untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-02-05


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WE WILL GIYEYOD WINNERS After you are throngh playing cheap information come to us for WINNERS Our price is 0 00 for six days selections: but after you have had one weeks trial we will prove to you that the information is worth that much per day. Ooce a subscriber always one. Send stamp for Booklet. The National Turf Investment Co., Room 605, 167 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. WE 6AYE ALL WINNERS AT OAKLAND ....AND.... TWO ODT OF THREE AT NEW ORLEANS. NO DOUBT exists in the minds of ourpatrons and those who received our information yesterday, as to our ability in giving THE BEST IN-FORMATION obtainable. Yesterday we gave our selections FREE, in order to dispel the doubt which same people entertain by reason of havine been duped by so-called handicappers 7 GIVE US A TRIAL. Our terms .00 per week. Ready or wired at 11 a m. The Gulf-Pacifie Track Exchange, 263 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. ONE DAY nOREI UNTIL MONDAY MORNING ONLY OUR offer of 65 per cent, winners for .50 for three days with a guarantee to give you the rest of the week free if we fail to do so. is good until Monday 12 m. Dont fail to send or call for them as we promise you some long shots during the week that will go through sure. Telegrams and handicap ready at 10 a.m. Remember the entrance to our room is number 608. Race Track Information Bureau, Suite 608, 263 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. AHA S2.00. FOR THIS WEEK ONLY. As an inducement to all and to prove the superiority of our Handicap as a money maker, we will charge only .00 for six days, commencing aty day this week. Mailed to all available points in time for the races. Private information daily by wire. We have a few long shots coming off this week. American Horsemens Agency, I 56. 167 Dearborn St., Ckicago, III. BOSTON OYSTER ITOnSR MADISON AND 11 V U ULi GLARE STREETS LUXURIANT IN FITTINGS CUISINE UNEXCELLED ETn IeIson0 SERVICE THE BEST A High Class Modern Restaurant MODERATE kf-uaw- r PRICES

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899020501/drf1899020501_2_9
Local Identifier: drf1899020501_2_9
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800