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ST. LOUIS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. First Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling, ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree.Wt. Hdcp. 12412 KingsPawn 5. ...109 665 14159 Polo 6 .109 659 Armo, b. c, by Leonatus —Troika 4. ...107 17465 Ruby Riley 4.. ..105 675 17870 Tom Gilmore 3. ...102 685 17963 Crusade 3. ...101 660 14102 Go There 3.... 98 670 Cable Cliff, ch. c, by Jim Gore— Palianthus 3 95 17935 Canrobert 3.... 95 685 17982 Miss Loretta 3 ... 93 690 17963 Coral 3.... 93 680 179383Sidtilla 4.... 93 700 Second Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 179333Harry Yochum 112 685 17933 Glen Lake 112 690 179332Dr. Cave 112 ......700 15477 Irish Jewel 109 685 14856 The Sprite 107 670 17699 Battled 107 675 Third Race— 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sexandpedigree. Wt, Hdcp. Judge Otero, ch. c, by Fonso —Julia W 113 17967iFred Hessig 113 725 L Thompson 110 17983-Small Jack 110 715 1798-i Maccadie 110 7o5 im83*Soath Breeze 110 720 Fourth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-old6 and upward. Allowanc °. 17212-Hio To Bed 5. ...Ill 715 17938-iSkillman 5. ...Ill 710 17851 -The Monk 3.... 91 7:5 15188 Leo Noster 3 . . . . 91 700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 15798 Apple Jack 5. ...112 720 . 17888 Necklace 6.. ..HI 725 J 17935 Vicie Vance 6. ...109 705 1 17886 Trombone 5.... 109 700 Rose Free 5 107 17889 Bertha Nell 5... 107 715 1 17811 Ostra 4.... 105 710 15607 Hi Nocker 3. ...103 705 1 l7982Castine 3. ...102 700 1 Sixth Race— 7-8 Mile. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17889 Leo Planter 4. ...114 725 I 179842Mystery 5.. ..112 720 I 179343Cathedral 4. ...110 705 17965-Iron Chancellor 4 .... 110 710 , 17177 Clonsilla 5.. ..109 7tt 17888 Aunt Maggie 5. ...109 695 111082Mitt Boyken 6. ...107 700 17968 Belle Ward 5. ...107 700 17934 Free Lady 5. ...107 705 17106 Eight Bells 5. ...107 690 17P35Harrie Floyd 6. ...107 715 17984 Bequeath 5. ...104 710