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Bally Racing Form in Sn JTranoleco. Boaders of Daily Baoing Fobk In Ban Fran-aiaco can get the paper regularly from Foster .4 Oraandr, Ferry Building, foot of Market 8treet. AMERICAN RACING RULES OF 1899. The 1899 edition of the American Bacing Bales, published by Secretary E. C. Hopper of the American Turf Congress, iB out and can be ssnt by mail to any address from this office for 25 cents. The book contains the racing rules as amended to January 1, racing Colors as registered and betting rules, and a digest in index form which is a guide to all the books contents THE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL The American Sporting Manual of 1898 is on general sale. It is a record of the turf, billiards, pugilism, trotting, pacing and all the leading lines of BDort up to January 1, 1899. All the matter within its pages have been compiled and edited by experts. It prints a list of all the turf and track records by Daily Baoing Fobks staff, billiard fig-nres, past and present by John Thatcher, the fights of 1898, with comments by George Silor harness records to date and of the past by John Hervey, the statistician of The Horse Boview and three handicap tables, with directions for their application and expert comment. The Manual, in paper covers, eells at 30 cents and in soft morocco covers at. 50 cents. 50 PR CENT WINNandRSOR MONEY REFUNDED- We still hold to our fo mer offer of naming 50 per cent winn-r n our ms-acos to onr clients or we BEFDND YOD YOUR MONEY-W hive the winner in the FUTUK1TY NEXT SATURDAY and the price -gainst it "ill b LONG. We you th" winners of ALL I HE CLASSICS -iHIS YEAR AND v ILL GIVE YOU THE WINNER OF THE FUTURITY brtsides several GOOD TR1NGS AT HXBLEM AND SARATOGA THIS WEKK f r 0.00 for six days selections Messag-a and telegrams ready by 11 h.iii Send stamp for booaleu Trie National Turf Investment Uo.t Suite 605, 16? OearOorn St., Chicago, 111. MR. BELMONT, Belmont Turf Advisory Bureau, Suite 503, 31 Quincy btreet, Chicago, lt. Dear Sir: Yonr tips by PoBtRl Telegraph trday wero-simpl wondeifni. You sent mo eight horses seven on and the eighth horse ran .econd. The Devil won3iol. Woihurst won 2t tol-Alpeu 4 to 5 won. Caloncan ran second. M n-tanus won 4 to 5. Kodak won 4 to 5. Miss Bramble won 6 to 5. Barnsio won 7 to 5. You have siutme 37 winners oat of the 42 horses last tent. Wiehing yon every success imaginable I remain Yours sincerely, Signed A. E..ANTISDEL, Max-vrell Hoube, Nashville, Tenn. Angust 18. 18y9 Tree copy of letter. AUCTION SALEI A m- RSKS IN TKA 2CING AT HAitliiiU P DUOCU, SATURDAY, AUG 26, 99 AT 12:30 O CLOCK SHARP. Property of Tony Lica zi: AL FrtEtiC O. b. c. 4, by Kolns Gladiola. DONNA RITA, b. m, 5, by S-. Bla se Active. LADY ELLERSLIh II , cn. m, 5, by Knight of. p;l e slie Little Minnie. BIRD R, b c, 4, by Imp Older Miss Faxon. GALILEO, ch r, 4, by Strainmer Skjl gut. KO Ul IA. b. f, 3, by Bfitannic Po nmst. CON USSA b. 1, 2, b Lo xtus F ai-e HOP SCO 1 C a , br. b, 3. i y Hauuvei-Glon Belle.. NAlLEtl, br c, 3. b Bolvidort Mies Nailer. , b. f. 2. by H um o La Enn-rali a. . b. g, 2, by Bntkm st bast Da. , cU. f, 2, by F nso Americau B auf y. Under the Management of Clem Creveling;