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BROOKLYN ENTRIES ENTRIESProbabilities Probabilities Weather clear track fast First Race 5 12 Furlonjjs Furlongs Furlonjjs2yearolds 2yearolds Fillies Allowances Ind Indo Horses Ago Wgt Wt Hdt HDTV 8306 Belle of H no i 8457 Frances Booker 110 I 8471 Effervescent 110 i 8527 Rose May 110 i 8527 Anitra Anita 110 8331 Linrtula Inertia no 77173Sombre 110 f 8469The Lady la Blue 110 83062Incandescent 110 I 84572Qaze 110 1 1Second Second Race 1 116 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling 8330 Banwell Bane 6 Ill I 8470 Doggett Doge 6 110 i 8153 HfBdlifibt 5 106 8470 Knight of the Garter 4 106 8311 Mount Washington 4 108 8335 Endeavor 4 103 8462 Arquebus Harquebus 3 103 8i233Charentus 4 103 8473 Her Own 4 103 7997 High Priest 3 102 7P972Tinge 6 101 7248 Nosey 3 100 8524 Lady Disdain 3 98 7975 Banished 3 97 83112Octave 3 94 Third Race 34 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds Handicap Ind Indo Horses color sexpedigreeWt expenditure 8459Glenheim 126 8379 Rusher 113 Monletta Moonlet b f by Duke of Montrose Burletta Biretta 119 84 9 Exception 105 8469 General Shafter Shafer 105 8355 Domineer 104 8539 Fast Black 108 8264 Pomers Pomes 102 8457 Jean Ingelow Angelo 99 83C6 Belle of Troy 97 Fourth Race 34 Mile MileGreenfield Greenfield Stakes 1000 added added3yearolds 3yearolds Soiling Horses Age Wt Georg George Keene Ill ilian Gillian Bell 109 109andpress andpress undress 101 larnejstone clandestine 101 lax Spinner 101 igh high Jinks 101 t Callatine Palatine 105 VMiss Miss oiterer loiterer 105 V Miss Tenny Teeny 103 ennep benne 1 3 abouret abort 98 enmore Kenmore Queen 98 Fifth Race 1 J 8 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap 8526Algol 4 133 800 8008473White 8473White Frost 4 123 760 76084583Floronso 84583Floronso 3 117 750 78023 Handball 3 113 690 6908472George 8472George Keene 3 110 775 7758lo8Bon 8lo8Bon Ino Indo 4 109 700 8307 Geisha 3 108 740 7408l613Sir 8l613Sir Gnwain Gnawing 3 103 710 8458 BanquoII Bangui 4 99 725 8458 Martian 5 90 680 8458 Lady Marian 3 85 67J 67JSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds Allowances 8537 Glonoine Leonine 115 69 8470 Oxnard 115 t80 t808332Fnetta 8332Fnetta 112 650 6508462Fiiearm 8462Fiiearm 112 7CO