of Meyers Meyer it is quite clear that for the time being at least his simple expul expulse ¬ sion scion without naming his horses would have barred them from the tracks along with him But in the present vicious plane of western turf practices it is more than probable the sale of the horses real or pretended would have re ¬ sulted silted in their early reappearance in races as the property of other owners It was to wipe out this probability that Judges Rees and Kuhl Kohl ruled off by name each horse belonging to Meyers Meyer MeyersAt Meyer At its meeting in Cincinnati tomorrow the Turf Congress could do nothing better than to tnako Tao rule 186 more specific in the direction re ferrel ferret to so that there should be no doubt that so long as a man stands ruled off his horses stand ruled off also The penalty for running a horse without any intention to win cannot well be made too severe and judges should be relieved the necessity of providing remedies for inexplicit rules