untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-05-26


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I ! CLOHESEY and CO., PRINTERS. ! . I : Bookmakers Supplies, Tickets, Sheets, Slates, Cash Boxes, Etc., 86 to 94 Fifth Avenue, Times Building. Telephone Main 2134. Complete booking outfit furnished in an hours notice. « Saturday/* Monday We will be able to give you some long shots. Sold only at our office or telegraphed at 11 a.m .....00 WEEKLY OR .00 DAILY HITIERICHN HORSEMENS RGENDY SUITE 516, 167 DEARBORN ST. • • . American ..Horse Exchanges.. Vearling Sales OCCUR ON JUNE 9th, 11th, a. m. and p.m. JUNE 15th, 16th, a.m. and p.m. JUNE 18th, 19th, 20th, JULY 4th AND INCLUDE All the Leading Studs in America F. M. WARE, TREASURER, MANAGER, AUCTIONEER • .00 Saturday and [tlonday .00 Special advertised 20 to 1 chance runs today. Can be obtained at ..OLDEST AND OMA . Race Track KEEK??" MONDAY AT HAWTHORNE, in sixth race, one 1 mile; ajrrand chance from 10 to 15 to 1 shot. This is positively a good thing. Delivered free 1 of charge by special messenger. After Monday terms are .00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY. Handicap . on all races ready at 8:30 a.m. Telegraphed anywhere. Rooms 500-502-504, 203 Dearborn Street, Tel. Harrison 15KO. CHICAGO. , GETAWAY DAY-LAKESIDE. TODAY OUR 10 TO 1 SHOT WILL WIN AND WIN EASY— AND TWO OTHER WINNERS. • MONDAY AT HAWTHORNE 40 TO lOO TO 1 And only known at this office. Subscribe in , time. Ready or wired 10 a.m. .00 DAILY .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago, 111. 5 0 5 0 0 1 5 0 1 0 " 50c....Brooklyn Winner....50c ; We advertised here LIEUT. GIBSON and YEL- LOW TAIL, Derby and Inaugural winners, 48 HOURS IN ADYANCE. The selection we have for the Brooklyn is just 1 as SURE as these two. SOc.FOR TOMORROW ONLY. 50e Ready by 9 am. TURF INFORMATION ASSOCIATION.. . 303, 185 Dearborn Street, Chicago. - • 5 » . 0 ilo •5 15-1 15-1 Today at Lakeside will give our subscribers a a 15 to 1 chance, besides the winner of the INDI-3 t- ANA HANDICAP; also the BROOKLYN H HANDICAP WINNER. At Hawthorne Monday i- 25 to 1 chance. This is no guess but straight it information. .00 DAILY; .00 WEEKLY. r. Ready 9 a.m. GARDEN CITY INFORMATION BUREAU. i. Room 506 Inter Ocean Bldg, Chicago. p 15 H 710 10 720 «05 S .00 ■!? MS «25 1% n ■ .30 30 72o 25 1M 20 jgj 30 ™ 35 iS 7£ 35 740 40 - WE ALWAYS DELIVlik THE GOODS. j. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Friday Night i 1 Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB Sam Summerfield, KrESSS*. C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. RILL FRIDAY, MAY 25 Dick Green, Chicago, vs. Ole Olson, Chicago, 130. 0 Paddy Maloney, San Francisco, vs. Larry Glea a- son, Chicago, 126. Pete Powers, Chicago, vs 1 John Wille. Chicago, 154. GRAND DOUBLE WIND-UP. Steve Flanagan, Philadelphia, vs. Clarence 36 Forbes, Chicago, 115. Young Mahoney. Ger-50 r- mantowu,Pa..vs. Jack OBrien, Philadelphia, 150 ■J Tickets on Sule Thursday morning at »1 Chapin and Gores and Hoguns.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900052601/drf1900052601_3_4
Local Identifier: drf1900052601_3_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800