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Daily Racing Form in San Francisco. ReaderB of Daily Racing Fokm in San Fran siico can get the paper regularly from Foster and Ornar. Ferry Building, foot of Market Street NOTICE. Daily Racing Form is a publication which la built by its staff from day to day. Its "form" and the numbers of its charts are copyrighted, The chart numbers are so arranged that legal identification is easy of proof. The selections and handicap figures attached to entries are arranged on the same basis. The latter come from the work of four experts after the tele, graphic receipt of charts and entries. All persons are warned not to use said chart or index numbers, selerr!rr or handicap figures. Leighs Portable Stalls. Cheap, Safe, Sensible, Comfortable. OWNERS gMr furnishthem froo f cost to you. I lilS 1 Is llllll E They dont defaco tho car when ad- hrTfcsss pandffcpyL! g:s fwjv 3 Justed and can bo Bet up in thirty l?ffiTTf feJmaj rff7R ,, frfy, f m inn tea for any number of horses to g m "9 i press companies can procure thorn l5jSjjjlf fejSpgiW gT I THOS.- fAcFADDBN, Mgr.k jSjS 628-630-e32 East Front Stroo. WVf IrWU Cincinnati, o. mmifmmmkmi