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GOSSIP OV THE TDBF. A call has baen issued for a meeting of the American Association of Breeders of Thorough, bred Horses to be held at the Hoffman House, New York, August 24, at 10 a. m., for the purpose of formulating ruleB and regulations for the government of the associati m. The formation of the association wai the outcome of a meeting of tha most pnminent breeders in America hold in New York on June 22. General W. H. Jackson was elected president, L. O. Appleby, vice-president, and O. H. Chenault, secretary and treasurer-. Mr. W. T. Samualson, manager for Captain S. S. Brown of Pittsburg, Thursday afternoon shipped to La Grange, K$ , seven yiarlings belonging to Captain Brown which have ben broken at the Todhunter place near ILexington Thy will be handled at C ipiain Browns farm near La Grange and be put in training next wia r. It is pleasant news to all interested in the turf that Cdptiin Browns c jlors will return to thB raccourse text season. In a idition to this richly brid bunch of yearlings Captain Brown has some two-year-old3 at N-iwport, and -will b ly additioaal yo irlings this fall. Following is tie lot shipped Thursday: Brown cilt, by Troubadour ienorita: bay co! t, by Trouba dour Euk nia : brown filly, by Troubadour Suibeam; bay fil y, by Troubadour Matinee; chstnut filly, by Troub idour Sunlight; bay colt, by Bine Wing Viola; brown filly, by Hanover Josie H. The Thoroughbred Record. Up to and including last Saturday ownors whose hoists bad won fur them ,000 or more at the St. Louis meeting wtr as follows: Owners. Woi. Onors. Won. J W Schorr and S- nS15,747 OCM fiht 9,493 BarnsandWairhto 9,428 JCO.h 7,673 AC n 5 590 Geo. 5 B-nnett. 4.981 i JSOBiei 4,59 W s Rt geri 4 321 J H SlcAvoy 4 220 M andJmp. y 4 119 J. hn Huffman.. 3 360 B rchrt-ibe-.... 3 20 1 1 KehandPt n. 3 074 H L J-ne and Co 2,823 PTom insoiandCo 2.767 CVa Sm diford 2 7-50 W WDar-ea ... 2.737 C -sat Yoong.. . 2717 Arthur and eitark. 2 573 0 A T 1 es 2,409 M S Hu;fes 2,26 J F Fog ... . 2,200 William Mulkey. 2.i8-5 J H Gr ffi and Co 2,173 Thomas ayers.. 2 Ib2 Leigh and Jordan. 2.146 TJ Morale 2.083 WWrdandtfckur 2,045 Talbot Bro 2 000 7 lie jockeys credited with twelve or more winning monnts were: J.ickys Mounts lt 2d 31 unD T Burns 249 77 41 37 91 Houck 253 42 30 36 145 Conl-y 2u0 3S 30 23 104 Jenkins 150 35 20 22 73 Kiosc 2.7 34 42 45 126 Tnnrpo 102 33 27 17 25 McJ yt 195 32 29 38 96 S uttiard 270 31 42 50 147 Vaaio- 109 24 23 23 39 j Domhick H5 23 17 9 66 Piggott 96 21 17 12 46 Huluen 103 16 21 21 4i Lines 97 16 8 16 57 Gilmore 105 12 18 18 57 J The Chysnthemum, a handicap for two-yea -olds, ,103, one mile, is to bb run next Saturday, the clo-ing day of tLe St. Louis meeting. The weights for tne stake are to ba announced three dajs pi ior to the race. Among the probible starters in the stake are Deveric, Special Notice, Duke of Melbourne, Verdinst, Sidbow and John Millin George Bennett made seven entries to the stike but be failed to nominate Capron, the best two-ytar-old in bis stabl-. J C. Cahn also made an entry to the stake, but overlooked Thrive, who would doubtless be a I ard horse, to beat in tha stake, if be was o ig b!e to start. The Conqueror is in the stake, but his trainer, Paddy Tomlinson, states that the colt is not within a month of a rocs. All the Schorr colts, including Sam Pnillips, F. W. Brode and Greenock, ara eligible, but the stable ia at tfa atoga. Schorr won tha Chrysanthemum last year with Sea Lion, and the year before he also captured it with Lieber Karl. The following namss nave been registered with Messrs. Weatherby in El gland for American bred yearlings: by Marcus Daly Admiral Dewey II., for ch. c, by Tammany Wojd Violet; Nainsook, for ch. c, by Montana Peticoat; Glenvarlcch, for ch. c, by Invo nesB j Missoula; Frankfort II., for b. c, by Hanover Lady Reel; Gold SpiLner, fir b. c, by Gold- finch Red Spinner; Emp r no, for ch c, by I The P-pper Cockornoney ; Protege, ft r b. f by Tammany Benefac ress; Debater, for b f, by j Russell Contradicti n; Golden Grain II, for ch. f. by Han vor Fleui aOr; Cieteiciau, for ch f, by GoldfiLch La TrHppe. By W. OB. MacDoLough Bo u Ormi nde, for ch c, by Or-moade Miss Brnmm-1. By Rnesell Monrj Fireball II, for b. c, by St. Blaise Kiik. By Lord Pt-nrhyn Lincoln Belle, for ch, f, by Great Tom Guildean ! Fo t Union, the two-y- ar-dd by Abana Miss Maud, that carried C C Maflit.s colors to the front at the Fair Grounds one day last week, was bred by Mr. M1D t, who owns the youngsters dam. Miss Maud cost 2,000 as h ye rlin, and thats the most the St. Louis horseman ever paid for a yparling. Mi83 Maud is by Uhlan Barbiry Her dam, Barbary, haB thrown a number of g oi performers. Mis Miuds third foul is the three-year-old Osage, by Backmaster. Osage was a g aod looking youugst-r in the spring of his two-year old form, and promised to develop into quite a racii g tool, but be was taken sick with catarrhal fever before he could be gotten to a r ca and has been of no account since. Mr. Maflitt k6eps bis broodmares at J. D.LncaiGooiloid stud,inSt. Lonisc unty. Miss Maud and Lncille Manetta have be nquar-tertd there since their r-cirjg days were over. Lucille Manette has bad tbr e ioals Her first foal nver amounted to n thing, but hfr s c-ond produce, "anrobfrt, by Doctor Hasbrouck, although s ill a maiden, has run several fair ra ej, aud may earn bis oats as a ihrre-year-od. Lucille Mnnettes produci last year was a bay Lilly by Foul Shot. She is one of the fiaost-lookinv yeariings at the track end promises to make a good two-ytar-old. St. Lonis Republic. Of soma features incident to the r-ciug at Saratoga last Saturday the Morning Telagraph i ays : j 4-Of no little interest was the announoampnt made lata in the afternoon that juckeys Martin and Turner had bean saspeded for tha balance of the meeting Martin was punished b cause of Alleged bet ing transactions, and a man by the name of Speabm in, who it is said a:: tad as hi- commissioner, was warned off tne turf The sentence against Turner was based on wbat the stewards believed to have been soma bad riding earlier in the moating. This official action is of mora significance than appears on the surface. It is the outcome of a ra her stormy session of the stewards of the Jockey Club held last nicht at the United States Hotel, at which were present August Balmont, James R. Eeene, Andrew Miller and F. R Hitchcock. The discussion waxed very warm as to Martin and Turner, and there is some doubt as to whether these riders will ba reinstated at the New York fall meating. "TtiO same source of information from which the above came is authority for the statement that the stewards decided to put an end to time batting, and that they have under surveillance a select bunch of trainers end jockeys, including some uf the western division, whom the stewards think neei official attention."