untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-06-03


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i I MAY AND OTHER FORM BOOKS. . — ■ May books of Form Charts in paper cover r are on sale. They contain all the Form Charts 5 of all tracks from May 1 to May 31, inclusive. . Price .00. CLOHESEY and CO., PRINTERS. Bookmakers Supplies, Tickets, Sheets, Slates, Cash Boxes, Etc., 86 to 94 Fifth Avenue, Times Building, Telephone Main 2134. Complete booking outfit furnished in an hours notice. j r 5 . MELBOURNE STUD SALE. To Turfmen, Owners and Trainers : I will sell at the Brooklyn Race Course before the races on Tuesday, June 12, under the manage-l ment of the Fasig-Tipton Co., William Easton, auctioneer, twenty-six of the finest thoroughbred yearlings twenty colts and six fillies picked, from my lot of over forty that will go from Kentucky this year and they are by long odds the best lot I every raised and by eight different sires. Western buyers attending my sale can also attend the Runnymede, McGrath-iana, Dixiana, Hartland, Belle Meade and a dozen more leading breeders sales to be held between June Uth and 15th. Mr. Thomas will sell the next day following mine at same time and place. THE MELBOURNE STUD, William S. Barnes, Prop. Lexington, Ky. f Start theWeek Right MONDAY we have a 15 to 1 chance that we know all about and have POSITIVE ASSURANCE IT WILL WIN. We follow this Tuesday with one at 12 to I. We GUARANTEE TWO WINNERS at any track or no charge. Try us and be convinced. Ready at 10 a. m .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Chicago Turf Advisory Co., Room 707, 225 Dearborn Street, Chicago, 111. ■ Rt»»-r»ir FOR MONDAY WILL DdfiZQin GIVE 0UR UI0UI11 SPECIAL SELECTIONS rV-... at Hawthorne for . 50c. l/nV .. Information on all tracks i_r_ • • in the U.S. .00 daily; .00 *.-™ weekly. Remember its no guess work but Serfect handicapping combined withlNFOR-LATION. A long shot today at 30 to 1. Dont miss it. Telegrams ready at 10 a.m. TURF INFORMATION ASSOCIATION.. 303. 185 Dearborn Street. Chicago. I I m YOU CAN BEAT THE PONIES EXEJY DAY with tfe "MI SYSTEM." t.~ UP-TO-DATE... RELIABLE.. ..INVINCIBLE 23 months unbroken success! In daily operation on all tracks! Something new in Turf Speculation. Free booklet tells all about it. WRITE FOR IT L. C. WOODS. - URBANA. ILL. WE ARE THE REAL THING No Fake or Day Dreams With Us. You cant make money on horses that have already won or on fake 50 to 1 shots that never win. Try Our lO to 1 Chance Monday Out of the last fourteen good things we sent out eleven have won. .00 Daily, .00 Weekly. RACE TRACK INFORMATION BUREAU 500-502-504, 263 Dearborn St.. Chicago. Telephone, Harrison 1580. i EXPERT HANDICAPPING 2 Lomond. Globe II., His Excellency, Algol, Small Jack, Rush Fields, Agitator, Queen Dixon, Kriss Kringle, Gold Heels and Ethelbert — Were the winners given by The American Handicappers Saturday. More subscribers than any other concern in the business. We guarantee to return all weekly subscribers the amount of their subscriptions if losers on the weeks play. Watch for our long shots at Hawthorne this week. Selections ready or wired at 10 a.m. TERMS .... 50c. daily. .00 weekly. REYNOLDS and CO., 78, 125 CLARK STREET. O/AIlii DO YOU KNOW? SHJIl SUITirnERFIELD is president of the dearborn tailoring go., 102 EAST MADISON STREET. Suits From $ I o.OO Up Trousers 5.S.00 Up WE ALWAYS DELIVER THE GOODS. STAR THEATRE, Clark and Kinzie Sts. BOXING Every Priday Night — Under auspices of the FORT DEARBORN ATHLETIC CLUB. Sam Summerfield, SSSSfc: C. T. ESSIG, Secretary. JUNE 8. ...GRAND DOUBLE WIND-UP. FRANK CHILDS. Chicago, Colored Heavyweight Champion of the World, vs. FRED RUSSELL, San Francisco, Champion Heavyweight of the Pacific Coas . JIMMY REEDER, Altoona, Pa., Crack Colored Lightweight, vs. JIMMY LAWLER, San Francisco, Champion Lightweight of the Pacific Coast. ....CORKING PRELIMINARIES.... GENE MGOVERN. Chicago, vs. KID HERMAN, Chicago, 118. STEVE CROSBY, Louisville, vs. GEO. COATS, Baltimore, 135. EDDIE SPRAGCE, Streator, vs. PADDY MA- LONEY. San Francisco, 122. American ..Horse Exchanges.. Vearling Sales OCCUR ON JUNE 9th, 11th, a.m. and p.m. JUNE 15th, 16th, am. and p.m. JUNE 18th, 19th, 20th, JULY 4th AND INCLUDE Allthe Leading Stads in America F. M. WARE, TREASURER, MANAGER, AUCTIONEER.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900060301/drf1900060301_2_6
Local Identifier: drf1900060301_2_6
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800