Haggins Yearling Sale, Daily Racing Form, 1900-06-03

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HACOINS YEARLING SALE. The sale of Mr. J. B. Haggins yearlings, foaled at Raucho del Pabo and Elmendorf , was concluded Friday. May 24, at Madison Square Garden with afternoon and evening sales. Sixty-four from Rancho del Paso and twenty from Elmendorf were disposed of at prices decidedly encouraging to the breeders. They brought the following prices : Bay filly, by Star Ruby— Lizetta ; J. ONeil 300 Chestnut colt, by July— Lizzie Dunbar ; G. D. Wilson 625 Bay filly, by Sir Modred— Loleta ; H. E. Leigh 200 Chestnut filly, by Goldfinch — Loto ; A. H. Dahlman 1,500 Chestnut filly, by Golden Garter— Love-knot; G. D. Wilson 400 Chestnut filly, by July— Lovely ; W. L. Powers 100 Chestnut colt, by Goldfinch — Lucania ; F. Barlew 3,600 Bay filly, by Bassetlaw — Lulu ; J. McLaughlin 450 Bay colt, by Goldfinch— Lydia ; J. Daly . . . 1,000 Bay colt, by Golden Garter— Mabel; G. D. Wilson 125 Chestnut filly, by Goldfinch— Mamie B. ; J. ONeil 500 I Chestnut colt, by Watercress — Marge- rique ; J. G. Follansbee 1,100 Chestnut filly, by Golden Dawn— Martine; G. D. Wilson 150 Bay colt, by Sir Modred- Memento; H. E. Leigh 600 Bay colt, by St. Andrew — Memory II. ; G. D. Wilson 350 Bay filly, by Ben Ali— Merrimac; W. L. Powers 300 Bay filly, by Artillery— Minuet: J. ONeil.. 100 Bay colt, by Bassetlaw— Miss Maxim ; E. Corrigan 400 Chestnut filly, by Goldfinch— MisB Woodford; H. E.Leigh 1,000 Bay filly, by Kismet— Mollie; W. L. Powers 100 Hay colt, by Cavalier— Mollie Walton ; W. Huffman 550 Chestnut filly, by Star Ruby— Moonflower : J. G. Follansbee 450 Bay colt, by Duncombe — Nadavis ; G. D. Wilson 1,200 Bay filly, by St. Andrew— Naid ; W. L. Powers 100 Bay filly, by Bassetlaw— Napa ; J. Coffey.. 650 Chestnut filly, by Goldfinch — Olive ; J. ONeil 500 Chestnut colt, by Watercress — Orange Leaf ; H. E. Leigh 200 Chestnut colt, by Goldfinch — Ortawin ; L. O. Appleby 1,450 Bay colt, by Star Ruby-Pearl V. ; J. Coffey 325 Chestnut filly, by Goldfinch— Philistia ; J. Coffey 1,500 Bay colt, by Golden Garter- Pink Cottage; F. Burlew 2,500 Bay filly, by Prestopaus— Poesy ; W. L. Powers 100 Bay colt, by Goldfinch— Queen Bess ; F. Burlew 2,500 Chestnut colt, by Sir Modred — Queen-fisher ; H. E. Leigh 100 Bay filly, by Goldfinch-Reclare; W. L. Powers 1,500 Chestnut colt, by Star Ruby -Repressa ; G. D. Wilson 300 Chestnut colt, by Star Ruby— Rosemary ; M.A.Mayer 600 CONTINUED ON SECOND PAGE. f . i i i j i I i HAGGINS YEARLING SALE. ] Continued from First Page. 1 i __ Bay filly, by Duncombe or Sir Modred— , Sabilla;W.L. Powers 2,100 Brown filly, by Bassetlaw— Salutaris ; Ed Corrigan 200 Bay or brown colt, by Midlothian— Sal- vora; H.Theobald 800 Brown colt, by Watercress— Scarlet Lily; H.E.Leigh 100 Chestnut colt, by Salvator— Scotch Fir; H. Theobald 2,300 Bay colt, by Fitzjames— Sentiment; G. D. Wilson 300 Bay filly, by Darebin— Sibyl; W. L. Powers 250 Chestnut colt, by Goldfinch— Silence ; E. Corrigan 500 Bay colt, by St. Andrew— Sister Beatrice; E. Corrigan 100 Bay or brown filly, by Watercress— Sister Warwick; W. L. Powers 200 Bay filly, by St. Andrew— Sozodont; W. L. Powers 150 Bay colt, by Fitzjames— Springlike; J. Terrett 200 Bay filly, by Watercress— Starlight; W. L. Powers 400 Chestnut colt, by Golden Garter -Stella ; M.A.Mayer 500 Chestnut filly, by Watercress— Suscol; W. L. Powers 500 Bay Colt, by Bassetlaw— Teatro; E. Corri- gan 200 Bay filly, by Bassetlaw-The Dome ; W. L. Powers II Chestnut filly, by Star Ruby— Tourmaline ; W. L. Powers 250 Chestnut colt, by Sir Modred— Trellis ; H. E. Leigh 200 Bay filly, by Bassetlaw Turmoil ; W. L. Powers 600 Brown colt, by Fresno— Vandalia ; G. D. Wilson 250 Brown filly, by Bassetlaw— Vice Versa ; M. Murphy 500 Brown filly, by Darebin— What Not; W; L. Powers 400 Chestnut colt, by Golden Dawn— Wine-Ma ; J. Coffey 400 Chestnut colt, by Goldfinch— Yum Yum ; M. Murphy 5,000 Brown colt, by Watercress— Zealandia ; G. D. Wilson 600 Bay filly, by Bassetlaw— Zuleika ; M. Murphy 750 Total for Rancho del Paso 6,075 Average for 106 head 623.35 elmendorf yearlisgk. Chestnut filly, by Juvenal— Biggonet ; C. Thompson 00 i Bav colt, by Juvenal— Vivacity ; F. Bur-lew 250 I Bay colt, by Juvenal— Miss Jack; F. Bur-lew 1,400 l Bay colt, by Juvenal— Utility ; G. D. Wilson 200 I Chestnut colt, by Juvenal— Curfew II. ; F. DeRuiz 125 Chesnut filly, by Juvenal— Sister Geneva; J.Coffey 1,250 Chesnut filly, by Juvenal— Graziosa : W. L. Powers 250 l Bay colt. Candlemas— Sweet Home; H. . Theobald 1,300 1 Bay colt, by Candlemas — Bibelot: W. Lakeland 600 I Brown or black colt, by Candlemas— Mol- lieB. B.; F Burlew 1,100 I Bay colt, by Candlemas— Her Highness; H.E.Leigh 700 I Bay colt, by Candlemas— Himyance; C. C. Monroe 250 I Chestnut filly, by Order— Lucy B. ; C. Bros6- . man 500 1 Bay colt, by Order— Sandola ; C. Oxx 100 I Bay colt, by Order— Kitty B. II. ; G. D. Wilson 450 i Bay filly, by Order— Square Dance ; Matt D wyer 200 Bay filly, by Order— Blue and White ; W. L. Powers 100 Bay filly, by Order— Formosa ; L. Rubino.. 125 Brown filly,- by George Kessler— Breakdown ; G. D. Wilson 125 Chestnut filly, bp George Kessler— Cat- vosa; G. D. Wilson 125 Total for Elmendorf $ 9,650 Average for 20 head 482.50 Total for sale 5,725 j Average for 126 head 601

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900060301/drf1900060301_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1900060301_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800