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DAILY R4CINand FORI AND THE AMSRiOiH IDHF 0QBGRE3S RECORD. IBBUEI 3VERY DAY. ! OIFIOIAIi OSQAW OF HS AHEEICAN TUBF CONSBE39, 3AHLY SACINQ FOTiM PUBLISHING CO. L daily reflection ci ilia American Turf by lelsgraph. Editor and Peopmetob, F. H. Beunell. Associate Editok, Clinton C. Biley. Secretary, Mrs. F. E. Beunell. 7SH26 FIFTH AVENUE, CHICAGO, ILL. COPYRIGHTED. Saied according ios,c of Congress, ia its 73HE 1899, by Frank H. Brunsll, in theoSca of tho Librarian of Ccsrssa at Washington, D. C. O. B. A. The chart numbers of Baix.? Eaoisg JTosk ciTiet not bo used. They are eopyrishiod daily and v?Ui b keenly promoted, " TandBMB: Per ionth $ 1.25 naif Year 7.50 One Year 14.00 I he above rate? arc for Bingla copies as sealed letters flrfit-3iaB3 mail. Sally ilacing Form Publishing Co. prefers o land single oo?ios as flrat-claes mail ii all eases. Sitasl subscriptions outsida tho dowc town district will bo declined at other than firat-tlsss mail matter rates. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS. BUBBOBIP riCKB MfcBT BH PAID IN ADVAIIOB. Entered n the J?os OiKca nt Cuioago as soc-3ttd class nmttRr ffo be conaidoiod and answered, all queries to. Daily Racing Foeu must bo eont over the inll name and with the address of the writer. Those names and addresses are subject to a local and foreign, .directory test. CINCINNATI OFf iCE 03-410 Vino Stress. J, H. U-ifiiST, Asont. On 3 ala at Noon. 3T LOUIS, MO., OFFICE 19 N Broadway, Basoment. M. MuuiHV, Agt. Ons ale at 8 :30 A. il, Saily Eaoiwg Fobu can ha ..isiivsrad ta any address in St. Louis. Back numbers can bo promy ily sa;il Orders for advertisements can oa ini. a ins St Louis oiiice for telegraphic ti - roiisioa. DSTBOIT OFFICE-34LaFayoita A:, Heath and Boney, AjrsatSi On ale at 9 :00 A.M. AT DENVEB, COL.: Hamilton and Kendrick, 906-912 E17th Street, AT KANSAS CITY, MO. : Bicksecker Cigar and . News Co,, Bih ssd Walnut Streets. AT NEW OBLEANS, LA,: H. J, Holle, 641 Commercial Plates. AT BandN FBANCISCO: Foster and Orear, Market Street, Ferry Nsws Stand. AT HOT SPBINGS, ABE.: F. C. Boving, 418 Central Avenue. AT BUTTE, MONT, r Eeefe Bros.. Post Office News Standi. AT MEMPHIS, TENN.: B. M. MauBford Co, Clark and Bros. AT MILWAUKEE, WIS. : Plankinton Hotel Newe Stmd, Pflster Hotel News Stand. Archie Hoffman, 263 Milwaukee Stroct, AT NASHVILLE, TENN. : Duncan Hotel, AT TOBONTO, ONT. : J. D. McSweeney, Palmer House, AT BUFFALO, N. Y. : New Tiff t House. AT INDIANAPOLIS. IND.: J. Douglass, 17 Illinois Street, CHICAGO, ILL., NOVEMBEB 25, 1899.