Gossip of the Turf, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-25


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1 ■ ■ » • • • t GOSSIP OF THE TURF. The Board of Directors of the Latonia Jockey Club Tuesday selected the governors for the coming meeting. The most prominent business and social leaders of the three cities are on the list, and these, added to the Board of Directors give Latonia as influential backing as any track in the west. The return of many of the old directors and former governors to Latonia augurs well for the coming meeting. The track will be ran in a business-like manner, and this, combined with the attractive social features which the governors will arrange, promises to do much toward putting Latonia on its former high footing. The old members, it is understood, will secure a number of new members of prominence, which will add luster to the list, and many social gatherings, it is said, will be arranged at Latonia while the races are in progress. Following is a list of the governors : William Ackerlaud. Perin Langdon, George Bullock, J. J. McDowell, Joseph T. Carew, Frank L. Perin, C. T. Collings, Ralph Peters. J. W. Dunklee. C. A. Phillips, M. J. Freiberg. L. B. Reakert, E. A. Hart, E. N. Roth, A. Hickenlooper, Dr. E. E. Sattler, L. Markbreit. J G. Schmidlapp. Griffin T. Miller. D. C. Shears. C. M. Holloway, Stewart Shillito, Charles F. Hofer, G. N. Stone, D. H. J. Holmes. W. A. Stuart, J. C. Finnell, J. J. Sullivan, C. J. Helm, C. P. Taft, H. C. Hulbert, J. C. Thorns, John R. Holmes. A. B. Voorheis, C. H. Kellogg, Jr.. D. F. Walsh, E. W. Kittredge, G. P. Wilshire, Nicholas Longworth, Gideon C. Wilson, C. D. Mead, John S. Woods, Walter J. Mitchell. The American jockeys are demonstrating and the English people are all beginning to admit that when it comes to piloting racehorses the Americans completely outclass the Britishers. The reason for their superiority lies in the fact that they are quicker witted and have been trained to think and act quickly. The English have for so many years followed the plan of getting away easily, running the first part of their races leisurely and reserving all their strength and speed for the finish that they are slow to i understand that as many races can be won at the start as at the finish. American jockeys often 6ee an opportunity which the average English jockey would pass unnoticed because he has not been trained to keep his eyes open. Regarding the much-mooted probability of a . new race track to be run under the jurisdiction . of The Jockey Club, in the vicinity of Buffalo, • N. Y., and on the American side of the river, , there is this little that is authoritative to be , said. President Thomas F. Reilly, of the Queens ! County Jockey Club, whose name together with i that of Senator T. D. Sullivan, Superintendent ; Bob Tucker, Rod" McMahon. of Buffalo, and others, have been linked with the subject, states that if a suitable 1 site can l e secured the enterprise will be carried out, but whether the present season will I witness the turning of the first spadeful of earth . is doubtful. Fort Erie, in its later career, gave ; promise of becoming so satisfactory a proposi- tion that the Aqueduct contingent can hardly , be blamed for considering the current proposi-I tion in its most favorable light, and there is 3 little doubt but that Buffalo would welcome the 3 change and show its appreciation by a substantial support.— Spirit of the Times.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900052501/drf1900052501_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1900052501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800