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BROOKLYN ENTRIES Probabilities Weather clear track heavy heavyFirst headfirst First Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling Ind Indo Horses Age Wt I 8584 Orion 4 112 86153Handsel 3 109 8541 Tremargo Tremor 5 108 85413Maceo 4 108 81012Estaca 4 108 8584 Imperator 4 108 8573 Tinge 6 108 85842Momentum 3 107 8541 Hanlon Hanson 5 105 3094 Brentwood Greenwood 3 103 853723onsational 3 103 8541 Blarneystone Blarneys 3 101 85752High Jinks 3 101 8357 Blissful 3 98 8357 Tabouret Tambour 3 93 Second Race 1 18 Miles 3yearolds and upward Handicap Handicap8618Dr 8618Dr Catlett Cattle 4 129 85403Macy 4 118 8526 Sir Walter 10 117 85402The Winner 5 113 86182Bandball 3 111 85263Whistling Con 3 106 8573 Doggett Doge 6 99 8573 Hanwell Handel 6 95 8618 Banquo Banquet II 4 90 8573 Endeavor 4 87 85853Merlin 3 86 Third Race 58 Mile MileThe Millet The Algeria Stakes 1000 added added2yearolds 2yearolds Allowances Allowances83793Martimas 83793Martimas 122 8523 Acmament Armament 122 8538fDuke of Middleburg Middlebrow 122 86162fPrestidigitatrice 104 8616Lady Lindsay 104 8619Diminutive 104 8527Satin Slipper 104 8093 Havelock Hammerlock 107 S3293Captain Sigsbee Sighs 107 8266 Hapsburg 107 8525 Hilee Chile 107 S525 Mr Clay 107 85872Himtine 114 A H D H Morris entry J A McLaughlin entry entryFourth henceforth Fourth Race 1 11 G Miles MilesThe Mildest The Ocean View Handicap 1000 added added3jtfarolds 3jtfarolds 86182 Handball 126 8421 Bendoran Bemoan 124 i 8576 Floronso Florins 124 8540Banastar 122 8537MarthaII 119 85263 Whistling Con t 117 S5773Glonoine 107 Fifth Race Full Course CourseSteeplechase Steeplechase 4yearolds and upward Allowances Allowances7782Shillalah 7782Shillalah 4 165 8590Olindo 6 160 8426 Wood Pigeon 5 155 8198Forget 5 155 84263Royal Scarlet 5 154 8426 Plutarih Polluter 4 147 8523 Right of Way 6 140 S590 Baby Bill 7 138 Sixth Race 1 116 Miles 3yearolds and upward Selling 8460 Harry Reed 6 Ill 85243SimonW 6 109 8573 Hanwell Handel 6109 84703Ben Ronald 4 106 85733Headlight 5 101 8573 Her Own 4 101 8573 Endeavor 4 101 8585 Filament 3 95 85772Qxnard 3 95 8615 Black Dude 3 95 8524 Lady Disdain 3 87 Seventh Race 58 Mile 2yearolds Maidens Allowances 8586 Jerid Jeered 115 81692 Chapuaqua Chapeau 115 8469 Cosmopolitan 115 85892Favonius 115 8620 Dr Parker 115 6859 TipGallant Topgallant 115 8519 Spurs 115 85862The Burlington Route 115 8123 Composer 115 8586 Sol 115 74982Life Guard 115 8353 Mark Miles 115 78492Tennith 115 8469 Seraphic 116 8586 Eflie Elise Ainslie Aisle 116 85863Sister Fox 112