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AGAIN AT HABLEV. "Back to Harl m ant gad to get hero again," is what could be heard at all corners of the grounds yesterday. It seems that many of the regulars had a disastrous two-weeks recently at Hawthorne, and they have temporarily soured on the baautiful Cicero course. Notwi hstanding it was Moniay, and a blue one at that, it was surprising to sae the number of people that went to viev the race. Still theprgiam o Lined by Secretary Nathanson. was well bilanced and drew out man; good horses. With such an inducement, the Chicago racegoing public will turn out, n nutter what dav of the week it is oi hjw stormy or hot the day may ba. Thrive, J. C. Cahns Top Gallant EJmira c lt, ran a grand race in the secoad eve it of the day aud demonstrated that he is as good, if not better than any of the two-year- jIIs in training at tha local tr ick. H i did nat ca ry much weight, only 99 piunds, bet consiiering the rough journny he had and the way in which ha won and also the time, the pe formance was carta inly a sparkling one. Thrive was a 1 to 2 f avorite over an ordinary lot and he appeared to be a "good thing" but those that bat on bim at that price had a sens-ition they will long remember. Eili dOr and Thrive broke in front to a good st rt both together, bnt before they had gone over 200 feet Vititi e, on Erla dOr, pull-id in on Tnriva and cjme within au ace of throwing him and Jenkins over the fonca. As is was th colt went to his kceas and for an in-stan- it looked serious for Jenkins, bat the boy displayed great nerve and fina jockeyship and. mannged to get-the colt back on bis feat again. By this time Oconee and Erli dOr w re many lergtha in front of him but h t set sail for them and by the time the stretch was reached Thrive was " n -isht" and at the eighth post he had the race in hud. Frm there home Jenkins took matters easily but even then the five furlongs was lun in l:C0i, With clear sailing and pushed to the limit Tarive would have run very close to the record. That Sidney Benders Too by is as game as steel was clearly demonstrated in the fourth event. This race was at a mile and a sixteenth and four of tha best handicap horses in the west made up the field. Serrano was the favorite at 4 to 3 and won the race rather handily but had Tenby not met with bad luck he might have beaten tbe Tomlinson cract. As it was Tnby rm a grand race, but it may b9 his last appearance for sometime. He picked up a pn e at some stage of the journey and when ha pulei rp ha waa so lame that he could hardly walk. The rock found wedged in b tween his boof and shoe, was aa big as an ordinary mans fist. From constant pressure it bad worked well up into the boof, adb forn it emd be extracted the shoe had to be t ken off. This good horse was hit in the . eye and almost bl nded the last previous time I he strted, and whan he went limping ba"k to ! the stabe with bis eye bandaged in cotton and hi f ot o sore that he conld hardly step on it be resembled the beaten figher that was "a little difgnred bnt still in the ting." Over Latch Kys win in the first race Albert Simons cleinod ud a neat sum. The last time the bii horfe star ed at Hawthorne ha could not boat n track horse, but since thpn at Harlem, so rumor has it. be worked a mile in 1:40K On the Rtrangth of this Simons bet heavily and aleo told his friends to got dovn. Latch Key I opanod at 8 to 1, went to 12 to to 1, but was backed down to 8 to 1 Fgain. Newcom rode tbo j "good thing" and handled bim cleverly. He let bim l"f nln in ts fir t rart of lio race j OOMTINOMO UM UKOUftD FAUB. AGAIN AT HABLEM. Continued from 1st Page. and then ceme with a rnsh at the end. He just got up in time to bat Andes, another "good thing" that had woiked fast, by a head on the post. Jolly Boger is. a hot horse at present. He was in the mile tbree-jef r-old race with only 99 pcunds on bis back, and after trailing the bunch to the stretch he came up on the outside when Beaucbamp got ready and in a clever way bert Tulaoe by one length in l:39i. The latter got a bad ride. Despite Plantains hard race Saturday Bradley started him right back again at nine far-longs and at 4 to 5 ho won cff by himself. This gelding is greatly improved this season. Jockey Bose stole such a long lead on Starter Dwyer in the last rece with Little Jeck Horner that the others conld never catch him, and, staggering end out to the last ounce, the gelding baiey managed to last long enough to beat Tenole, who was driving and staggering himself. Jockey Jenkins received a flattering offer yesterday from Mr. Lorillard. the owner of David Garrick, to ride that youngster in the great Fnturity Saturday next. Mr. Lorillard offers all expenses and ,500 should the colt win the rich stake.