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— — — ■ — ____ __-__-________. I I I l« I I ——1 _____■_—____-__. HAWTHORNE FORM CHART. 18 CHICAGO, ILL., May 21.— Second day. Chicago Jockey Club. Spring Meeting. Weather cloudy ; track heavy. m the ■ ■ — — — — ■ — ■ y Presiding Judge. Harry Kuhl. Starter, J. J. Holtman. Q1 Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. ij, -| Q I 1 / FIRST RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. 1 O 1 1 " 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. I_d Horses A Wt St h Vi % StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H L C 3_ 3 17972 PRCSS TATYANA 105 4** 1 14 11 o W Waldo Mrs F Zuehlke ~30 40 15 20 - 17813 MATIN 115 M V 3*k 2U Devin P Dunne 4 6 4 5 17915 THE CONQUEROR113 54 i" 6* 3] Dupee .WS Barnes 5 6 5 6 17849ESTHER RIGGS 110 05 8* 2 4; L Rose J B Lawman 3 4 3 18-5 17527 EL PILOTO 108 3" 72 42 5- Kulu: E J Baldwin 20 30 20 30 18024 PEACHES IIS 7" 84 5- 64 Moody Mrs J C Tucker 12 20 12 20 179I93THE BUTCHER 113 SI 3- Si 7- T Bums J F Schorr I I 2 2* tl • BUGABOO 115 10 9- M 8 V Jones F J Kelly 30 50 30 50 17969 SOCAPA 110 1" 6- V 9 E Ross H Robinson IS 25 15 25 Tl II. tORM 115 *nk 10 10 10 Silvers J Burnes 30 40 90 40 Time, 12, 24, 39, 53, 1:001. Winner-Br. f, by Politico—-Black Girl. Went to post at 2:15. At post 8 minutes. Start poor. Won eased up; there was much sharp |, action behind the winner. Princess Tatyana broke fully in tier stride, reveled in the going and filially ran away with Master Waldo. Matin ran the best race of the lot. He was off poorly, made up a lot of ground and finished resolutely. The Conqueror also made a game showing. P Dnpee drove him hard from the head of the stretch home. Esther Riggs showed a sharp turn of speed but stopped and swerved badly in the stretch. This same comment applies to The Butcher. ,, Outside of Matin it was a very ordinary lot. " Scratched 18084 Water Alone, 105. Princess Tatyana, place, 8 to 1; show, 3 to 1. Matin, place, 2 to 1; show, evens. The Conqueror, show, evens. Esther Riggs. place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. The Butcher, place, evens; show, 1 to E. 1 J 1 j | SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. JL O AAA 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. " " ind Horses A Wt St H Vt and StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C . 17999 INNOVATOR 3 103 1»* 1» 1» im 18 Bergen L H Ezell 3 5 3 4 / 17971 BRAW LAD 6 121 2» 22 2« 21 2» Caywood J O Keene 2 2 11 / 179503MLD RESERVE4 113 9 1* 51 5* 34 Grimes G B Havill 15 40 IS 40 16872 FOR BUSH 5 115 44 64 Jl 61 4* J Miller J H Smith and Co 8 20 8 20 | 17798»GOAL R INNER 4 113 5 » 5* 64 34 5* Devin James Whitten 3 6 3 54 17883 RACEBUD 4 111 8i _•■ _n _l 6* E Ross A Willis 10 20 10 20 17452 JOE MGHEE 3 101 7" tl P 8- 1— Enos John Carroll 6 10 6 10 15671 FRANK VOGEL 4 113 6i 9 9 9 8U Freeman M T Goodman 30 50 80 50 COLEGATE 3 99 3» 3 4 4 V 9 TKnhvht Robinson and Moo re8 15 8 IS Time, 123,25,. 52j, 1:231. Winner— Ch. g, by Riley— Innovation. j Went to post at 2:50. At post 10 minutes. Start good. Won very easily ; second hand ridden. Third and fourth were hard at it. Innovator found the going to his liking and after racing Braw J Lad into subjection in the first three furlong6 had everything his own way. Braw Lad is an un- J reliable horse right now. He got away second, was well ridden and had no excuses. Maryland Reserve made up ground throughout and ran a good, game race for him. Forbush closed stoutly J in the stretch and can win soon under light weight. Goal Runner was never dangerous and can ] do better. Scratched-18025 Louisville, 105; 17339 Auster, 101; 17971 Rival Dare, 111. Overweights— Innovator, 2 pounds. J Innovator, place, 8 to 5; snow, 4 to 5. Braw Lad, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. Maryland Re- serve, show, 10 to 1. -1 Q1 I »» THIRD RACE— 1 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second; 5 to third. JL O JL A __i 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses ~A Wt St V_ % StrF_"Jockeys Owners O H L C j 17505GREAT BEND 5 114 14 18 15 18 n i„ Dupee F W Gibson 4 4 34 34 18050MOLO 5 114 44 4U 34 3 2- _» E Ross H Robinson 6-5 8-5 6-5 7-5 1S0502STRANGEST 4 110 6 54 44 42 4* 3* J Miller J H Smith 8 12 8 12 il7850HANDPRESS 5 114 2" 3: 221214 3* 4i«T Burns J F Schorr 41 8 M I 18052* JOHN BAKER 6 114 34 2* 5i 5-" 5»« S" Caywood J D McMillan 4 7 4 7 7348 SIR KENNETH 4 100 5" 6 6 6 6 6 L Rose C D McCoy and Co 30 60 30 60 Time, 124, 86., 52, 1 :224, 1 :50. Winner — Ch. h, by St. Blaise— Susquehanna. Went to post at 3:25. Off at the first break to a fair start. Won driving and out to the Jast ounce; second the same. Great Bend was favored a trifle at the start, and this enabled him to win. He is a great lover of mud, has a fine turn of speed, but at present is not Molos equal in anyway. The latter ran a grand race and was entitled to the victory. He was standing Hat-footed I while Great Bend was running when the start was made. This handicap cost him the race. Ros,s ] rode Molo well and the horse displayed great gameness, being under a terrific drive from the ] three-eighths post home. In the last twenty yards Great Bend was tired enough to lie down and barely lasted long enough to win. From the half mile post home Strangest made up a lot of ground. Handpress was used up in the first part of the race chasing Great Bend. He tired badly in the stretch. John Baker ran below the mark. Sir Kenneth was outclassed. Great Bend, place, 6 to 5 ; show, 1 to 2. Molo, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out. Strangest, show, 2 to 1. -|Q1 1 Q FOURTH RACE— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. _ullO 3-year-olds. Selling. Ind Horses~ A Wt St H /t % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C F79262 WOODTRICE 110 8 74 in|n„ 12 E Ross H Robinson 3 34 3 34 17092 LOMOND 107 1™ 34 1" 1™ 32 21 Dupee W R Griffin 6 12 6 12 179752THOMAS CAREY 104 7" 8 T" 64 8" 3+ Bergen L H Ezell 4 4 4 4 17922 BARNEY F. 107 54 5" 41 2* 4 4" J Miller J H Smith 10 20 10 20 17999*GOLDEN RATTLE 102 64 64 6 4 43 54 52 L Rose J R Hand 4 4 4 4 17518-CLARA WOOLEY 105 2« 4** 8 8 62 6« T Knight F W Doss and Co 6 6 4 4 17998 LYDIA S. 102 M 12 24 V 8 7* Enos H A Cotton 30 60 30 60 18080 1SABINDA 105 I** 2*» 3 " 51 74 8 Silvers Robinson and Moore6 10 6 10 Time, 121, 26, 521, 1:234, 1 *». Winner— Ch. c, by Wood Moss— Cantatrice. Went to post at 3:55. At post 6 minutes. Start good. Won handily at the end after an early drive ; second and third were doing their best. Woodtrice, off in the rear division, was ridden with judgment throughout and in the going was t lie best. Lomond showed fine speed but lost much ground by making a wide stretch turn, otherwise he would have been closer to t he winner. Thomas Carey, slow to get to going was generally poorly ridden and everything considered ran ■ good game race. Barney F. looked dangerous on the far turn but could not stand the pressure at the end. Rose rode a bad race on G ilden Rattle. Scratched 14811 Barrack, 113. Woodtrice, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Lomond, place. S to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Thomas Carey, show. 4 to 5. Golden Battle, place, 8 to 5j show. 4 to 5, Clara Wooley, place. 8 to 5; show, 4 to S, 1 FIFTH RACE B-S Mile. Purse .WOO. 5 to second; 5 to third. Iyi O 1 I ~r 2-year-olds. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St % Vi U StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C iOLD BADGE 105 U 6- 44 4- 1" Devin P Dunne 20 25 20 25 18049-K1D COX 105 t" 81 8»* V 8* J Miller J H Smith 84 M 81 2 179191H IS EMINENCE 118 64 V S" S* 3i"LRose J B Lewman 34 M M M 180283 BEN MAGEN 112 8 8 V 64 4 T Knight H M Newell I 7 t 7 17722 1 LI KEN ESS 109 !■« IU 1" 24 5i" Silvers T F Sellers 7 7 6 6 17437 FLORANTHE 105 2 8" 64 8 6- Tullett J A Grey 80 30 30 30 18044 FRED HESSKi 108 44 44 8 7" 7= T Burns J F Schorr 2 5 2 5 EL CANTO 108 7" 524 3- 8" I Kuhn E J Baldwin 30 30 30 30 Time, 121,26, 53i, l:09i. Winner - B. g. by Badge Tweedledum. Went to post at 4 :20. At post 7 minutes. Start good. The first three were under full sail. Gold Badge is as game as a pebble but won a very lucky race. Kid Cox was by far the best and only a wretched ride beat him. Miller had the gelding all over the track and when the finish came did everything but fall off. Gold Badge had bad luck early and did not seem to have a chance on the far turn, but in the stretch he closed likea whirlwind and just got up in time. His Eminence got away poorly and made up ground throughout. The first three outclassed the others. Scratched 17778 Rasselas, 108. Gold Badge, place, 10 to 1 ; show, 4 to 1. Kid Cox, place, evens; show, 1 to 2. His Eminence, show, 3 to 5. __ lOI 1 fr SIXTH RACE-l 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 5 to second ; 5 to third. _L O A 1 » 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St H Yt X StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C ~ 18048 ORLANDINE3 91 4» 62 5" 3h 224 2* 1» H Stuart F7ed1iia_r _T_es71 _6~8 15~ l7973-!OXNAKD 5 108 54 14 124 1* 1* i 2« L Rose E Harding and Co 6 6 34 34 17973 PAPA HKRY 5 108 3** 2" 2 2»* 4** 34 3 Enos H A Cotton 20 20 20 20 17917 MACCABEE 3 934 24 3 41 524 625 54 4** T Knight Milton Young 3-2 3-2 6-5 7-5 17855 ANNOWAN 4 107 1 4* 3»» 4« 3U 4» 56 Dupee W R Grifiin 4* 44 34 34 17970 QUX SAF1 5 106 7 7 7 7 7 62 61 Grimes G B Havill 30 30 30 30 18 m the y Q1 ij, 3_ 3 iii 11 1 1 1 11 1 M ., 1, 18018 THE BOBBY 3 93 64 S* 6" 61" 5" 7 7 Seaton J H Smith 10 12 10 12 Time, 26, 53, 1 :24, 1 :514, 2:061. Winner— Br. f, by Wadsworth— Voltiphdne. Went to post at 4 :50. Off at the first break to a good start. Won driving to the limit ; second same. It was a ding-dong finish and Orlandine won simply through the action of the nod. The filly passed Oxnard once in the stretch and for an instant appeared to have everything her own way, but at the very end she hung. Oxnard liked the sticky track and ran a good game race. He was well ridden, too, especially at the end, where Rose fairly lifted him. The first two had the race between them all the way. Maccabee can do better. Corrected weights— The Bobby, 93 ; Papa Harry. 108. Overweights— Maccabee, 24 pounds; Orlandine, 5. Orlandine, place. 5 to 1 ; show, 2 to 1. Oxnard, place, 7 to 5; show, 3 to 5. Papa Harry, show, to 1. Annowan, place, 7 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. Maccabee, place, 1 to 2 ; show, out.