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NEW ORLEANS ENTRIE8. Probabilities: Weather clear; track good. First Race 3-4 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses Age Wt. Hdcp. 10792 Debride 5.. ..117 745 10765Takanassee 5.... 113 740 10747JBorden 4. ...104 725 6583 Bertha Nell 4.... 105 700 10777 Maergie S 6. ...102 725 10S06 Lilian Bell 4.. ..102 750 10673Tom Toher 4. ...101 700 10765 Saratoga 4.... 99 720 10794 John Boone 6 99 .... 715 10793 Minnie Weldon 6.... 97 690 10794 Whirmantiline 4.... 94 650 Second Race 7-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. 8elling. 107652Dave S 5.. ..112 ... . 730 107583Laureate 7.. ..106 750 10789 The Winner 6. ...105 745 10782 Briggs 5. ...104 725 10737 Tonto 5.... 102 740 10368 Good Order 5. ...101 ... . 700 10770 Marie C 5. ...101 675 107582Q9nnral Maceo 4.... 101 740 105393Cpltic Bard 5.... 97 745 10535 Little Billy 7.... 97 735 10769 Hairpin 4.... 95 715 107772Nannie Davis 4.... 92 .......735 10673 Emmet Ahearn 4 92 675 Third Race 1 1-4 Miles. 4-year-oldB and upward. Selling. 10789Barataria 4.. ..112 125 107672Babe Fields 5.. ..Ill 700 10791 Gomez 5.... 106 705 10803 Atlantus 5.. ..105 715 10757Jim Conway 5 103 710 10779 Donation 6 103 710 10779 Oxnard 4.... 102 710 ?10781R. B. Sack 4.... 99 695 10767 AnnU Taylor 4.... 97 715 10803 School Girl 4.... 97 685 10646 Clifton B 4.... 97 650 Fourth Race 1 1-8 Miles. 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 10804 Clay Peynter 4 .... 113 730 10750Sensational 4. ...110 690 10768 Double Dummy 5. ...108 725 10792 Colonel Frank Waters.. 4 ...102 715 10803Elkin 5. ...102 750 10780Henry Launt 5. ...102 705 10750 Al Fresco 4.... 101 705 10779Sutton 5. ...100 720 107193Qovernor Boyd 4.... 99 690 10789Barataria 4... 97 735 10792 Locust Blossom 4.... 96 710 10792 Eight Bells 4.... 92 730 10768 Judge Steadman 7 92 725 Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 10541 John Baker 5 106 700 107702PrinceZeno 4. ...105 685 107932Sangamon 5.... 101 685 107803Tabouret 4.... 98 750 10739 Lauretta D 7.... 96 6S0 107933Pontet Canet 4.... 95 690 108032Woodranger 4.... 95 695 10757 Fleeda 4.... 95 675 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. 10712Jimp 110 685 9104 Kingrica 106 650 10801 Ned Wickes 106 690 10782Siater Fox 105 700 10718Colonel Eade3 103 685 10782 Phidias . 103 680 92812Dollie Regent 103 675 10410 Brown Vail 100 675 10754 Lizzie R 95 650 10657 Arline C 93 650