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ST. LOUIS ENTRIES. Probabilities: Weather clear; track fast. First Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Ind. Horses. Age. Wt. Hdcp. 17093-Red Gidd 5. ...109 710 17982Hungry Hill 6. ...109 700 17065 Reefer 5. ...107 705 17870 Silent Friend 3.. ..106 715 18012 Celeste dOr 4.. ..105 720 180422Ruby Riley 4. ...105 705 15958 Elbe 3. ... 97 715 14419 Fox Bard 3.... 95 710 17935 Profit 3.... 95 695 18073 Armand 3.... 95 690 17982 Marie G. Brown 3.... 93 700 l76343Clipsetta 3.... 93 725 1 I I 1 I 1 I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 I Second Race— 1 1-4 Miles. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 18098 Gomez 6. Ill 700 18119 Rebel Jack 5.. ..Ill ..... 715 18075 Bill Jack-man 5.. .108 .. .. 705 18073 Musket 4 .... 107 710 17968 Sadie Levy 5.... 106 720 18017 Abusive 4... 104 710 17913 Menu 4.. ..104 705 18098 Our Clara 4.... 102 715 18075 Kloudy ke Queen 4 .... 102 705 18073 Helen Paxtou 4.... 102 .. 700 18099 Larus 3 86 710 18043 Baffled 3.... 86 725 Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. 18099 Jim Conway 6.... 108 705 U8073Sir Philip Sidney 4. ...107 715 17968Livadia 5.. ..106 .. .720 180762Nau Dora 4.. ..102 715 18116 Russell R 3.... 91 .. 725 18043 Dr. Cave 3.... 91 700 Fourth R_ce-5 1-3 Furlongs. Memorial Handicap. Value ,500. All ages. 181012 Yellow Tail 3. ...130 735 18101*Frank Bell 4. ...123 730 18051May Beach 4. ...121 750 15327Harry Duke 8.. ..117 735 18078-Found 5. ...114 720 177022Eugenia Wickes 6. ...114 715 18013Verify 5. ...113 710 18102Fireside 6. ...109 740 17986 Triaditza 3.. ..107 730 17886 Trombone 5. ...105 675 18101EdL 6. ...105 725 Fifth Race— 1 Mile. 3-year-olds. Allowances. 18014Algol 6. ...121 740 lH078Sam Phillips 3. ...106 750 18079LaJosephine 4. ...105 720 17848 Bohul 3.... 99 700 Sixth Race— 3-4 Mile. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. 17987 Zanetto 5. ...112 720 17965Easter Card 4.. ..Ill 715 17987 Ned Wickes 4. ...110 695 17859 Tenole 6. ...109 705 17886 Trombone 5.. ..109 700 17987 Wiggins 5. ...109 710 18014 W. J. Baker 6. ...109 690 18047 Harrie Floyd 6. ...107 715 18103 Lieber Anton 4. ...107 710 13226 Eulalia 5. ...107 705 14244 Queen Esher 4. ...105 685 180462fli Nocker 3. ...103 725