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TURF EXCHANGE AT ROBY ROY FULL REPORTS RECEIVED BY WIRE ON ALL RACING EVENTS EVENTSSpecial Overspecialize Special trairs traits leave P F W C R B Depot Canal and Adams Streets at 1 OO and 1 4O p m stopping at Richer flvtiue filthier 41 treet street and Englt Engel wood Regular trat tract v g pm Returning at 5O5 p m f rd after ast East fore gn race Ajley Alley raceAjley traceable 1 connects with itctriccaiat intercalate 3d btr br et a a aoison caisson Lpkf Pf aoisonLpkf caisson hore chore lynch gan Egan t outhern Southern Van Buren Burn Street Depot Regular train at 12 05 p m Returning at 4 31 p m Illinois Central South Chicago Express trains connect with Rotoy Grotto BUctric Bactericide Cars at92ru Street StreetCOflBlNATIONS COflBlNATIONS Combinations ON ALL EVENTS EVENTSFare Events Fare for the Round Trip 25 Cents on all Roads FOR S A LE STUD AND STOCK FARM FARMThis Farmhouse This Famous Stud and Stock Farm is now offered at Private Sale and if not disposed of thus will be sold without reserve at the Fall Sales of the Easton Company at Lexington Ky the latter part of November It comprises 360 acres of as fine bluograss bluegrass land as there is in the State of Kentucky lying at the intersection of the Cynthiana Cynthia and Paris and Cynthiana Cynthia and Georgetown turnpikes li miles from CynthianaIt Cynthia Lair Station on the L N Railroad and four milos mils from Cynthiana Cynthia It is well watered with never failing springs pools etc with three large cisterns at the barns A good brick dwelling with two tpnant tenant houses Five barns containing eighty stalls One stallu stall n barn with suitable paddocks Twentyfour Twenty paddocks for yearlings KING ERIC AUDEAIN ANDEAN AND EBERLEE FEBRILE ARE THE STUD SIRES The Broodmares are eighty in number and include the dams of such noted Performers as AUDRAIN ADRIAN TOBY TOBYHUNTRESS ZANTIPPA XANTIPPE F F V VLELA LEILA HOFFMAN HUNTRESS HUNTRESSRANIER HUNTRESS VALLERA VALERO LELA LEILA MAY NIMROD IMO RANIERSCARF ANNIVERSARY RANIER RANGIER ROTHA ROTH FLASH MAYFLASH MAYFLIES PRINCE LIEF LEIF SCARF PIN PINPROSECUTOR INTROSPECT BEN HUR HR FLASHKRISSKRINGLE KRISSKRINGLE RISKING BOB L PROSECUTOR KASSON LASSO KRISSKRINGLEELGIN ELGIN PROSECUTORPESSARA PROSECUTOR PRINCE CARL PESSARA PRESSER JENNIE R WG ELGINWG ELGIN MORRIS AND NUMEROUS OTHER DISTINGUISHED WINN INN iRS THIRTEEN FOALS OF 1897 AND THIRTY THREE OF 1898 ARE ALSO OFFERED ADDRESS F S ASHBROOK CASHBOOK OR LARK GARNET CYNTHIANA CYNTHIA KY WILLIAM EASTON 1122 BROADWAY NEW YORK WILLIS FIELD LEXINGTON KY