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NEWIORX NEWSIER ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast fastFirst fascist First Race 34 Mile Mile4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling Sellingtnd Ellington Wt Hdcc Dc Age tnd tend Horses 8 983Lufra JSI JOSIE CT 84812 Mazeppa Marzipan i JSi Josie filn film 8495 Trimuaa Trim tJSi Tsai Rn 8410 Turtle Dove ° 1f p n 8498 Harrie Harriet Floyd il2i S4332Agatha JSj DJs fi5n 8195 Marioni Marion JSi Josie p 8486 Miss Verne 1 8510 Bootzie Bootie 4 101 62 62Second Second Race4 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Selling 7389 Stride 10 ° C30 8512 Malaise JOO JO 66g 66gS5l23Pansy S5l23Pansy H 100 610 8047 Fannie Taylor 100 660 00 610 8057 Abyssinia 8392 Nancy Fordham Ford 100 63o 8437 Norma Taylor 100 670 8185 Lizzie Tizzies Tello Tell 100 625 6256S85 6S85 Lena Van 100 6o2 8392 Duplicate 103 6a5 8455 Lola Murray 100 650 8392 Viola K 100 645 8485 Signa Sigma 100 642 8392 Minnie Alpine ICO CO 632 8234 Lecelia Eclair 100 62o 62oThird Third Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap85532Evaline 85532Evaline 4 99 680 8514 Samovar 4J ° ° 26 ° 8483 Lanky Bob IJ5 IJ581250rimar 81250rimar 4 Ill 690 69081532J 81532J H C 4 113 69o 69oFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile 2yearolds Selling 8452 Baiinie Blaine 96 640 8486 Contravene 96 660 8452 Bessie Ewing 98 65 6685 Topsy Tops Girl 96 625 8486 Rose Ash 8 boO 8452 Fatherland 99 663 8519 La Fayette Layette 101 645 64584353Piccola 84353Piccola 104 690 69081823Vox 81823Vox 105 670 67084972Blenheim 84972Blenheim 105 680 68083443Mayme 83443Mayme M M 106 675 6758l97Volandies 8l97Volandies Ill 0 0Fifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 8493 Ben Frost 3 94 665 8481 School Girl 3 94 645 8433 TheNaulahka 3 94 625 811 Flop 3 97 675 8513 Joe Shelby 3 97 670 8111 Sue Nell 3 100 650 6508434NannieD 8434NannieD 5 102 625 8436 Repeal 4 102 630 8193 Ed Overlook 4 102 640 64084543Amber 84543Amber Glints 5 102 660 8496 Elsie Barnes 4 102 640 7884 Crusader 5 105 655 655Sixth Sixth Race 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling 8451 Barbee Barbered 3 91 8515 Lord Frazer Frazier 3 91 8498 Violin 3 94 84963 Annie Oldfield Goldfield Oldfield8451Aberegate 3 97 8451Aberegate 3 100 83952Arcturus 3 100 8496 Hammon Hammond 3 100 84102Tit for Tat 6 102 85113Loyalty 5 102 8410 Tutuilla Attila 6 102 85163Kowalsky 5 105 7934 Miss Emma 5 105