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CHICAGO JOCKEY CLUB . HAWTHORNE RACETRACK October 2 to October 14, 1899. iiuiuiiiwwwiiiiiiniiiwiiiiiwwitfwniwiiiwHW . Six Races Daily beginning at 2:00 P.M. ADHiSSION 75 CENT5. MUSIC BY CICERO fllLITARY BAND. SPECIAL RACE TRAINS TO TRACK IN TWENTY-FIVE MINUTES. Illinois Central Trains leave depot at foot of Randolph street at :45 a.m., 12:30, 12:55, 1:15 and :50 p.m., Stopping at. Van Buren street, Park Bow, Halsted atreet and at 3hland aveaue, returning -it 4:34 p.m. and in Qdiiately after the races. Do not atop at Ashland avenue. Chicago, Burlington Quincy Trains leave Union depot at 12:15, 1:05, 1:35 and 2:10 p.m., stopping at Sixteenth street, Blue Island avenue and Western avenme, returning immediately after the races. Special Twelfth street electric cars leave State and Van Buren streets at 12:25, 12-35, 12:15, 12:55, 1:05 and 1:15 p.m., stopping only at Oanal street, Halsted street, Ashland avenue and Oden avenue, direct to track in 40 minutes. The Metropolitan and Lake Street Elevated, Madison street cable, Ogden avenue, Twelfth street and Twenty-second street surface lines connect with electrio cars on Forty-eighth veoa3. go mi tron raaetraaic everv Cvvlve minutes d uring the afternoon on racing days. Szpress trains on Metropolitan Elevated leaving Pacific Aye. at 12:59, 1:11 and 1:23 p.m., stop at .all stations on the loop and at Franklin street, Haltted stf sit and MarsbQeld avenue, reaching the racetrack in 23 minutes from Franklin street. American Sporting Fianual of 1899... COPYRIGHTED. 3 A HASSOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON . BXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT George Siler on Pugilism . John Thatcher on Billiards. F. H. Bruasll and G. G. Rilay en Raalag. Joha Htrvy Sandrkais Racing. An Official Compendium of Records. RACING, TROTTING, PACIM8, BILLIARDS AND THB PU81LISIIC BYEHTS OF 18S, :-A.NTIOAJPPII5rG JLNJy BOOKMAKTBTG TLAJBILKS. . NSW FEATURES IN THS3E LINKS TKRBE HANDICAP TABLES; WITH KIY8. Summaries by - Experts on the Past Yearn Doings, EDITED BY R. KC. BRUNELL , SO CENTS IM PAPER. 5D CENTS IN SORT MOROCCO? Daily Racing Form Publishing Co., 124126 Fifth Avenue, Chicago, III.