Harlem Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1898-09-20


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HARLEM ENTRIES Probabilities Weather cloudy track slow slowFirst loftiest First Race 58 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowancesnd Allowances nd Horses Age Wb Hdcp Dc 8187 RivalDare Rivaled 107 635 8505 Florence Fink 107 605 60584923YoNoSe 84923YoNoSe 107 620 8233 Thought So 107 625 8317 Bamlet Ballet 107 650 6093 Alpina Alpine 107 615 8233 Pococanto Provocation 107 600 8300 Rosavannah 107 620 5556 Anna Held 107 600 8208 Wilmingtons Wilmington Pet 107 600 8192 Mendacious 107 610 8231 Queens Pawn 115 610 8 187 Princess Murphy 115 620 8192 MissDooley Rissole llfi lf 630 7905 La Josephine 11B 615 82333AliceB 8111 EttaP Etta 6652 Celeste dOr doer 81922Sidtilla Second Race 1 Mile and 100 Yards Yards1yearolds 1yearolds andupward antiwar Allowances 83993Croesus 1 89 675 7792Cbchise 91 lS532Winslow 6 99 8446 Summer Sea 4 99 8406 Linda S 103 8263Topmast 5 104 2296 Carnero Caner 4 104 8557 Cherry Leaf 4 105 81433Charley Christy 4 105 84113David Tenny Teeny 4 108 8441Candelaria 4 114 Third Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds Selling 8143 Star Crescent 102 8177 Julia Hazel 102 8450 Black Fonso Fonts 102 83512Tom Tohei Their 102 8535 RedGidd Redid 102 810t52Heigh Ho 102 80M3Opponont 102 83972Empress Josephine 102 8177Qood Friend 104 8408 Cyril 104 8402 Locust Blossom 1C4 8402 Livadia Livonia 104 8221 Doustei Douse swivel 105 7766 Hindoouet Handout 105 81883Afamaa 103 8062 Melter Smelter 109 Fourth Race 1 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Allowances 8141 Her Favor 3 92 8556Plantain 3 92 8106 Lady Callahan 4 102 84062Yuba Dam 4 102 85073Buckvidere 4 105 8441DareII 4 105 8258 Dunois Dubois 4 105 Fifth Race 5 13 Furlongs 2yearolds Allowances Allowances85552M1S 85552M1S Marks 97 8236 Mazie Maze V 97 8159 Hanli Phalli ht 97 8233 MissDay Emissary 97 85102Canace 97 7409 Billy House 100 7972Anuowan 100 8 302Jlly Roger 1C3 83983Survivor i03 85553Tulla Fonso Fonts 105 Sixth Race 78 Mile Mile3yearold8 3yearold8 and upward Selling 8 35 Branch 3 98 7282 PinardelRio Invader 3 98 8401 POK OK Parks 3 98 7961 Nemo Memo 3 101 8143 Kings Highway 3 101 8509 Hermoso Hermosa 3 101 8407 Cherrj Cheerer flame 1104 8416 Count Fonso Fonts 4 104 8529 Majesta Majesty 1 4 104 85323Qold Band 4 104 8352 Millie M 5 101 8490 Zolo Zoo 4 104 8371 Reuben Rowett Rowe 4 107 81083Idle Hour 4 107 83523Bishop Reed 4 107 83982 A be Furst Furs 4 110 8258 Lew Blew Hopper 5 110 8443 Moch Mooch 3 101

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898092001/drf1898092001_4_6
Local Identifier: drf1898092001_4_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800