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LATONIA ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track heavy. First Race— 7-8 Mile. 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. ! CrossTies 110 18036 Outburst 102 675 , 18041 Maclaren 102 665 18023 Indian 102 670 18025 Round 0 99 680 17812 Sprung 99 660 18072 Honeywood 97 685 17920 Polly Bixby 97 675 18036 Miss Hudson 97 680 17957 Kaftan 97 650 17989-iNettie Regent 97 700 lMHPSarilla 97 690 18023 Miss Dede 97 685 Second Race — 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 1 8277FleetingRay 4. ...109 ©X I 18041 Nervura 4.. ..105 695 3 18068 Lexoline 3. ...102 685 17930 The Geezer 4. ...100 705 17992 Tension 5.... 98 700 J 18041Oily Gammon 8.... 98 725 17676 Suave 3.... 96 650 18040 Brightie S 5... 96 720! j " 17892Acushla 4.... 96 715 ? 18105 Dr. Tarr 3... 93 710 Third Race-1 Mile and 70 Yards. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. 15032 B. G. Fox 4. ...106 660 17795 Nivoce 5.. .102 665 18071 Tolstoi 4... 102 690 0 17988 Bob Salter 4.. ..99 675 0 18068 Bentley B 4.... 99 670 5 18037 Richardson 4.... 99 675 1 18068 Covington, Ky 6.... 99 680 5 18072 Lola Murray 4... 97 685 18019 Countess Irma 7.... 97 700 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. I 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. ■ 17757 Samovar 6.. ..108 710 18039-Agitator 8. ...105 725 18039 VVi nter 4. ...103 715 17562 Carlotta C 6. .101 705 l8072*Crinkle 4.. .101 710 5 17892 Scrivenor 5... 101 720 17991 Strathbroock 3.. .101 715 17.*.2 Hen Frost 5... 98 700 ■ 15226 Amaranth •.... 87 695 ! Fifth Race 5-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind. Horses, color, sex and pedigree. Wt. Hdcp. Glennon. ch. c. In St. Charles Miss lilennon 110 June Gayle, eh. c, by Henry 15 ofN.iviine Liens no 0 ISMS Moreno 110 685 O Nelse Morri-., l . e, by Scor- 15 pion Sissy Knott 107 5 18088 I Irving Mayor 107 700 B 17958 Nitride 105 680 0 17147 Tadeau 105 690 Sixth I Mile and 70 Yard*. 5 l-yonr-olds and upward. Selling. 8 l.SOiO-Kitholin 5.. ..114 720 0 1789 HimiHhe.l 5... 106 705 180712Sound Money 5. .106 710 18020.!La Grange 5.... 106 705 12807 Ranis 5.... 103 705 18040 Blenheim 4.... 103 710 18037-Finem Respice 4.. ..103 715 18041 Mizzoura 4... 102 700 18040 Wilson 5. ...102 725 18019 The Doctor 5.... 99 700