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BIRMINGHAM FORM CHART. B1KM1KCBAM, AIA, oveniber 7. Firtt dry. BirmingbEm Jockey Club. Fall Meeting:. Weather clear; track good. Presiding Judge, W. E. Letcher. Btarter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. FIBST BAGE 5 1-2 rnrlone8 Pnrse 00. All ages. Allowances. 15572 Ind Horses AWt 3t M Yt StrFin Jockeys OwnerB O H L C 998LACKMAN 4 117 3 3" 22 1" 11 D Vititce J R Lancaster 8-5 8-5 1 1 15866 ADOWA 5 112 1 li 11 22 2i CTbompsonMrs M Mack 5 6 5 5 15304 DCH O MEDIAN 4 120 8 6h 31 3H 33 Castro J E Hand 1 3-2 1 3-2 152933 WCODT BICE 2 92 5 51 73 53 41 Hsbberger G VanStuddiford 4 4 3 4 14065 MOUEQUFTAIBE4 112 6 7 6h 62 3 GPattertonJ G Ballentine 6 8 4 7 15292 JOHN BOONE 6 117 2 21 Vi 4 61 Akor JEBagley 4 6 3 6 12752 JUDGE BAKER 5 115 7 8 51 7 7 Bennett Baker and Lindsley 15 20 15 20 14746 JACK MARTIN 6 112 4 41 8 8 8 A Wriffht Bt Elmo B Rnss 15 15 10 15 Time. 25, E0, 1 :03i, 1 :091. Winner Ch. c, by Onondaga 8ungleam. Off at i hp first break to a good start. Won easily: second and third were driving. Lack-man was drawing away at the end. Adowa tired in the stretch. Dutch Comedian and Wood-trice went wide on th6 turns. 1 Scratched 14658 Springtime, 112; Gertrude C, 89. Lackman, place, 1 to 2; Bbow, out. Adowa, piece, 2 to 1; show, evens. Dutch Comedian, show, 3 to 5. Woodtrice, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. SEC0NI BACE 1-3 Mlle PnrsoC0 2-year olds. Allowance. 15573 Ind Horses A Wt Bt M Yt h StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C lf0663BIf AWAY 117 9 61 2 1b J Srrith EMoieandCo 7-5 2 6-5 8-5 1E2922PEOFIT 110 3 11 13 23 T Powers S P Harlan 3 4 2 4 15066 GRUMBLE 115 1 21 3 3 McGinn 8 Howard 4 4 2 3 11812 ADLER 110 6 31 52 4i Givens D H Bellew 6 10 6 10 16315 BECOMPEN8E 115 4 7 61 54 Patton G Ven Btuddiford4 4 3 4 1E088 JODEE IC61 8 9 9 62 Mb j berry Mrs M C LyleB 12 15 10 15 1E0662M18B FONEOLAND110 7 8 41 71 Aker Strobel and Miller 7 8 5 8 15C93 EYIS OF BLUE 105 5 41 7 81 Hsbberger J C Ferris Jr 7 8 6 6 ANNA Q. 1C5 10 10 10 9 Collopy W E Quicn 15 15 10 15 15153 SOLACE 105 2 51 8 10 Castro J R Hand 5 5 4 5 Time, 251, 374, 501. Winner B. g, by Getaway High Nun. Off at the first break. Start good. It was a driving finish. Hieaway saved ground on the turn and came with a rush at the end. Profit tired bsoly in the stretch. Grumble was carried out on the first turn. Recompense was ridden all over the track. Scratched 15C932Hibiscus, 105. Overweights Hieaway, 2 pounds; Jodee. 11. Hieaway, place, 1 to 2; show, out. Profit, place, 3 to 2; chow, 3 to 5. Grumble, show, 2 to 3. Recompense, place, evens: how, 1 to 2. THIED HACE 1 MTi Purse 00. 3.year-olaTandupwaTd Selling! 15574: ind Horses A Wt Bt V. bi X BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L O 15270 SAMIVEL 4 1081 4 5 41 21 22 U Patten D!rhmandForsythe4 4 2 3 15114 OCIE BROOKS 3 102 2 11 1 12 11 21 HshbergerE Moore and Co 6 6 4 6 15416CAN I SEE EM 5 110 5 62 61 62 31 31 Powers M E Frost 8-5 8-5 6-5 3-2 134462ROBT. BONNER 5 107 7 7 51 5 iH 43 Castro C O Kelsey 3 3 3 3 15523 PAWNEE 6 107 9 9 9 9 9 51 Aker CAAlderson 6 7 6 7 15505 PETE KITCEEN 6 110 1 3H Z 4 61 6 P Murrhy W H Laiid 8 8 6 8 15375 VANESSA 5 107 8 8 8 8 8 7 Mayberry Mrs M O Lyles 5 8 5 7 149S63MIS8 AL FARRW 5 107 3 41 7 7 51 8 Givens Sticbfl and Miller 10 12 8 12 13971 SPINNAKER 4 111 6 21 22 31 7 9 Holbrook Brown and Ward 6 8 6 8 Time, 27, 521, 1:1 8, 1:444. Winner B. g, by Eb9rlee Plenty. Pest 3 minutes. Start good. Won driving hard. There was a jem on the first turn. Pawnee atd Vanessa suffered most through it. Ocio Brooks tired in the last sixteenth. Bamivel only got up in tbe last few strides. Robert Bonner was short. Scratched 1C605 Mr. Hunt, 115. Overweights Samivel, 11 pounds: Can I See Em, 11; Spinnaker, 4. Samivel, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Ocie Brooks, place, 2 to 1: show, evens. CanlSeoEm, place, 1 to 2; e how, out. Robert Bonner, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. - prpTrTK FOURTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Purse CO. 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. JL O O I t Allowances. Ind Horses AWtBtand Yt and BtrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 145C83SLA8HEE 4 110 2 12 13 14 13 15 T Powers W Weir 7-5 3 1 3 13816 TOM PEDEN 4 112 6 31 31 32 21 21 GPattersoc J G Ballentine 4 4 3 4 14990 JIM LICK 3 107 5 43 43 44 43 31 Caxtro H H Stover 3 3 3-2 3-2 1745 LDYPOWBATTN5 112 1 21 22 31 31 411 E Watson William Bay 5 5 4 4 14568 BBIDGEFOED 3 107 3 52 51 52 55 8 Miller J E Hand 3 5 3 5 1S4E6 YOUNG BEL 3 107 4 6 6 6 6 6 Mayberry Mrs M C Lyles 5 7 5 7 Time, 251,51,1:171,1:31. Winner B. c, by Simon Magus Vanduara. Off at the first break to a good start. Won easily; second handily. Young Bel pulled up lame. Slasher was much the best. Tom Peden was under a herd drive through the last quarter. Scratch ed-6994 Hallott P., 115; Bay Boy, 112. Slasher, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Tom Peden, place, 3 to 2; show, 3 to 5. Jim Lick, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Lady Powhatten, place, 3 to 2; show. 3 to 5 FIFTI1 BACB 3-4 Mile- Parse C0. 3-year-oldB and upward. Selling. 15576 Ind Homes A Wt St bi bi M StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C lf366BliN FROST 4 109 4 32 33 21 1 Patton B Barrett 2 2 4-o3-2 15253 G. H. KETCHAM 5 1C9 3 22 11 11 22 P Murphy W H Laird 2 3 2 3 151173QOAVEE 4 107 2 11 22 3H 31 Castro Strobal and Miller 4 4 3 4 15118 BALL1E LA MAE 6 107 5 5U 41 41 41 Aker E Burrows 7 8 6 8 15089 FBOHMAN 4 107 6 61 63 61 5 J Carter H A Oswald 7 8 6 8 149853LIBATION 4 1101 1 41 53 51 66 Powers M E Frost 8 8 6 7 15453 BBIGHTON 5 107 8 8 8 7 7 Mayberry Mrs M C Lyles 15 15 10 15 15572 JACK MAETIN 6 112 9 9 9 8 8 A Wright Ht Elmo S Bass 15 30 15 30 15316 BH1ELDBEAEEE 7 110 7 7 7 9 9 J Harris E F 8mith 4 4 3 4 15366 CBEEDMOBE L. 4 110 10 10 10 10 10 CThompsonJ C Thompson 15 15 10 15 Time, 25, 50i. 1:16. Winner Ch. g, by Faustns Volturo. Post 6 minutes. Start good. The fir Bt two were drivirg. The machine caught Ben Frost at the start and almost cost him the race. Patton outrode Murphy at the end. Quaver tired badly when the pinch came. Overweights Libation, 31 rounds; Jack Martin. 5. Ben Frost, place, 1 to 2; show, out. George H. Ketcbam, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Quaver, place, evens: show, 1 to 2. Shieldbsarer. place. 3 to 2; show, 3 to a.