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LAKESIDE ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear: track elow. First Race 3-4 Mile. 2- year-olds. Selling, Ind. Horses. Age, Wgt. Hdcp. 154632 VorrisVolmer 108 665 15558 KittieG 107 675 155352Phailas 104 680 155582Microscope 101 6S0 151403Ben Chance 104 675 15558 Ocorno 104 650 15486 Ophelia 103 650 15486 intonietta. 103 665 15536 Innovator 101 700 15535 Dinornis 101 685 15083 Mattie Bazar 101 675 15558 Satnn 101 670 155333Lovable 101 695 Second Race 1 1-16 Miles. 3- year-olds. Selling. 1F445 Vincennes 103 685 155142Pat Garrett 103 670 15i642Chaucery 102 700 15487 Nailer 102 6E0 154892Maurice W 102 660 15445 Bert Davis 102 675 15487 Princess Murphy 99 650 15532 Cnuassier 98 665 15349 Owyhee 98 645 154683Highland Prinae 95 650 Third Race 5-8 Mile. All Ages. Allowances. 142713Miss Bramble 5 114 700 15RS4 Debride 5.. ..114 640 1553420Connell 8.... 114 725 15511 May Bepcb 3.. ..109 750 15491 Lhtle Jack Horner.... 3....1C9 700 15534 Georgie 3 109 720 14748 Canova 4.... 107 695 14827 Aunt Bird 4 .... 104 650 15511 Vicie Vance 5.. ..104 675 15511 Loyal Prince 6.. ..104 660 15441 Nicholas 6. ...104 670 15804 Mies Lynah 6.. ..104 690 15511 Goebel 3.... 102 705 15534 Whitelvy 3.... 99 600 155112Dnty 3.... 99 650 14043 ColoDel Fades 3.... 99 635 15488 Dr. Csve 2.... 84 625 l4883Florinel II 2.... 84 650 15558 Emma M 2 81 650 15486 Daisy 0 2.... 81 625 Fourth Race 1 1-3 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 15305 Clifton B 4.. ..100 6C0 155372Donble Dummy.. 5.... 97 710 15513 HoBi 4.... 97 625 14527 Coronatns 4.... 97 600 15537George Lee 4.... 97 725 15537 Holdup 3.... 9 650 15556 Hub Prather 3.... 89 655 Fifth Race 7-8 Mile. 2-year-olds, Allowances, 15536 Man of Honor 104 680 1653PTheMonk 104 685 15536Bonnivard 104 670 15488Brownie Anderson 101 700 15467 Lomond 98 680 16536 Allncooohee 95 625 15558 Felix Bard 95 660 15463 Fly Lotta.. 95 660 Sixth Race 1 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 15533VWalkecshaw 5.. ..123 685 155563Uarda 4. ...120 660 143253Henry Launt 5.. ..119 645 15330 Cebrillo 7 119 650 15556 Elkin 5.... 119 650 155332Ator 4. ...118 665 14317 Chicopec 4.. ..116 650 15533 Refugee 6.. ..116 660 15489 Inverary II 4.. ..116 630 15197 F Garner 5.. ..116 610 1553 Pitfall 7.. ..116 635 15285 Chauncey Fisher 4.. ..116 660 15489 Isen 4. ...116 ....:.625 14878 Animus. 3.. ..110 615 15532 Evelyn Byrd 3. ...107 700 15514 Rosavannah 3. ...107 655 15199 Fin tan 3.... 107 640 155132False Lead 3. ...107 625