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g 1 1 1 1 1 1 t c 1 j , , , j , j 1 7 J I 1 , , , 1 1 1 SARATOGA FORM CHART. SARATOGA, N. Tc August 21. Twenty-third day. The Saratoga Association. 8ummer Meetiiig. Weather clear; track fast. Prf siding Judge. Joseph J. Burke. Starter M. Byrnes. - I ottciuK nutria at 1 :3U p. in. j 111 FIRST RACE 3-4 aiilo. Puree 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Mares, X. ti: JL O -tQ Q Al-owances. ; q Horgea A Wt at H Yt . BtrFin Jockeys OwnorB O. -11 li u 13851 MUUTO " 4 ICS 2 2 21 21 H Mbher P J Miles 3-5 1 3-51 14123 NEARi ST 4 108 5 53 52 3i 26 biecer CZimmeiman 3 4 3 .31 14u71 MlSs oOAK 4 108 3 4n 4 4h ands J L,aly M J Ualy il5- 20 10 10 11U71 CURFEW 4 108 6 6 6 5 42 Richaida P U Hume 50 80 50 80 14047 Pit. JdAhGARET 6 108 1 l2 11 1NS 5 Clawson M Country 55 4 4 14071 5. nOUT WELL 5 118 4 31 3 6 6 Michaels F D Beard 50 110 50 100 Time, I2i, 24i, 37, 51. 1 ;02i. 1 :15i. WinLer B. f, by Volante Ma-rt. Pot4mluulei. f ir. Won eatily. Marito and Princees Margaret beat the others two lengths at th stt.rk. Marito wa best nd ha pleniy iu reserve. Nearest iaa well hS also did Mjso ooak. who closea s.iong. PtincosB Margroi shovkeu Oail spee, Dat quit in tha etrbtch. Sauie SjUHiv. el. la 01 nu account, che iaa auuv utt tlighily o iLe tr turn. Marito, plce, 1 to 2; ehow, out. Neatest, place, 6 io 5: snow, 3 to a. Miss 8oak, show, 7 to 5. Princees arbaret, place, 7 toand; show, 3 to 5. SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 2-year-oldB. Fillies. Allowances. 1 4- 1 "li iuu nuratiB A Wt St M Yi X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C , 117212 ANN A BAIN 104 1 Hi 12 12 114 T Burns Baker-Gentry 8-5 8-5 6-5 6-5 li4067LAY MASaEY 119 5 54 54 41 4 oLery G ir tiiU 2 4 2i 3 ldiOl nEahDA 119 4 6 6 6 bpe-cer Mart iiJ6bluth5 10 4 8 LA iUat.A II. 114 6 2a 21 21 41 MLer b Dunioru Son 2 4 8-5 4 I40i7 OlIMjA 104 2 3t 3a 3i 51 Liawson J 1 cmiih 10 15 12 12.: 11067 El,3X!. sKIP 101 3 7 7 7 t3 Garngan M f Sbtepiienaon 20 30U.-U bOO 11338 uKlLNud 104 7 41 4b 5 7 bulla au AUQrbnandW dfrG6 10 5 10" Time, 12, 24, 36i, 49i, 1 :0ii. Winner Br. f, by Kingston Laura W. c-Post 8 minmes. Start bad. Won duving. Anna Bain got off running, which gave her the race. Lady Mstey cloted strongly anuwoUia hwVO ou with an even brook. Koaoua. ran a good raca. L-Toccali ru Well lor a ua.t miie. Gieeting shonea a lot of opeau in the, as the was prucucal.y ltt and uaue up mucii giouna. bLrdichau i404u2i:lamoia, 109. Anna uain, piaca, 1 to ; auw, out. Lady Masey, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 4. Reseda, show, to 5. a TofcCa XI., place, 7 to 5; snow, 3 to 5. "j fj THIRD ttAOlfi 1 1-16 miles. Pmse00. 3-year-olds and upwardTSelling. .- orstB A Wt Bt li Yt H. BtrFin Jockeys Owpers O H L O " 14123 MARIII 4 111 3 5 5i 5 3f W T Barns H Sarudino 6 8 6 6 14i2j2EdlAUA 5 116 Z 21 3a 3 11 24 Tri E Bowa 2 4 2 21 14.4.3 UAUf 7 103 5 41 42 4 i 21 3 Muher WMBurrick 1 7-5 1 7-5 I4i0 LE-iN DO 3 91 4 31 21 la 46 4 Waerstrd M L ttayman 4 4 .3 3 - 13434 DOMINEER 3 91 1 11 la 21 5 5 Cogawoll Gloya and Co 12 30 12 30 Time, 121, 25, 371, 50, 1 :03, 1 :17, 1 :421, 1 :48. Winner Br. f, by Hindoo Mary McUovtan, Fust 12 minutes. bUrt g.ou. vVon easily. Matiti showed quite an improvement in form. She held the ncld ntxtu all the way. Estacu aud Sunup both tan their races. Domieer ran well for five tuilongs. JJomiour iuterfEred with Leando on the first turn, bcratche- 141682 bedrest, 106. Maiiti, uiate, 8 to 5; sho,2to5. Estaca, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 4. Sunup, place, 2 to 5 ; show, out. Lejii-o, piace, evens; show, 1 to 4. . FOURTH-BACB-3-4 MiieTPutse 0672.jear-oldsr-HandicaK : J md jIora"es A Wt St and Yt . StrFin Jockeys Owners U H L C 14146 LIEUT. GIBSON 122 6 41 4 2a -H OJLeary Baker and Gentry 8-5 2 8-5 2 14.973UOL. ROOSEVELT 1.0 9 9 8 7 21 8imms G E Smith 4 6 3 3 14U45 ClAlitS 10i 8 11 1" 11 31 McUue Ed Kelly 30 30 20 20 14100 TARH1LL 117 2 51 51 3a 4 bullman E W Purser 6 8 5 8 14015 AN GL IS 109 1 3a 3a 5 52 Clawson Byaney Paget 12 15 10 15 14070 POSr HASTE 115 7 6 6 6 6 J Hill O L Richards 20 40 20 40 14146 SIDNEY LUCAS 125 4 2a 2a 4a 71 Taral Thomson Bros 6 6 5 6 li070 PASlG 107 5 7 7 8 8 Spencer Geore J Long 15 15 12 12 1388-2EST1LL 118 3 8 9 9 9 flaher J D smitu 4 10 4 8 Time, 121, 24i, 491, 1 -.021, 1 :15. Wlnnpr Br. c. by G. W. Johnson Sopuia Hnrdy. Po.t 8 minuteB. Staitgood. Won urmng. Lieutenant Gibson has a rough journey, being shut out and interfered with several times. Colonel Roosevelt ran a grnu raoe. He broe last several bngtbs back and could not get through until the last furlcng. Estill ran a poor race. Pest Haste ran well from whore be got off. Scratched 139312Prestioiitator, 122; 14009 Precursor, 119; 140372Mynheer, 116. Lieutenant Gibion, place, 4 to 5; Ehow, 1 to 3. CoionelRcosevell, place, evens; show, 1 to 3. Ciales, show, 4 tol. 1 A 1 f7 4 FIFTH RACE Short Course. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. X b J- I J Allowances. Steeplt cbase. lnd. Hortes A Wt St 4 8 12 16 Fin Jockey Owner O H L C 139773ARTICLE 5 134 4 14 115 115 115 110 Collins F D Beard 4 4 3 3 139H72 RED HACKLE 4 138 2 32 230 225 240 240 Sprague B F Clyde 6 8 6 8 13868MR. DUN LAP 9 147 7 4 3 3 3 3 Soutnwood F H Penniston 3 4 21 31 127-7SPOPOLI3T 6 140 1 210 Fell. Moxley MJMaloney 12-512-511-511-5 141013Bs,CKY ROLFE 5 131 5 Fell. Dayton J Josepbson 12 40 10 40 13762 THREE FORKS 8 141 6 Fill. McAuliff E W Purser 8 10 6 10 9854MR 8TOFFEL 4 132 3 Fell. J Johnson ELandRWSmith4 5 3 5 Umitte 1 from -ntres Time, 4:011. Winner Ch. g. by Rossington Bstsy Brosck Post 2 minutes. Off at tha first break to a ood start. Won easily. Article had only to gallop uiider restraint to beat Red aacale. Mr. Duulap was possibly reserved for another aay. Becky Rolfe was remounted, but although she finished did not cover all of the course. Corrected weights Red Hackle, 138. Article, pla e, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Red Hackle, place, 3 to 1; show, 8 to 5. Mr. Dnnlap, snow, 3 to 5. Populist, place, 4 to 5; show, out.