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HAKLEM ENTB1ES. Probabilities: Weather cloudy ; track heavy First Bace-5-8 Mile. 2-year-olda. Soiling. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. 13061 Eschschollzia 118 670 131212 Prostome 118 090 131173Baird 118 650 130JS Creation 118 665 13121 Phallas 118 685 129333Rcdi 118 ......670 12934 Biedenweg 118 625 13006 Lovable 115 ......675 Mpjor Mausi-, b. c, by Eothen VolauVont 115 13122Azua 115 7C0 12878 Etta 115 675 12880 Ailoen Wilson 115 665 12901 Fannie Leland 115 655 13048 Ibinhere 115 660 Second Kace 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 131202Frod Barr G 116 650 131592Branch 4. ...Ill 700 12978 Boanerge3 5.. ..106 725 129693Del Paso II 6.. ..101 715 13052 Terrapin 8.. ..101 600 12774 Jersey Lad 5.... 98 625 130302 Window 6.... 98 695 13027 Leoncie 4..,. 96 655 12937 Ratnona 7.... 96 685 Third Raco 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 12930 Albertvalo 5.. ..114 665 12976 Lucky Star 5.... Ill 695 13029 Meddler 8.. ..Ill 745 11019 Montgomery 6.... 109 750 13150rlanan 3.. ..100 700 12762 Overami 3.... 98 650 13090Paulino J 3.... 93 735 Fourth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 13063Deering 104 715 12803 Hobart ..104 725 13119Charlo 99 .665 58013Owyhee 99 675 131193Lime Water 99 695 13065 Heroics 96 670 130C0 Defender II 96 680 12809 Maymo M. M 94 675 Fifth Race 4 1-3 Furlongs. 2-year-olds. 8elling. 13121Dick Furber 10S 690 13156lnlook 108 700 13117 Solace -....105 655 13087 Chief Farroll 103 660 Microscope 103 Fidel Youliu 102 13117 Fly Lotta 101 670 13117 Zeriba 100 680 12977 Rosa Diah 100 680 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 4 -year-olds and upward. Selling. 130862Molo 4. ...109 720 13120Maceo 5.. ..105 750 12978 Musfcalongo 6.... 105 695 12953 Bon Jour 4. ...104 695 13158 Miirat 4.... 103 660 13158 Moroni 4.... 102 710 13160 Jack Martin 6.. ..102 650 13029 Pitfall 7. ...102 640 13118 Roi Gidd 4....100- 670