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OAKLAND FORM CHART. OAKLAND, CAI., November 24. Forty-first day. California Jockey Club. Fall Meeting. Weather clear; track alow. Presiding Jndge, Joseph A. Marphy. 8tarter, J. B. FerguBon. Racing Btarts at 2 :15 p. m. FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Parse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Soiling. g pj Ind Horsoa A Wt St M H Str Fin Jockeys OwnerB O H L O 15816 EARL ISLINGTN 3 103 6 63 3a 31 is Morgan Holman and Hollis 4 4 21 21 15853 THE OFFERING 3 101 7 3 41 51 2" Songer Prospect Btable 5 7 4 7 15S42 SPRY LARK 5 114 4 41 21 2a 3a Macklin M Qninn IB 20 10 20 15816 SOMIS 3 100 1 5a 5a 41 4a Devin O I Thacker and Co 12 15 10 15 15342 AL 5 112 3 2a 11 11 52 E Jones J Kuntz 3 41 21 41 9938 FUG A 3 101 2 la 61 61 6 T Burns J N Burk 2 2 3-2 2 STORMY 3 112 10 9 8 8 75 Greenwood P Burke 15 50 15 50 11185 MIDIA 3 100 8 8 9 9 82 Henry Jones and Appleby 12 30 12 30 13431 POOKLAND3 3 100 9 10 10 10 9 J Daly M J Daly 30 40 30 40 SOLANO 4 105 5 7 7 7 10 Bullman Halford and Cory 8 10 8 10 REDWOOD 4 107 11 11 11 11 11 McCarthy James Nesbitt 30 50 30 50 Time, 131,371, l:04i. Winner B. c, by Islington Love Knot Pnst 2 tnimtes. SiartgoobV. Won easily; the next four were driving hard. Earl Islington .got off none ti o well but was much the beat and came away when given his head. The Offering finished fntt Spry Lirk quit in the last sixteenth. Bomis was not on hia stride when the barrier raised and ran n od racj. Al quit badly after running well to the last sixteenth and may have .fceon short. Futra ran well lor a quarter only and was a false favorite. j s8ratched-rl5428 Aprona, 105. , 4 s vCfrerweighta-Tha Offering, 4 pounds; n Spry Lark, 2; Fnga, 1; Redwood, 2. Earl Islington, place, evenB; show, 1 to 2. The Off ering, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Spry Lark, show, 2 to 1. Fnga, place, 4 to 5; show, 1 to 3. ygry SECOND RACE 8-4 Mtle. Parse 50. 3-Year-oldB and upward. Belling. Ind Horses AWtStM H X StrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 15819 MAUD FERGUSN 3 102 1 11 11 11 13 T Burns TG Ferguson 3 5 3 5 15781 YARUBA 3 111 8 41 32 31 22 H Shields H C AhlerB 3 5 3 5 12059 ESPIRANDO 4 103 7 21 21 21 31 J Ranch J N Bark 31 31 3 31 15856 TORIBIO 4 107 10 5 53 51 4J Thorpe W L Stanfleld 6 6 31 31 158372RICARDO 8 103 9 7 61 62 51 T Walsh S F Capps 8 15 7 15 15768JPAT MURPHY 7 105 5 31 41 41 62 Bullman H L Jones and Co 7 8 6 8 158373 WILD HET 4 104 2 8 8 7 75 W Narvaez Neil Reed 15 25 15 25 13636 JAEL 4 107 11 11 9 9 8 J Daly M J Daly 40 100 40 100-15837 TOM CALVERT 4 103 12 12 11 10 92 Songer G Ellison 10 15 8 15 15498 JIM BROWNELL4 103 4 6a 7 8 10 Stuart J L Crooks 20 30 15 30 15498 PCRNIAH 3 103 6 10 12 11 11 Powell JAHennassy E0 150 50 150 15816 SAN AUGUSTINE S 101 3 9 10 12 12 J Woods J Webb 20 20 20 20 Time, 251, 501,1:18. Winner B. f, by Prince Royal Blue Hood. Pnstl minute. Start fair. Won easily; second the same; third driving. Maud Ferguson got off flying and was well handled throughout.. Yaruba, with an even break, would have given her a hard race. Espiraudo tired in the last farlong. Pat Murphy showed speed, but quit in the stretch. Toiibio ran a fair race. Ricardo finished well. Scratched 15856 Isabelle, 103: 15746 Aluminum, 103; 15550 Jingle Jingle, 98. Correctod weights Toribio, 107. Overwoights Yaruba, 1 pound; Pat Murphy, 2; Wild Het, 1; Purniah, 5; San Augustine, 3. Maud Ferguson, place, 2 to 1; Bhow, evens. Yaruba, place, J i to 5; show, 7 to 10. EBpirando, place, 7 to 5; show, 7 to 10. Toribio, place, 6 to 5; Bbow, 7 to 10. 1 PvQTT THIRD RACE Futurity Course. 170 feot le33 than 3-4 mile. Purse 50. JL O O I I All Ages. Allowances. nd Horses A Wt St X K Str Fin Jockays Ownera O H L C 15817 HUMIDITY 3 114 1 11 13 11 lit Tnorpe BnrnsandWaterhso4-5 1 4-5 1 15462 BOGUS BILL 2 99 3 51 41 21 2 T Walsh 8 F Capns 4 5 4 41 15836 DANIEL 2 93 7 42 21 31 38 J Martin Caesar Young 5 6 4 6 COLONEL ROOT 4 109 8 7 7 62 41 Morgan Marcus Daly 15 30 15 20 15853 FIERO 3 104 5 63 63 42 56 Ronger J N Burk 20 30 20 20 157863FINE SHOT 2 99 4 2a 31 51 61 Pbelan B Scnreiber 5 6 4 6 15741 CHAMPION ROSE2 95 6 82 83 85 75 Stnart True Briton Stbl 30 10 30 50 10186 BILL HOWARD 9 119 2 3a 51 71 8? Dingley W P Dingley 40 100 40 100 ALEXANDER 3 117 9 9 9 9 9 Morse M Coffey 50 100 50 100 Timo,23,47i, 1:031, 1:141. Winner Br. f, by Hindoo Calphurnia. Post 1 minute. Start fair. Won with the first two driving to the limit; third easily. Humidity got off flying and was lucky to finish first. At the weights Bogus Bill was best bat Walsh was outfintahect by Thorpe. Daniel might have been closer up. Colonel Root waa bird ridden but does not appear to amonnt to much. Bill Howard sho we i a fliah of hia old-time spead. Humidity, place, 2 to 5; show, oat. Bogus Bill, place, 3 to 2; show, 7 to 10. Daniel, Bhow. 3 to -jpgfyg FOURTH RACE 7-8 Mile. Puree 00. 3-year-olds and upward Selling. tnd Horses A Wt Bt hi K X BtrFin JockayB Ownera O H L C 15820 WHITCOMB 5 107 2 11 11 H 12 12 E Jones HERowell 31 31 31 31 158572SLY 5 104 4 2a 51 21 21 21 J Ranch H L Jones and Co 1 1 4-5 4-5 158563 DARE H. 5 97 1 41 2a 31 31 36 T Walsh W Fisher 6 8 6 8 158642RING MASTER 5 94 8 6a 61 51 51 41 Henry O Appleby 5 5 5 5 15804MAGNU3 4 104 3 31 31 41 42 "53 Songer True Briton Btbl 40 60 40 60 12746STCTTGART 3 105 7 8 8 8 61 62 Bullman B Schroiber 20 30 . 20 80 15770 P. A. FINNEGAN 4 104 6 7 7 61 7 78 T Bnrns E G McConnell 12 15 12 15 15853 TOURIST II. 3 87 5 51 4a 7 8 8 Phelnn Neil Reed 30 40 30 40 Time, 14, 40, 1 :04i, 1 :32i. Winner Ch. g, by Whitney Lion Lady. Post 12 minutes. Start good. Won easily; second handily. Whitcomb refused to break half a dozen times but ran a good race when he did start. He is at his beat now. The ride on Sly is open to question- She was under wraps for a half mile and clost up when taming for home. Whitcomb was going away from thia usually good mare at the finish. . Dare II. ran hia race. Magnus showed early epeed. Ringmaster can do better. OverweightB Ringmaster, 3 pounds. Whitcomb, place, evens; show. 1 to 2. Bly, place, 2 to 5; show, oat. Dare II., show, evens . FIFTH RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind Horses A Wt Bt H K M BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L 0 158383SALE GOODWIN 5 112 3 12 12 13 15 Songer J R Thomas 21 21 2 2 1588 8ILVER MAID 5 107 7 51 31 31 21 J Webar TmpnandHgrmn30 40 30 30 15856 SHELLAC 4 112 6 41 21 2" 32 T Burns J J Moran 10 12 10 12 158362FLAM A WAY 3 101 4 31 41 41 42 W Narvaez E Hnbbjll 31 41 3 41 14184 MAINSTAY 7 115 1 22 52 52 53 Thorpe H L Jones and Co 7 10 5 10 158532SANTELLO 3 110 8 7 63 61 63 Carter W J Speirs 31 5 S 41 14736 MUNSEY 3 105 10 8 8 8 7 Bullman J H Shields 12 15 12 15 15853 FLORENCE FINK 3 100 5 62 7 7 8 J Ranch S D Kee 12 15 10 15 10494 MISS DIVIDEND 4 112 9 10 9 9 9 Morse F Wattson 30 50 30 50 15688 ANNE PAGE 3 107 2 9 10 10 10 Powell L Franklin 10 15 10 15 Time, 13i, 371,1:011. Winner Ch. m, by Coloma Victoria. Post 10 minutes. Start good. Won easily; the next two were driving. Bailie Goodwin liked the distance and going and romped in. Bilver Maid finished strongly but swerved in the last sixteenth. Shellac stopped and cams again at the pnd. Mainstay showed a great burst of speed but was Bhort. Flamaway was badly riddan and Narvaez was suspended pending investigation. Scratched 15837 Daerfoot, 112; 15023 True Blue, 112. Overweighta Silver Maid, 2 pounds; Flamaway, 4; Munsey, 2. Sallie Goodwin, place, 4 to 5; show, out. Silver Maid, place, 10 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Shellac, show, 3 to 2. SIXTH HACB 3"4 Mile tnr8850- 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 15 SHO nd Horaea A Wt Bt hi hi BtrFin Jockeys Ownera O H L C 15481 ITIBURON 3 102 3 21 21 21 la Vititoe P E Smith 7 7 6 6 154613IMPESIOUS 4 107 1 la 1 H 2a EJone3 HERowell 2 2 9-5 9-5 f 15819 JERID 3 105 6 31 31 3 3a T WalaL P Ryan 7 9 7 9 15718 RIO CHICO 3 102 2 4a 52 62 42 T Burna W B Sink Jr 5 6 5 6 158192 MAMIE G. 6 105 4 62 62 73 51 Bnllman Caesar Yonng 7 8 6 8 15820 MONTAN US 3 109 5 51 43 41 62 Songer W D Randall 7 8 7 8 158073 LOTHIAN 3 108 7 7 78 51 7 Morgan J Foley 7 10 7 10 157723LODE STAR 5 108 8 8 8 8 8 Conley A JStemler and Co 6 8 6 8 Time, 26, 50, 1:17. Winner B. g, by Friar Tack Lulu B. Post 10 minutes. Start fair. Won with the first four driving hard. Tiburon came strongly on the extreme outside and won in the last stride. Imperioua ran a good race out in front. Jerid waa coming strongly at the finish and may have baen the beat of the lot. Rio Chico waa running fast at the end. Bcratched 15718 I Dont Know. 103. Overweights Mamie G., 2 ponnds; Lothian, 2; Lode Star, 5. Ti buron, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. Imperio as, place. 4 to 5; show, out. Jerid, show, 8 to 5.