Hawthorne Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1899-10-06

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HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. CHICAGO, ILL, October 5. Fifty-third day. Chicago Jockey Clnb. Ac tnmn Meeting. Weather cloar; track fast. i Presiding Judge, Harry Kabl. Starter. Richard Dwyer. Racing etnrts nt 2:00 p. m. 1 A liff FIHSl UAUt 5-8 Milt. Puree 00. 5 tc socona; 5 to tliira. t i-9Jf 4-ypar-olda and upward Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St H Vx StrPin Jockoys Owners O fl L C 11652 HERMOSO 4 103 4b 2W 24 1" Hi Winkfield A C Clark 6 10 6 ilT 14556 PETER MC CUE 4 106 74 3" 3 2i 23 Mitchell Thomas Caroy 3 5 3 5 14839 MABZELLA 4 99 1" 4 45 3 3i II Wilson F S Moss 21 3i 24 16-5 14747 ZUFALLIG 6 109 9 f. 61 62 4 Conley W F Schulto 50 100 50 100 148392DEL PASO II. 6 113 3 7 52 5H 51 Vanduseu F McCullongh 10 20 10 20 14604 MISS LYMAli 6 105 2" 11 1" 43 6U Dominick W Clancy 24 34 2J 16-5 14521 DAGMR 1 107 84 9 81 7h 71 i Flick John Brenock 20 20 15 15 14694 BONNIE IONE 4 100411" 10"10l 91 82 I Powell F J Stores 20 60 20 60 14747 MOREA 4 99 6 6 7 Si 9 Dugon Jamps Curl 20 25 20 25 11973 LORRANlA 6 109 5 11 112 112 ioi Hamilton J J Miller 10 E0 10 50 14694 PLYMOUTH 4 100 10 121 122 121 111 Bassin?er H Robinson 15 16 15 16 14698 THE CHEMIST 5 110 13 81 92 101 1210 H Shields J T Sto wai t ifc SonlO 15 10 15 14556 LAHN 4 103 12i 13 13 13 13 N Hill Riley and Co 20 60 20 60 Time, 12, 231, 35, 474. 1 :00i. Winner Ch. c. by Sir Modred Fidelity. Po9t 15 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second, third and fourth were driving hard. Her-nioso was well ridden, had clear sailing and plenty of speed. He cams away like a gentleman on call in the stretch. Poter McCno ran bis best race. He moved up rapidly on" the outside and at the head of the stretch sesmed to have a good chaucs, bat uuder pressure at the end ho tired badly. Marzella had no excuses. Wilson rodo her cleverly. He dropped in behind the loaders on t lie far turn end waited to the stratch before he made amove The filly ws by. this time all out and had notliing to respond with. After stepp ng the first half in 474 second?, Miss Lynah stopped. Zafallig ran a good race. So did Del Paso II. Both flnish-d stoutly. Brratcfea 14839 Depending, 99: 12805 Balk Line, 108; 14747 Galileo, 100; 13786 Momentum. 104; Billy Kentey, 109. Ove weights Del Paso II., 3 pounds; Bonnie lone, 34; Hermoio, 5. Hermo3o, place, 4 to 1; show, 2 to 1. Marzella, show, 3 to 5, Peter McCue, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Miss Lynah, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. 1 A QfVl SECOND RACE 3-4Mile. Purse 00. 575 to second ; 5 to thira. jLrtJxJ X. 2-yearolds. Allowances. lad Horses A Wt St K Yi StrFin Jockey a Owners U H. Aj U 148-9ERLA DOR 100 64 314 1H 11 1" Mitchell C B Campbell 6 74 6 74 148U I LICE TURNER 112 5" 72 4?4 6 214 Mclntyra Keith and Patten 34 5 34 5 14840 MAHARAJAH 103 4j 52 64 51 31 Da. an UaseyandCo 5 8 5 8 146l03aPRON 103 l" 4i 3 4 4" Hamilton G C Bennett 6 6 4 4 148102FLOR1ZAR 103 74 61 71 2 54 T Burns H J Scoggan 34 34 2 24 148403AVENSiOKE 113 2 2i 24 3h 6 Vandusen W H May and Son- 34 44 34 4 14811 GUSTO 103 3" 1" 5x 7 74 N Hill H L Jone3 and Co 30 80 30 80 14840 BONN1VARD 103 . 8 8 8 8 8 H Wilson J S OBrien 10 15 10 15 Time, m, 23i, 36, 43, 1:01, 1:15. Winner B. f, by Pursebaaicr Martua. Post4 minutes. Start good. Won driving har J; the n?xt four ware also under full sail. Erla dOr was lucky ana hid to be to win. Sbe was tiring fast at the eud and barely lasted long enoogb. As the race was tun Alice Tumor was the best. She had a iongh journey tbrou hout, but was rannmg groat gnus at the fiuisb. Maharajah ran a good race and finished fast. Capron was poorly ridden Fl irizir looked d tngt-r jus at the head of the stretch, bat hung at the end. Aveasioko mast have a muddy track to do his best. Scratched 14859 Zazi, 100; 14401 Felix Bard, 100; 14859 Sir Fitzhugh, 103; 148593Innova-tor, 100. Overweights Alice Turner, 2 pounds. Etla dOr, plice, 24 to 1; show, eveus. Alice Turner, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Maharajah, show, 3 to 2. Fionzar, place, evens; Bhow, 1 to 2. Avenstoke, plac3,8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Capron, place, 8 to 5 ; Bhow, 4 to 5. -I A Q"V6 THIRD RACK Short Course. Purse?400. 575 to Becond; 525 to third. JL3zJJ jU 4-year-olds auu upward. Allowances. Steeplechase. lad Horses A Wt St 3 6 8 10 StrFin Jockeys Owners U H L U f484l MARBLE 8 135 4 41 64 62 510 15 115 N Ray J Meagher 7 10 7 8 14841 TtluEci FKS8 157 5 81 52 51 4 21 2 21jRi.by B Falk 6 6 4 5 14841GLOBE II. 4 140 l andi 8 71 62 410 3 U Brien John Brenock 2 4 2 4 14841 uYPuu-lViiR 4 150 34 1"" 1 It 1 and6 412 flaeaton Thomas Carey 5 7 5 7 14841 MaNELEK 5 133 10 22 2 2 "5 55 515 Oammings J Amo 10 10 2 5 1477 UOjNER 4 125 6a 7 92 9 95 61 61 R Ford Mis SM Sexton 30 60 30 60 1440J2OLIFTON B. 4 140 74 10 10 10 10 7 7 P. rter A McCamey 4 8 4 148413 tfisL LAM Y 4 135 9n 9 414 4i 4b Fell. T Green J Desna 5 7 5 7 14841 OUROLIMTE6 148 2 3 S-j 314 3a Feil. FJJoane D A Honig 6 6 4 4i 14841 J. A.EENAN 4 123 8" 6 710 825 810 Fell. Lawless Mrs C Henry 20 40 20 40 Time, 3:091. Winner B. g, by Loag Taw Pisi. Post 7 minutes. Start good. Won eaBed up; second handily ; third driving hard. Marble came to 1 fa with a stmt and was well rid. ou. Ray rated him n.cely in a goou position all the wby, avoided all mieif rence ana maae his run at the right time. Wnen lie gave Maible his heau ttio gelaiug shut by ilia others easily. Xnioe Forks rau a guod rc.ee, considering the xoagh jouiney ho hud. OBrieu laid oat of it too long with Globe II. ana rods a geueroliy bad r.ce. Huesiou ou Gypceivcr resorted to foul tactics throughout. He bumped and interfered witu evdy h.rsa wituin reach and came naar throwing luree Foraa at one time Our Climate bad a lot 01 Syeed bat was beaten whau he fell, do was Bellamy. Menelek fenced well but stems to disliKC a route. No damage rocunoa from tb falls. M-roie, place, 3 to 1 ; snow, 3 to 2. Three Forks, placa, 2 to 1 ; show, evens. Globe II., show, 4 to 5. 1 I FOURTH BACB-I l-l Allies. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. I rdbtJvO 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. lna nmoea A Wt St and titr Fin Jockeys Owners PULP 148123KlNGBEriMUDA4 106 5" 4i 4h 4 24 li T Burns T Lica zi 1 1 9-109-10 148t503KlToOLlN 4 109 4 3 3 andc 4W 24 Contey J D Doile 5 8 5 7 1485S dISHOP nEED 5 110 24 li 12 li 1W 31 H Dhfelds W P Mdgrane 34 6 34 6 Uob76liGdARr 8 107 1" 2H 2H 314 3" 42 Flick D M Uogau 4 4 34 34 14i6uJiiLLlE W. 4 104 3 51 55 2 510 5i Mitchell W Clancy 8 20 8 20 148151 llTLK 4 114 6 6 6 6- 6 6 N Hill F Uibauski 30 40 30 40 Time, 12i, 24. 361, 49i, 1 :02, 1 :144, 1 :40J, 1 :47. Winner 3. g, by Bermuda Qaeen Isabella. Oil at thi Hrt oroak to a pertoct starr. Won easily at the enl aftor a hard early drive. King Uermuaa is in iara furm and ran a good race. Bucns rode him to perfection, too. He hogeu the tail all the way ana cams tbrouu like a shot at the heaa of the streicn. From the furiong post home King Berjuuau held the randc 3 tafe Eitholin, with a competent rider ui ran a nice race. Ho had bdu lack, or otnei wise he mtght have beun a keen contender. Bithop Reed ban a lot of epeeu. He is strictly a figut rnuner aud was u.ed up by pacemaking. Egbart was eliott. As far as he went he ran well tna ciu be maiked fr eaJy action, iill.o W. made a stroLg bid ou the far turn, bat died away iu the sire.cu. Title was outclassed andlinished where he belonged, iiiiitiuhn aiu not wear blinkers. He has worn them iu all ol his pievions races. ScraiChed H74BElidaa, 107. King hiermnaa, place, oat. Eitholin, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Bishop Read, show, 7 to 10. Egbart, place, evona; ehow, 9 to 20. 1 I f 1 1 A FIFTH RAWS 7-8 Mile. Parse54O0. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL 4t JJX: 2-jeai-olds. Selling. Ind Horace A Wt Bt M Yi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H ! c 148-9 THE RUSH 102 14 I4 114 13 1 1 T Burns J W Schorr and Son34 4 34 4 148592YOLOUO 101 6" 10" ZH 24 24 2" I Powell G W Scott 4 4 4 4 14840 THiS MONK 106 4 9i 6 5 51 314 Conley T P Hayes 5 5 4 5 14840 MAN OS1 HONOR 105 2 72 9 7t 64 43 Trotter George Kueuker 15 15 13 13 14772,-CL l.RA WOULisY 98 10" 8kkiuk 314 7 55 H Brown LHEzell 10 10 10 10 14o59 NE1TIE REGENT 99 54 4i 4 3 3" 6U H Wilson Mrs K P Shipp 15 25 15 25 14859 BasSEDA 100 8i at 52j 6 4 7nk Mitchcil E Uorrigan 7 7 7 7 14859 1SL CAiNEY 102 7 3 8 9 8t 81 Hamilton G C Bennett 12 40 12 40 14572 DINORNId 9i 9 6U 7iil8i 10 94 Domiuick o M Jdaish 12 15 12 15 14691 LuMOND 104 3 2U 2i 4 92 10 N Hill W R Griffin and Co 7 15 7 15 14tsaJ3cO.NiESSA 100 114 112 112 112 Fell. Dngan T Lica.zi 3 5 3 5 147743PHALLAS 10112 12 12 12 Fell. R Narvaez Keeue and Ryan 15 30 15 30 Time, 124, 24l , 361, 49, 1 :01, 1:14,1 :27i. Winner B. c, by Oddfellow unantress. Post 12 minutes. Start fair. Won easily; hard drive for the place. The Rash beat the barrier anu won nil the way. 1hia was by far tno bast race that The Rash over ran on lucal tracks. Yoloco hau the worst kind of racing luck. He seams to be a bad luck youngster. Shortly after the statt I13 was badly interfered with and then he maae up bis ground too rapidly. Everything considered his race was as good as the winners, Tt.e Monit made up gruuud steadily throughout and tinikhcd sironx. The ride Man of Honor not rained whatever chances he had. Clara Wooiey suffereu in the same way. rottie Regent ehowea a lot of speed. So did Lomond. ScratciiCd l47722Hoods Brigade, 102; 1478:5 Ibiiihere, 98. OveiweihU Ei Uamy, 1 punud. The Rush, place, 8 to 5 ; Bhow, 4 to 5. Yoloco, place, 8 to 5 : Bhow, 4 to 5. Tho Mo"nk, show, evens. 1ACtfK SIXTH RACE 1 Mile. Parse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. T"uUu 3-year-oIdB and upward. Allowances. ua Horses A Wt St H ft at Htr Fin Jockeys Owners o H, u U 14601 MIZPAH 5 98 3 224 21 2 13 12J T Bnrns W Rocha 6-5 8-5 6-5 8-5 148583FOUND 4 98 2 IU 12 HJ 21 i 21 Dominick John Huffmau 3 34 3 16-5 14842 ALLEVIATE 4 1044 4 4h 31 S3 3? 30 Conley W F Schulte 5 5 41 44 14844 CHERRY LEAF 5 102 64 6? 5 525 42 40 Hamiltou Tomliusoa fe Co 3 4 3 4 14858 BONEY BOY 3 92 1 S5 4i 52 525 Poiton Mrs R Bradley 10 20 10 16 14815 FIN TAN 3 92 51 5" 610 61" 6is 6" H Brown Mrs M Schwasa 15 200 15 200 7771 OMELIA 4 100 7 7 7 7 7 7 I Powotl M Rico 200 200 200 200 14857 DISER 3 97 Left at the post. Dugan MiatonandEdwards 10 15 10 15 Time, 124, 25, 38i. 49, 1:141, 1:261, 1:40. Winuer Br. g, by Faverdale Amulet. Poet 20 minutes. Start poor. Won eased up; second and third driving bard. Mlzpah bad all the best of tho weights and the rider and won as he pleased. He is in excellent form right now. Found acted badJy at the post bat eventually got a running etart. She had a world of speed but perhaps was not koyed up for a bruising race like this. Tab her from now on Allevi-ac ran a greatly improved race. Cherry Leaf is perhaps not at his best. The field was badly strung out at the finish. Dher bolted and refused to break. Overweights Omelia, 2 pounds; Alleviate, 14; Cherry Leaf, 1. Mizpah, plsce, 7 to 10; show, out. Found, place, evens; show, 1 to 3. Alleviate, show, 7 to 10. Cherry L?af, place. 8 to 5; Bhow. 7 to 10.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1890s/drf1899100601/drf1899100601_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1899100601_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800