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LAKESIDE RACE TRACK 5 i OPENS THURSDAY, MAY 10. Five or More Races Daily Commencing at 2:15 P JL TAKE SPECIAL TRAINS " A T 1 — " 1 — "1 Canal and Adams streets, at 12:30, y f~ T"~x "r~~"v Randolph street arriving at Van Buren street two P| ~i // r"V l"v 12:50 and 1:L0 p.m., stopping at I . r f" minutes later, at 1:10 and 1:35 p.m., stopping at • x * YY i AVi * V»J Archer avenue, 41st street and En- ** * A # A « 22d, 39th and 63d streets. Parlor cars on all I. @. glewood. Regular train at 1:55 p.m., stopping at all stations. trains. All trains return immediately after the races. ALLEY "L" CONNECTS AT SIXTY-THIRD STREET AND MADISON AVENUE WITH SURFACE ELECTRIC CARS. Fare on Special Trains 25 Cts. Bound Trip. Amission to Grand Stand 75 Cts. M. NATHANSON, Secretary, 201 Lakeside, Bldg, Chicago. THE AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL OF 1900...... COPYRIGHTED. NOW READV. A HAND BOOK OF FIGURES BEYOND COMPARISON. EXPERTS HAVE CONTRIBUTED TO IT F. H. BRUNELL AND I C. BILEY OR MCING. GEORGE SUES BR PUGILISM. Ml TNTGIEI II ■ILLIARBS. AnOfficialCompendiumof Records RAGING, TROTTING AND PAGING, THE PUGILISTIC RECORD OF 1899, HANDICAPPING AND B00KMAK1NG TABLES. New Features in these Lines. Four Handicap Tables with Key**1 SUMMARIES BY EXPERTS ON THE PAST YEARS DOINGS. EDITED BY F. H. BROIELL 39 Cts. to Paper. , 60 Cta, In Son Morocco. Daily Racing Form Pub. Co., 124-126 Fifth Ave., Chicago, IH