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iAILY Italy RACING FORM ISSUED KVEEY KEY DAY BAILT BAIT EKFLEOTION DEFLECTION OF THE AMERICAN TCBP TCP BY TELEQBAPH TELEGRAPH EACING ACING FORM PUBLISHING CO EDITOR F H BEUNELL BENELUX ASSOCIATE EDITOE EDITED C C RILET RILE 126 5th Ave Chicago 111 COPYRIGHTED COPYRIGHTEDEntered Copyrighted Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1898 by Frank H Brnnell Runnel in the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington D C U S A AThe Bathe The chart numbers of DAILY RACING FORM sicst sic not be used They are copyrighted daily and will be keenly protected Entered in the Post Office at Chicago as sec fcad cad class matter TEEMS TEEMSFor Teems For Month 125 125Half Half Year 750 750One One Year 1400 1400iThs iThs piths above rates are for single copies as sealed letters firstclass fistulas mail mailDally mildly Dally Racing Form Publishing Co prefers to send single copies as firstclass fistulas mail in all oases oasesfbocal oases fbocal focal subscriptions outside the down town dis dais ¬ trict strict will be declined at other than first class mail matter rates CHICAGO ILL SEPTEMBER 24 1898