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Guaranteed Special Starts today in fourth race at Hawthorne at good odds. If it FA, LS to win will REFUND YOUR MONEY. Wednesday at Hawthorne will have a 30 to 1 shot that has a great chance. SPECIAL INFORMATION ON ALL TRACKS DAILY. .00 daily, .00 weekly. Wired 10 am. GARDEN CITY INFORMATION BUREAU, ROOM 506 INTER OCEAN BLDG., CHICAGO. £ EXPERT HANDICAPPING i Sam Fullen, 4 to 1 ; Battus, 4 to 1 : LovesLabor, 3 to 5 ; Ed Gartland II., 6 to 1 ; Little Reggie, 8 to 1 ; Money Muss, 3 to 2 ; Molo, 5 to 2 ; Icon, 7 to 2, were our winners Saturday and Monday at Hawthorne and Lakeside. Also 12 out of 16 at foreiirn tracks Ready or wired at 10 a. m. THE AMERICAN HANDICA1TKKS, REYNOLDS and CO., 78, 125 CLARK STREET. Terms 50 cents daily ; .00 weekly.