untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1899-08-22


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JCIE FORM BOOHS AR15 READY. The paper and leather covered volumes ol Monthly Racing Form, containing all the charts, from Juno 30 to July 31, inclusive, are ready foi delivery. In papor, ; in leather, .50. The book is a large one and the supply limited. RACING FORMS ftJfcXKCTlONS. Daily Racing Foem has no private information. It seeks none. Its calculations over the horses as they are grouped daily at various racetracks are purely those of general performance and ability as shown by the records and the application and knowledge of its editors and the reports of its correspondents. These calculations are printed daily. Nothing is hidden. All that the staff of the paper knows is put into type. If the selections made nightly are sought by persons outside the daily delivery lines of the paper they will bo sent by Western Union night rate messages collect at per track per week. Such service is not solicted, but if it is considered valuable, will be performed. Goodwins - lOin qTH OFFICIAL Turf Guide YEAR MORS COMPLETE THAN EVER, A VALUABLE ADDITION MADE. A Form Table to Each Event which shows ezact position of every horse which was either 1st, 2d, 3d or 4th at each Quarter pole, also positions at start. Im portant notes added when required. Events reported from all parts of the country and Canada. Issued too 1st and 15th of every month. PRICE 60 GTS EACH For sale at all principal hoteh, newsstands, racetracks and publishers office, QOODWIN BROS., ALL THE TURF NEWS PERFECTLY EDITED.., Daily Racing Form TOR SHEETS AND ENTRIES EXPERTLY INDEXED TELEGRAPHIC CORRECT, CONCISE, COP1ELY TRAINING NEWS A SPECIALTY OFF OUR OWN PRESSES BEFORE THB CHICAGO DAILIES OVERNIGHT POOLING SUBSCRIPTION PRICES: ONE MONTH - - .29 j ONE YEAR - 4.0 SIX MONTHS - - 7.50 1 Ssnt as First-Glass Mandil Ssandltd Lstttr. ...124-128 FIFTH AVENUE CHICAGO... ISMSLgS moiA ST LOUIS ON THE WABASH Barney Schbeioers mopel rAtm, TUB CHOICEST OF AUSTRALIAN BLOOD. FOUL SHOT BY MUSKETSLANDBR. 2 rr . Ithurisl...... ........... J Touchstone, byCamsl, 2 n-ccjjbow i i Verbema. by Yeloclped 2 Ulre ot Feu da Jo!. Miss Boyc. .. .... i Catton. by Golumpua. 215" Tranbys dam by Orrllls 3 k , . Pantaloon......... I Caetrel, by Boezard, 5 u I o LLeisrdRCJEln, T CctrwiishM Idalla, by Pernrian. a 6 . " , ?Deooy Filho-da-Pnta,by fiphskii . ,p" 08 FinesBO, by PeruYian. I-S trTO Kalbonme i Hnmphrey Clinker.byGaMi - i g"2 rWeai lnitiialiRa .... i CerTantes1 mare. 5 ch 1 Darby aad 8t, Lcssr .. Moirerina,, Tonchstono, by Camel, 1 S-aol . I Emma, by Whisker, j S afi L Q Camel M j Whalebone, by Waxy, 1 g -g Urowail8?ot. fBalimmaro. g, 15 Danghtaroi........ jBrntandorf.by ?Mrs.CricltahnkB,byW!lhsi Blasiloak. 3 f . . , j- Candnteon X Waxy Popa, by Waxy, i lOMSTsandat ClEr-ortsd.. I Castauia. by Johanna, 4 a j CHamblatonia 1 Btamford,byPlenipiBH8r? ! ! ,5 1 , f Harmonioa,byHmbl8JfiB .. S L J Tros Impcrisdw.... Priam, by Emllins. ICassaadra. ? Ally, by Partisan. 2 u J Alio3Grey 3 Sons Emigran byPionaj 2 wJ . ? Kninare,by YotmaGohaM c o , ,rn. TheColocal. r, hisker, by Waxy. T tJ1. 2, 5 "S fv-ay-a-pifc ilDipoTid. I f Delpini mare. 3 03 y j SlsW to CR5tes..... Sultan, by Bella, 3 5 i iDcehess of Ycrk, by Wmj 5 LBeUBsaa JVprbosa. 5 C Sophia, jSkilhlnda. ,t - . ISallieBrau. BmmY schfteiOEfi. BRIPGcETQN. MQ.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899082201/drf1899082201_4_2
Local Identifier: drf1899082201_4_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800