Harlem Form Chart., Daily Racing Form, 1898-09-24


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HARLEM FORM CHART CHICAGO IIiI IiI September 23 Fifth MeetingWeather Meeting day Harlem Jockey Club Fall Meeting Weather clear track very heavy Presiding Judge Col Cool M Lewis Clark Starter Richard Dwyer Racing starts at 2 p m W 14 Q O FIRST RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds Allowances AllowancesO Allowances O J O O Purse 400 value to winner 350 10 entrance 105 to second 45 t Wt St VA X StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8323 WAUBUN AUBURN 107 91 5 62 31 1 J McDonald WC Da vis Avis 10 11 10 11 8445 EXQUISITE 112 SH INK 12J z 22 C Sloan T F Sellers 5 5 31 31 84453EL1ZA BLAZE 107 1 K 42 2K 2 SH Bloss Loss L Yehlo Yellow 6 76 7 8559 MY FRIEND 107 3 K 75 SNK SANK 63 42 H Martin James Whitten Whiten 6 13 6 13 8145 JOHN SACK 107 4 3 K 34 5 51 Rutter Ruttier R Bradley 10 16 10 15 8445 FRISKAL FRISK 107 81 86 810 8io 60 J Reiff Riff W L Oliver 85 31 85 31 8371 NEOME NOME 107 6R 61 72 710 75 R Narvaez Larvae A Odom Sodom 20 50 20 50 8323 ST ELENA 107 2 i 2 44 42 85 Ellis S Francis 66 4 41 7796 CLIFTON B 110 10 9io 95 95 90 Stevens A McCauley 10 100 10 10 8323 STUMPY 110 7K 10 10 10 10 BeauchampA Bacchanal C Clark 15 40 15 40 Time 27 531 1 08 1 22i Winner B g by Wawekus Waxworks Glenine Leonine GleninePost Leonine Post 2 minutes Start good Won driving and staggering the next three were only crawling along It was a bad lot Waubun Auburn won simply because he had more staying power than theothers tethers McDonald came close to the rail saved ground on the turn and punished the gelding unmerci unmerciful fully through the stretch Exquisite had tho thou speed of the bunch but was tired enough to lio Clio down when the wire was reached My Friend was coming and Eliza Blaze stopping tho thou last six ¬ teenth tenth It was a tight fit for third place My Friend is a good looker and on breeding should bo a mudlark medullar St Elena ran about threeeighths of a mile and quit She is a good maiden and may win before long on a fast track trackWaubun track Waubun Auburn place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Exquisite place 6 to 5 show 3 to 5 Eliza Blaza Blaze show even Qrl SQL SECOND RACK GS Mile 2yearolds Selling OOtfcv OTC SellingOOtfcv Selling Purse 400 value to winner 395 entrance 10 132 to second 63 to third Ind Indo Horses Wt St St86062GENNA H StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 86062GENNA 105 21 2186043FALOMACITA 121 12 12 12 JMcDonaldB McDonald Schreiber 2222 86043FALOMACITA 100 6 7 41 22 20 Gray Kahn Co 8888 8325 ANDES 103 11 91 81 61 3 Holden Olden James Arthur 15 20 15 20 8510 SILVER TONE 105 1 6 52 51 42 H ftlaitin flatting P Dunne 3322 8505OLD FOX 103 12 1284872BLUE 121 91 71 55 Hothersall Others W J Donohue Downpour 8 15 8 15 84872BLUE LICK 103 4 4 31 31 6 Everett D M Hogan 20 25 20 25 86033ARTH MC KNIGHT 103 13 1386032SHINFANE 82 102 101 71 Bloss Loss John Call 10 20 10 20 86032SHINFANE 103 101 112 11 11 82 P Jordan W J Speirs Piers Co 40 60 40 60 8444 TEUTONS STETSONS 105 14 13 12 12 911 Ellis TEBaTPtt 40 60 40 60 8604 IRIS 100 3 384W 101 62 81 10 Sheppard John Huffman 15 30 15 30 305i 84W PAT CLEBURNE CLAIBORNE 100 9 5i 71 91 112 Rose John Hall 15 15 15 15 8187 HERO JR 102 5 21 24 41 21 BeauchampCDe Bacchantic Witt Witty 10 25 10 25 253i 8578 ALPINA ALPINE 102 71 3i 13 13 13NK R Narvaez Larvae WK Cleveland 30 60 30 60 8604 BE TRUE 105 81 14 14 14 14 Rutter Ruttier T J McHale Chalet 15 25 15 25 25Time Time 26 521106 521106Winner Winner B f by Balgowan Blown Parolee ParoleePost Parolee Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second well in hand Third and fourth driving hard Genna Henna reveled in the going She was off with tho thou track and made every post a winning one She is a nice little filly Falomacita Valencia is fast She had some bad luck Still she ran her race Andes from a bad beginning made up ground throughout Silver Tone has evidently staled He was off in front and had no excuses Old Fox is a plodder and Hero Jr a quitter The la ter tear showed a lot of speed but stopped in a stride Blue Lick looked to have a winning chance on the turn but could not last in the going goingScratchedFree ScratchedFree Scratched Hand 100 Master Buck 100 The Wooer 102 Alice B 100 Mizzoura Missourian 105 105Overweights Overweights Overweighs Teutons Stetsons 2 pounds Alpina Alpine 2 2Genna Genna Henna place 3 to 5 Falomacita Valencia place 3 to 1 show 3 to 2 Andes show 4 to 1 I 1 THIKD HIKED HACK 1 Mile 3yearolds and upward Allowances db JL Purse 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third ad Horses A Wt St Vi V StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owner O H L C 7332 WHAT ER LOU 4 114 INK 23 23 14 13 14 BeauchampJohn Huffman 1 3 25 13 25 8308 UARDA GUARDIA 3 97 41 54 35 21 21 28 Rose J J Donovan Donovan85293PITFALL 44 34 185 85293PITFALL 6 104 6 41 44 425 35 310 Bloss Loss G Nelson 15 15 15 15 8580 RED GIDD GIDDY 3 94 3 12J 1H 30 41248 Seaton Eaton R Bradley 10 40 10 40 3 104 21 3 510 510 525 512 Gray W C Fessenden Essence 15 20 15 20 8529 LUCKY MONDAYS 97 51 6 6 66 6 Sheppard J M Minter 15 40 15 40 40JTime JTime Time 13i 271 54 1 074 1 22 1 36t 1 50i 50iWinner Winner B c by White Alma Lamar LamarPost Lamppost Post 2 minutes Start good Won easily second under punishment third eased at the ond bond What er Lou by far outclassed the field He liked the going and looked a winner at every spot of the road He is a good class horse and was in a soft spot Uarda Guardia ran a fairly good race She must have light weight to do her best Red Gidd Giddy showed some speed but tried to run out all the way and finally did so on tue true stretch turn Surmount and Lucky Monday were beaten off after going a half mile The former looked high in flesh and nowhere near a race raceScratched backscratcher Scratched RichardJ Richard 104 Al Fresco 107 107Uarda Uarda Guardia place 7 to 10 Pitfall show even Q ± I O FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles 4yearolds and upward Selling O Oi Purso Purrs 400 value to winner 300 75 to second 25 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St St Vi Yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O H L C 8554 SUNBURST 6112 1 40 44 48 44 1U 12 Bloss Loss J E Gushing 852 8585 77972 OHUGNUT DOUGHNUT 5109 41 2H 22 2H 1H 21 2H Rutter Ruttier R Bradley 3 41 3 41 4185543DBLE 85543DBLE DMiIY4 109 6 5 K 50 53 5J 3 3U Clerico Cleric F Frisbio Frisbee Co 3434 80163OVERLAND 5 109 5 71 65 612 610 52 46 Vancamp Vance William Blauor Blur 20 40 20 40 832 DEL PASO II 5 112 3 i 32 34 31 32J 44 5n L Reiff Riff FEMcCullshCo 5655 8631 PTE PATE KITCHNS KITCHENS 109 2 14 16 i 2 66 62 Sheppard W A McConnell 12 15 12 15 8608 J OF HEARTS4 112 7n 64 74 78 725 725 710 Goodwin Godwin JHArmstrongCo30 50 30 50 8148 SUNNY 5 112 8888888 Ellis J Steppe 12 15 12 15 15Time Time 14 274 55 1 08J 1 224 1 524 2 08J 08JWinner Winner B h by Falsetto Sungleam Sunlamp SungleamOff Sunlamp Off at first break to a good start Won easily at the end second and third were driving The ride as much as anything else won for Sunburst Bloss Loss made little or no use of him the first part of the route and was only loafing in behind whilo while Pete Kitchen and Chugnut Chung were racing them ¬ selves to exhaustion He made his move at tho thou threeeighths pole and passed the tired ones in front of him as though they were tied Chugnut Chung may have been a trifle short He stopped badly the last sixteenth Double Dummy is a game horse and made up a lot of ground the last threo throe furlongs Overland deserves some attention from now on Considering the rido rio he got his race was a good one Sonny was beaten off about a sixteenth of a mile mileSunburst Sunburst place 3 to 5 show 1 to 3 Chugnut Chung place 7 to 5 show 3 to 5 Double Dummy show 1 to 2 Continued ou 2nd page 2Af Q FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 20 Yards 3yearolds and upward Selling O tiurdInd Turin J tar O Purse 400 value to winnor winner 350 10 entrance 105 to second 45 to tiurd third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St M yt StrFin Strafing Jockeys 8a83 PINAR PIMA DEL RIO 3 84 9 9 8 5i 31 12 W Jones P T Kelly 15 T5 6 8D07 INUENDO INNUENDO 3 87 Si 2U 1 n is 2 Slack Fries Mahler 8 10 8 10 81573MORONI 3 89 6 4i 41 33 2 38 Holden Olden D Waldo Weald 15 8 15 834 CZAROWITZ 4 105 4i 3 22 2 i 43 42 JMcDonaldJ McDonald S OBrien O'Brien 440 iof of 8508 MR EASTON 3 92 o 73 9 81 52 53 Gray W W Clark 15 20 15 0 8535 MUSKADINE MISAIMED 3 92 7 8 6 4 6i 6 Rose F M Arthur 15 20 15 0 8408 NAT P 5 99 3 5 S K 9 9 72 Stevens George Bering 20 0 0 50 86083GREYHURST 4 94 1 m 51 7 82 86 J Ward B Scffreiber Schreiber 322 3 r 8558 SWORDSMAN 4 105 2 62 1 6 K 75 9 Sheppard W A McConnell 12 15 I2 l 54Winner Time 13i 27 54i 1 08i 1 23i 1 50J 1 54 Winner B f by Bermuda Bettie Betties C Post CPost Post 2 minutes Start good Won handily It was a hard drive for the place As the race was run Pmar Mar del Rio was much the best She was last to leave the post and got into a b d mixup mix on the first turn Little Jones used judgment after that and did not pump the filly out He hugged the rails down the backstretch and saved all the ground possible Inuendo Innuendo looked all over a winnor winner on the far turn but when the boy reached for his whip he dropped the colts head and he naturally floundered Moroni Moronic ran a good race She stopped and came again n the stretch Czarowitz Carbonize heavily played stopped right at the end About threequarters treasurers is his best race Greyhurst Greyhounds did not run a halt mile before he blow up He is a bad horse these days Swordsman s performance was bad badScratched backscratcher Scratched Globe II 92 92Overweights Overweights Overweighs Muskadine Misaimed 5 pounds Nat P 2 Moroni Moronic 2 Pinar Pindaric del Rio place 2 to 1 show even Inuendo Innuendo place 4 to 1 show 2 to 1 Moroni Moronic place 8 to 5 SillingOw Shilling QKzf ZL SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 30 Yards 3 yearolds earls and upward Silling Shilling Ow thirdInd third JCTtr Cottar Purse S400 value to winner 350 10 entrance 105 to second 45 to third Ind Indo Horses A Wt St yt Si StrFin Strafing Jockeys Owners O R L C 8509GLENMOYNE 7 102 2K SH 35 31 3 12 Bloss Loss Foster Bros Brows I 3T 1 158o5S3TRANBY SIVX SIX SIVXTSDOVV TSDOVV 6 94 5 7 7 7 55 2 Sheppard T E Barrett Barrette 12 15 12 15 8o5S3TRANBY 5 111 7 6io 510 510 41 32 Ellis G Whitman 7 40 7 40 8580 HEIGH HIGH HO 3 84 3i 14 H 1J 1 43 J Reiff Riff Duko Duo Wishard Wished 7 7 3i 3 8556 MARZuLLA Mazola 3 84 6 28 21021222 512 Moore J Huffman Co 6 13 6 12 8o57 128o57 RAMIRO II 5 102 li 43 46 410 65 6io H Martin W H Laudeman Laundryman 2 2i 2 i 8442GOV SHEEHAN 7 102 4 56 68 612 7 7 BeauchampW Beach LandsbergCo Landlubber 8 8 5 5i Time 13 26 5J 1 07 1 23 1 5H 1 55 MoynePost Monopods Winner 55Winner Ch g by Glenelg Genteel Moyne Monet Post 3 minutes Start good Won hand ridden and out to the last ounce second and third wore driving to the limit Glenmoyne Lennon was best ridden Bloss Loss kept him up reasonably close the first part of the route but still did not worry the old gelding by trying to catch Heigh High Ho and Marzella Mazola The latter two raced far out in front early and killed each other off This was per ¬ haps one of the most peculiar races ever run Passing the half mile pole Winslow was almost a sixteenth of a mile behind the leaders Sheppard had given up all hope of winning and just let the horse flounder about as he pleased When those in front came back Winslow with a sur slur ¬ prising praising turn of speed and gameness made a strong bid and at the finish was the freshest horse in the race Those that sajv save the race from the head of the stretch c mid hardly believe that he won the place Tranby Tabby also came with a phenomenal rush through the stretch The early pace was fast and the makers Heigh High Ho and Marzella Mazola were ready to lie down in the stretch They both swerved and collided Ramiro II looked good but ran a very bad race He was eased up at the end Throw his race out entirely entirelyScratched entirely Scratched Organ Pilot 94 Official 87 Inconstancy 94 Overweights Overweighs 94Overweights Governor Sheehan 5 pounds Ramiro II 5 Glenmoyne Lennon place 4 to 5 Winslow place 5 to 1 show 2 to 1 Tranby Tabby show 3 to 1

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1898092401/drf1898092401_1_2
Local Identifier: drf1898092401_1_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800