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HARLEM FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILI., July 4. Nineteenth day. Harlem Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track muddy. Presiding Judge, A. W. Hamilton. Starter, Richard Dwyer. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Q - pT pf FIRST RACE 1 1-10 Miles. Purse S400. 75 to second; 5 to third. y JL O O 3-year-oiaa ana upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St M hi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 130S92FU THOMPSON 4 106 61 4 22 23 2? Vi T Knight J B Rospass 7-5 2 7-5 9-5 12907 J. J T. 3 89 5 1 11 1 1 2 Heaton James Dnnne 6 7 6 6 13086 KING BERMUDA4 97 1" 5U 5 33 3S 33 Vitatoe J R Hand 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 13118 ISEN 5 951 4 61 63 52 4 48 Gray Thomas Costello 8 20 8 20 130652 P.THE FIDDLER 3 94 3" 32 41 4k 5 58 Dupeo G Landry 4 8 4 7 13U92SPRINGKR 3 89 7 7 7 7 61 61 Bassinaer S C Wagner 15 SO 15 30 13008 STORM QDEEN 4 99 2k 21 31 6 7 7 Nutt W Landsberg 10 30 10 30 Time, 26, 53, l:07i, 1:211, 1:49, 1:57. Winner B. c, by Linden Verbena. Off at first break to a Rood start. Won eased up; second driving hard; third hand ridden only. Frank Thompson outclassed bis company and vsas at home in the going. He had an easy race. Knight took matters easily and never made a move. He seemed confident that J. J. T. would come bac to him in the stratch, and he did The latter is a good mud horse and ran to his notch. King Bermuda could never get up. He does not seem to be himself. Outside of the winner it was a tired bunch at the finish. Pay the Fiddler stopped to nothing after the first half. Storm Queoo whs speedy, but short. Scratched 130S6GraziplId, 107; 12S77 Ray H., 103; 131543Winslow, 101; 1S025 Cordial, 100; 131542Hardly. 99; 1S050 Dncle Abb. 94; 12968 Cokuel Eades, 90; 13049 Fiatan, 86. Overweights King Bermuda. 2 pounds; Springer. 5: Isen, 41. Frank Thompson, place, 7 to 10; show, 1 to 3. J. J. T., place, 2 to 1; show, evens. King Bar-mnda, show, 1 to 3. TQ1K"jnjri SECOND-: RACECSMlie. Purso 00. 5 to secoud; ?25 to third. JL O -I O O 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St H Vs. SirFin Jocboys Owners O H L C ISOSTUNLOOK 100 2 124 H 12 li Bassinger Dowoll and Estill 8 10 8 10 I3054LOMOND 1074 31 41 4 31 21 Rutter W P Magrane 8-5 2i 8-5 21 12S023CAYIAR 100 7 74 61 62 3 Vitatoo Settlo and Co 4 8 4 8 13061 MAT HE BAZAR 97 61 5" 5 5" 4 Seaton Mrs R Bradloy 10 15 10 15 130S73FIRST PAST 105 11 23 20 22 51 Dapee WdardandAndersn2 4 2 31 1306D1IURONIA 97 5 65 71 7 61 Nutt Trotter and Co 5 5 3 3 13087 RESEDA 102 8 8 8 8 72 Gray MdltnandJgblntb 8 15 8 12 13018ERLA DOR 97 4h 3 31 41 8 A Bookor C B Campbell 8 10 8 10 Time, 121, 251, 39, 521, 1:07. Winner Ch. c, by Outlook Mattio Luck. Post 4 minutps. Start good. Won hand ridden, though out to the last oudcs; second, third and fourth wera driving hard. Inlook had the SDoad of tbe party and took a winning lsad early. He lasted the route, but the goinsr was to his liking and bo hung on better than ever before. Lomond was tho bast and would have won in a few m re strides. Ha was slow to get going but finished very strong. This fellow is noarly at his best n;w and will win at once. Caviar was bumpad and interfered with often. He cime very fast when straightened out for homo. Mattie Bazar ran a fair race. First Past quit badly when the pinch came Ho will do hotter on a fast track Huronia was anchored in the going. Throw her race out. 8cratcbed-12270Unsightly, 102; 1312l3Maharajah, 100; 130613Florizar, 100; 130242Talma. 100; Niverna, 97. Overweights Lojiond, 21 pounds. Inlook, place, 4 tol; show, 2 to 1. Lomond, place, ovens; show, 1 to 2. Caviar, show, 7 to 5. First Past, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Huronia, place, 6 to 5; show, 1 to 2. l Q -B rj THIRD RACE 3 Mies. Purae 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JLO 1 O t 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St lA in VA 1 StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 130L32BANQUO II. 6 110 5 2 1" 12 lio 120 i Clay C DeWitt 8-5 2 8-5 2 13049 MONONGAH 3 90 43S 31 3 36 31 215 T Knight MdltnandJgbluth7-5 2 7-5 2 13089 BARTON 5 107 2" 11 215 220 20 210 3s BeauchampRold and Schauer 8 10 8 9 130S93CROESUS 5 105 3 41 41 42 42 43 41 N Hill 8 C Wagner 4 6 4 5 13089 SUNBURST 7 107 1 5 5 5 5 5 5 Nutt J E Cnehing 7 7 6 6 Time, 29t, 57, 1 :27, 1 :57, 2 :26, 2 :55, 3 :55. Winner Ch. h. by Pirate of Penzanco Thrifty Post 4 minutes. Start good. Won pulled up; second driving hnrd. Banqno II. was far the best and could have won off by himself. Clay got careless and almost threw the race away. He began pulling Banquo II. up at the oighth post and MononRah naturally gained on him. Knight rode cunuingly and t-aved Monongah until the last sixteenth. Here he came with a rush and nearly got Banquo II. Barton ran a good race. Croesus and Sunbnrst were beaten off all the way. Scratchod SISOSSir Dilko, 107; 13053 Prosecutor, 106; 130863Robert Bonner, 105; 13088 Uarda, 101. Banquo II., place, 7 to 10; show, out. Monongah, place, 7 to 10; show, out. Barton, show, evens. TQ Tj TQ FOURTH RACE 3-4 MileTPurse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL O JL 1 1 O 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St M Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13052OANOVA 4 100 2 23 1" 12 12 Nutt W K Cleveland 5 5 24 21 12803 HOB ART 3 104 8" 9 9 31 23 Aker Benson, Watt?andCo6-5 21 6-5 21 13090 TONY LICALZI 4 921 7n 71 61 41 3 Holmes Holman and Hollis 10 10 6 7 130902MORONI 4 103 3" 61 71 5 42 Vitatos James Arthur 3 41 3 41 94012REFUGEE 6 05 9 81 81 81 52 Gray V M Lee 20 40 20 40 1K0623MUBAT 4 88 4 41 42 6" 6U Bassinger C Volini 8 20 8 20 13090 MAGGIE DAVIS 3 80 1 31 22 21 71 J Waldo W M Sloan 20 40 20 40 1288I2BONEY BOY 3 101 6 51 51 71 86 Seaton Mrs R Bradley 4 5 4 41 13025 SEilPR EADM 3 88 5 11 32 9 9 T Knight F B Harpor 6 15 6 15 Time, 13, 25i, 521, 1 :061, 1 :20l. Winner B. c, by Cannon Bdlla of Hootou. Po3t 6 minutes. Start perfect. Won cleverly ; second, third and fourth driving hard. It was a good handicap. Canova, fresh and good, was fortunate and nicely ridden. Nutt hustled the colt to the front oaily and took uo chances. Hobart had all tho bad luck in tho race. Con-pidoriog this, his performance was an extra good one. At the start he was in a pocket and could never get out. Aker was obliged to take him up on tho far turn and run all around the other horses. He finished strong. Tony Licalzi saved a lot of ground by skinning the rails on the btietch turn. Mor. ni took the longest ronto. Refugee, considoriug it was his first start for some time, ran a nice raco. Semper Eadem was ussd up early, Boney Boy ran a bad race. Mark Maggie Davis iu slower company. Scratched 13069 Richard J., 118; 13029 Meddler, 118; U3027 Hugh Penny, 103; 12536Flora Louise, 103; 13090 Sim W., 102; 130523Etigenia Wickes, 98; 1223720Connell, 121. Overweights Refugee, 31 pounds; Tony Licalzi, 21. Canova, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Hobart, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Tony Licalzi, show, evens. - "I pr Q FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 50. 00 to second; 0To JL O JL f 9 J third. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St jj A StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 13083 JOHN BAKER 5 100 5 31 21 21 1" V Nutt J D McMillan 5 9 5 8 13088 BRANCH. . 4 97 2 2111" li 2H 22 Vitatoe C E Mahone 31 4 31 16-5 130513WHAT ER LOU 5 108 1 5 4h 3 3 312 Rutter J McCaffery 1 13-101 6-5 13026 NKWSGTUERR5 97 4 11 3a 420 420 40 Gray B E Curl 4 7 4 7 129622CARL C. 3 90 3" 43 5 5 5 5 T Knight T G Calvert 5 7 5 6 Time, 26, 53, 1 :07r, 1 :21, 1 :49, 1 :54h Winner Ch. h, by Seguin Lula Baker. Off at first break to a good start. Won easily. The next two were doing their best. John Baker, with a lot of weight off, was at home in the going and ran an extra good race. Ho is a fair horse and can do equally a3 well on hard ground. Nutt rode a good race, saving ground on all the turns. Branch was contending all tbe way. He swung very wide entering tho stretch. What or Lou does not seem to bo at his best. He was hard ridden all the way, but could never get up. Newrgatheror ran below the mark. Throw his race out. Carl C. was sharply cut off by What er Lou 011 the far turn and obliged to pull up. Scratchod 13009Tho Devil, 105; 129362S9rrano, 100; 130882Tenby, 100; 1308SAl Fresco, 100; 131522Brigade, 90; 1315S2Hobart, 90; 13152 Jolly Roger, 90; 12193Latch Key, 90; 13158 Boney Boy, 87. John Baker, placo, 21 to 1 ; show.out. Branch, place, 4 to 5 ; show, out. What er Lou, place, 1 to 2; show, out. 1 Q1 d wrXTHRAi:E 2 Miles. Purse 00. 5toBecond; 5 to third. 3-year-olds 1 O 1 0 and upward. Selling. led Horses A Wt St hi m VA l?i StrFin JockeyB Owners O H L O 13050 GEORGE LEE 4 99 2" 50 510 4 450 30 1 Vitatoo A J Wallace 6-5 7-5 6-5 7-5 12653 TEUTONS 3 931 4" 21 22 21 11 P 23 Flick T E Barrett 10 10 4 4 12882 MR. EASTON 4 99 51 41 310 1h 28 2 320 A Booker W W Clark 8 10 8 10 12882 BARRIER 3 82 3" 31 42 31 32 40 4100T Knight L D Hall 6 10 6 10 13050 JACK MARTIN6 1061 1 13 12 550 550 550 SiooVancamp E S Russ 8 10 8 10 130i0iBENAMELA 6 104 6666666 Hahn Holman and Hollis 2 3 2 3 Time, 30, 581, 1 :30, 2 :00, 2 :28, 2:581, 3 :5i. Winner Br. g, by St. George Levee. . Off at first broak. Start good, Won in the hardest kind of a drivo; second and third were drivinsr also. George Lee gamely got up in the last stride, but was very lucky to win. Teutons was undoubtedly tho bost. Flick was so tired that he could not help him at all when the pinch came. George Lea was niiely ridden. Vitatoo placed him well and came with a rush at the ond. The geHmg swerved a furlong out but not enough to cause any damage. Mr. Easton raced well. His game is a route and heavy going. Boaamala ran a bad race. He showed no speed and was baten off all the wny. Jock Martin was so tirad that he almost fell in the stretch. Scratched 12400 Royal Choice, 107; 13050 8ue Noll, 102; 13119 D. P. McCarthy, 85. Overweights Teutons, 21 pounds; Jack Martin, 21. Geqree Lee, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Teutons, place, 7 to 5; show, 1 to 2. Mr. Easton, show, 8 to 5. Benamela, place, ovens; show, 2 to 5.