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, ■ ; ! i I i i i t 1 | - a i a s 1 r, . . TORONTO ENTRIES. Probabilities : Weather clear ; track fast. First Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances, lnd. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 14762 Credential 5. ...112 710 17355 Lexington Pirate 6 .... 112 705 17821 King Carnival 4. ...112 725 15546- Bell Punch 5. ...112 715 17738 Zanone 7.. ..112 720 17666 Coralis 5. ...112 710 13932 Arlington 6.. ..112 705 15700 Loyal Prince 7.... 112 700 18000 Venetian 5. ...112 680 13463 Mario 4.... 110 685 15137 Hapsburg 4. ...110 695 8273 Royal Salute 4. ...110 690 17667* Royal Sterling 3. ...100 715 Pillardist 3.. .100 17635 Joe Martin 3.... 100 695 17596 Jucoma 3. ...100 700 15052 Dixie Dinmont 4. ...100 690 14799 Happy Hermit 3. ...100 685 Second Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances, lnd. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. Dainty Davy, b. c, by Der- wentwater— Xancy Lee — 118 Flicker, ch. f, by Derwent- water — Spark 115 Oakville Maid, ch. f, by Der- wentwater— Gretchen S — 115 Litigation, ch. f. by Springfield—Arbitration 115 Cleopatra, ch. f. by Cannie Boy-Hyala 115 ♦Sleepy Hollow, b. f, by Morpheus— Bonnie lno 115 *Fly in Amber, b. f, by Prisoner — Glycera 115 ♦Goose Skin, b. f. by Saragossa — Swansdown 115 ♦J. E. Seagram entry. Third Race— 1 1-2 Miles. Hunters Handicap. On the flat. 4-year-olds and upward. lnd. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. . 9071-Joe Miller 9. ...170 665 ; 9729 Arrezzo 6... 160 670 U8004 i Passe Partout 4. ...159 675 ; 13299 Annetburu 3.... 136 660 .211 Mystic Shriner 5 — 154 635 t Emigrant, ch. g, by Exile— Bradamant 6 — 152 Dryden. b. g. by The Bard-Foxglove 5 — 145 6033-Abbotsford . 6. ...143 665 t Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. lnd. Horses, color, sex andpedigree.Wt. Hdcp. I 13315 Confederacy 4.. ..115 710 ■ 14185 Prince Plausible 4. ...114 715 15466 Jessie Jarboe 4 — 112 705 I 16312 Flying Bess 5.... Ill 725 I 17817 Waterwick 3.. ..104 715 Dangerous, b. c ,by Carnegie—Marie 3 — 102 • 12253 Gordon M 4. ...102 700 12191 Play Fun 4... 100 710 £ 17695 Robert Gray 3. ... 95 700 " 18000 Expelled 3.... 95 . 720 Q Fifth Race— About 2 1-2 Miles. Woodbine Steeplechase. 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 17699 Arquebus 5. ...158 660 0 13937Burnap 5. ...153 675 ■ Dryden, b. g, by The Bard-Foxglove 5 147 9729 Arrezzo 6 — 147 670 9 12301 Master Fred 9.. ..147 665 18004 Exitus 7. ...147 660 q 18004 Kinney 5. ...147 650 0 12533 Peter 11 8.... 147 640 Angus, h. h. by Powhattan— Flirtation 5 — 146 11930 Bov Orator 5... 146 660 0 Beileof Elkhorn 4. ...145 . 14779-Prince Mark 9. .142 655 18004 Charley O 4. ...140 650 q 18004 -Miss Soak 5.. ..138 665 sixth Raw-1 Mile. :.-year-olds and upward. Selling, lnd. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 15730 Ein 6. ...112 715 i 17672 Oak Maid 4. ...110 720 0 13118 Prince Zeno 5. ...108 705 g 17891 Windward 4.. ..107 725 8 15750 VanesBa 6. ...106 693 . 17699 Prince Eothen 4. ...104 685 17674 Kittie Regent 4. ...102 710 0 17302 Californian 3. ...101 680 i0 14818-MaritHiia II 5. ...101 715 5 15167 Violent 5. ...101 700 14776 Haudicapper 3.... 92 690 10 17699 Maidstone 3.... 86 710 0