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TORONTO FORM CHART. TORONTO, ONT., May 28.— Fourth day. Ontario Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather clear ; track fast. Presiding Judge. J. J. Burke. Starter, F. M. Ware. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. -| QAAk FIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 1 _ ♦ " _ Split and run as seventh race. Ind Horses A Wt St M Yt % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C f8033T7TNG "BESS 5 100 1 1« l«2i lo LfhompsnX Dyment 16-5 11 18030KINGCARNIYAL4 123 X V 3ns |a _ J Martin CarthersandShields8-5 2 8-5 9-5 14762 CREDENTIAL 5 112 2 21 4? 31 34 Ballard W Steele 6 6 4 4* 17304ULTHEA 4 105 4 ►" 7 41 t Irven E Reynolds 20 40 20 40 18061 HALL BELL 3 105 3 S» 21 5i 5» Nelson C Hill 50 100 50 100 17675 WILF. LAURIER 5 107 7 7 6 7 61 OLeary F Smith 20 40 20 40 18003 TARTAN 4 94 6 4« 5- 62 7 Boyle T Hitchcock Jr 60 200 60 200 15492 PR1MAVERA 4 105 5 8 8 8 8 L Daly J J Carey 50 100 50 100 Time 25, 501, 1:03*. Winner— B. m. by Courtown— Galena. Went to post at 2 :33. At post 12 minutes. Start bad. W on easily ; second the same. Flying Bess was best at the weights and won with speed iu reserve. King Carnival acted badly at the post and accepted the worst of the start. His weight then told when the pinch came in the stretch. Credential showed improvement, but Althea was crowding him at the end. Overweights— Credential, 2 pounds ; Hall Bell, 5: Tartan, 2. Flying Bess, place, 1 to 3 ; show, out. King Carnival, place. 4 to 5 ; show, 1 to 4. Credential, show, 1 to 2. -| QAAQ SECOND RACE— 4 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. loUFO _ Selling. Ind Horses A Wt St hi Yt % StrFin Jockeys Ownere O H L _ C i883iFLICKER 99 2 1« 1» 1« A Weber W Hendrie 34 34 3 34 MAGGIE W. 103 7 ii M » Landry R Moore 12 12 10 12 17854 SERVANT 107 8 7 4" 31 Henson J W Pangle 15 20 15 20 17673»L1GHTNG FLASH 99 4 V 24 4" lrven J H Smith 10 10 10 10 LADY BERKELEY 95 5 5» 5* B"« L Thorn Yn N Dyment 10 15 10 15 18001 GERM ANTOWN 102 3 3« 7 6 * J OConnor G C Bennett 20 30 20 30 17490 STERLING SILVERllli 6 6i 64 7 Millet T L Pierce 20 30 ?0 30 17405 ANTITHESIS 108 10 10 10 8 Wapshire H E Leigh 15 20 15 20 F1NOVOLA 99 9 9 9 9 Parm W F MacLean 20 50 20 50 1800DETHEL WHEAT 105 1 8 8 10 McQuade Vince and Weir 6-5 6-5 1 1 Time, 264, 52, 59. Winner— Ch. f, by Derwentwater— Spark. Went to post at 3:06. At post 12 minutes. Start bad. Won easily ; second driving. Half the field was pulling up at the start and it was not a true run race. Weber, off well on Flicker, took advantage of the others mistakes. McQuade pulled Ethel Wheat to a standstill when the flag fell. Scratched— 17813Denman Thompson, 110. Overweights— Maggie W., 2 pounds ; Lady Berkeley. 1; Sterling Silver, 34: Antithesis, 2. Flicker, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. Maggie W., place, a to 1; show, 2 to 1. Servant, show, , 3 to 1. Ethel Wheat, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. -| q/q A THIRD RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Fillies. Allowances. 1 Ind Horses ~ A Wt St St M Yt % StrFin~~Jockeys Owners O H L ~C~~ i8003RLEY"SUGARll7 1 P 22 P P 1 i 14~ Ballard W Hendrie 7-5 2 4-5 4-5 18003 MISS DART 117 2 1 H4 V 23 22 2» Powers Adam Beck 8-5 24 8-5 24 SARDINIA 117 4 3+ 3**33 3" 31° 3" H Lewis J E Seagram 24 5 24 5 13031 VINT 117 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 LThompsonN Dyment 8 20 8 20 Time, 25, 524, 1 :20i, 1 :49i, 2:04. Winner— B. f, by Derwentwater— Sugar Plum. Went to post at 4 :33. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. Barley Sugar went to the front when ready and won as she pleased. Miss Dart was just as easily the s best of the others. , . . Scratched— 12089 French Polish, 117; 17708 Gross. 117; Sea Song, 117; 13055 Lady oltaire, , 117; 18003 White Clover, 117. . Barley Sugar, place, 1 to 3. Miss Dart, place, 7 to 10. Sardinia, place, 4 to 5. No show t betting. -| Q_ f F FOURTH RACE— About 1 3-4 Miles. Purse 3400. 4-year-olds and upward. __0/»/0 Allowances. Steeplechase. fnd Hones A Wt 8* 3 6 9 12 15 Fin Jockeys Owners O H L C - 18004TP PARTOUT 4 162 1 V~ 1- U~U 1- 1" Gallagher F Hogan 8-5 9-5 8-5 8-5 180342CHARLEY O. 4 155 3 3 31 S" »• »» 2»» Huston J S Wadsworth 3-2 2 3-2 2 18034 KINNEY 5 155 5 5- !»• V or 5- 3 C Brown J E Laxton 20 20 15 15 141723MR. DUNLYP10 162 4 |2» **• 4*» 4* 44 4--* Moxley F H Penniston 4 6 4 6 18005 POORLANDS 4 155 2 21 2 21 3+ J" 5* Higgins M J Daly 20 30 20 30 18034 EX 1TUS 7 155 7 6- 5" 62" 6"* 6+" 6"" Mattocks H E Simpson 8 15 6 15 17391 BRNDYWNE8 155 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 E Kelly A M Orpen 20 30 20 30 18004 GRTER KING 5 150 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Crocker R Davies 20 40 20 40 I8004-N1CHOLAS 7 155 Ran out of course. Ellison M J Maloney 6 10 6 10 Time. 3:36. Winner— Ch. c, by St. Florian— Everywhere. Went to post at 4 :08. At post 4 minutes. Start good. Won all out; second easily. Passe Partout tiptoed his field in the early stages but he had to do his best in the stretch to stall off [ Charley O. The latter is a good closer. Kinney and Mr. Douglas ran to form. Poorlands jumped j ■well but tired at the end. Nicholas ran out at the first jump. Scratched— 17391 Reno, 162; 14326 High Tide II., 162; *S112 James Doyle, 155. Passe Partout, place, 3 to 5; show, out. Charley O.. place. 4 to 5; show, out. Kinney, show, 2 to 1. *First series - 1 0/"i "ki"» FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. 000 added. 3-year-olds. Allowances. X OV/MO Woodstock Stakes. Ind HorseT" A Wt St St and Yt %. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 17,w*ADV.liUARD 127 4 4 4 2* P 3* 14 Ballard CarthersandShields 7-5 7-5 1 6-5 18000 MR. JERSEY 127 3 3 t* 11 14 It 2- H Lewis J E Seagram 3-5 7-103-5 7-10 0 „ 18035 CALIFORNIAN 115 2 1« 1* V 23 8* |1* WapshireJ Brennan 10 20 10 20 14759 BASLE 115 1 21 2 " 4 4 4 4 Sullivan W F MacLean 50 100 50 100 ♦Added starter. Time, 26, 52, 1:194. 1:464, 2:004. Winner— Ch. c, by Great Tom— Nellie Van. Went to post at 4 :38. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won all out ; second driving. Advance Guard was well ridden, made his run at the right time in the last quarter and fought it out • through the final sixteenth where he caught Mr. Jersey tiring. He was drawing away at the end. • Californian ran well. Basle was outclassed. Scratched-18061Coburg, 127: 16643 Fulgar. 112; 14546 Dance. 110. Advance Guard, place, 1 to 4; show, out. Mr. Jersey, place, out. Californian, place, 2 to 1 ; 1 show, out. _ -| Q/Q7 SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile Purse 00. 3-y ear-old*, and upward. Selling. Ind Horses" A Wt St and Yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C _ ISOOERWlN 3 106 1 3H 31 2-! 2M 1 J Martin CrthersandShields 1 6-5 1 6-5 1 18066-C*PTIYE 7 116 5 7 61 V V 2 McQuade P Hildreth 2 3 2 3 18030 JICOMA 3 92 2 12 11 1 1 8 2 A Weber L V Bell 30 50 30 50 18005 MOUZELTOFF 4 108 8 4** 4" l» 5- it Landry Lyles and Co 30 50 30 50 18033 EXPELLED 3 106 3 2- 2*" 3» 44 ;- * Henson J W Pangle 6 10 6 10 18035 HANDICAPPER 3 96 4 5* 53 65 62 6** LThompsonJ S Wadsworth 12 15 10 15 180053 ALFRED C. 3 92 788877 Blair J Brennan 5 6 4 6 18033 CONFEDERACY 4 112 6 6" 7 7 8 8 Lendrum WW Worthington 30 60 30 60 Time, 264, 52! , 1:194, 1:464. Winner— Ch. c, by His Highness— Yage. Went to post at 5 :03. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving; second the same. Er-win ran a fine race and came away strongly in the last eighth under pressure. Captive did his s best. Jucoma tired in the run home after showing much speed. Mouzeltoff ran a fair race. J- Expelled quit after going well for six and a haif furlongs. Scratched-15468:Highlaud Prince, 108. Erwin, place, 2 to 5; show, out. Captive, place, evens ; show, 1 to 2. Jucoma, show, 5 to 1. _ | _ __T_T7 1 h SEVENTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. Purse j 100. 3-yearolds and upward. j_ JLo J»* I X" Allowances. Split of first race. Ind Horses A Wt St~k and X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C ~ UHOZANONE 7 120 1 2 2»« V U E Flyun F D Weir 3-2 34 3-2 34 180303 ROYAL SALUTE 4 1121 4 4» 3h 32 2- H Lewis J E Seagram 3-2 3-2 1 1 17833 SISTER ALICE 5 105 3 62 4! 5» 3 Castro J P Meehan 4 44 4 44 12634 SOUTH AFRICA 7 107 2 1" li 8» 4- Powers G VV Graydon 6 6 44 44 18030 VENETIAN 5 107 7 M 5**43 5 Bastion A Gates 30 60 30 60 12857 YANKEE SAM 5 107 6 7 7 63 6* Ward D Salvin 20 30 20 30 r 248 ALBERTA LADY 3 95 5 31 6 7 7 Pemberton J E Laxton 30 60 30 60 Time, 25i. 424, 1:04. Winner— Br. g. by Black Dean— Arrowgras6. Went to post at 5 :31. At post 22 minutes. Start straggling. Won handily ; second easily ■ Zanone had plenty in reserve and was going away again at the finish. Royal Salute finished stoutly. Sister Alice ran well but Africa should have been third. Powers quit riding him near the end. Venetian wa6 prominent in all breakaways while at the post, closed a huge gap and ran a good race. Scratched— 17665 Daily Report, 110: 18061 Gibraltar, 110; 15220 Jackadie, 97; 9243 Gertie „ Baley, 95. Overweights— Royal Salute, 24 pounds. Zanone, place, evens ; show, 2 to 5. Royal Salute, place. 2 to 5 ; show, out. Sister Alice, show, 3 to 5.