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Noted for ifs Resrauranrs. Natural Headquarters for the ...Washington Park Club... Bpepial Rates During Within One Block of Best Transporta- . ..Racing Season... tion to all, Rack Tracks in the City. ALBERT S. GAGE, PROPRIETOR. WOVEN "MADRAS" SHIRTS n TOm IIIUBRHYS m ...One Dollar Twenty=Five... TOM MURRAY CO. I ...TOM MURRAY... "THEY MAKE SHIRTS." "HE MAKES SHIRTS." 141 Dearborn Street. | 132 Jackson Boulevard ...LEXINGTON... 22ND STREET AND MICHIGAN BOULEVARD, Chicago.... High Class Transit and Residential Hotel. Absolutely Fireproof. Convenient to Transportation fo» all Qace Tracks. Send for Souvenir Booklet and Terms. Geo. B. Ross, Prop Grand Race Horses For Sale. Eugene Leigtis Entire Stable WILL BE SOLD AT AUCTION AT SESFandAci Saturday, July 14. L n ier Management AMERICAN HORSC FXCHKNGC LTD. In the list to be disposed of are such splendid performers as ILDRIM winner of the Belmont Stakes. VULCA1N. KINO BRAMBLE. INISH-FREE. NANSEX. DELMARCH and others, all ready for immediate racing. Consignments from other owners will also be sold. This is a rare opportunity to secure high class performers F. M.Ware, Mrt., l9%SrmSTJt Wagner and Company ROOM 30, 170 EAST MADISON ST. Commissions Taken on all Racing Events. Office Hours From 10 a. m. Until 1 p. m. oAY!!! DO YOU KNOW? SPIIl SUfTlFIlERFIELD is president of the DEARBORN TBILORING CO., 102 EAST MADISON STREET. Suits From $ 1 5.00 Ud Trousers .00 up ..CONEY ISLAND JOCKEY CLUB.. Race Course, Sheepshead Bay, New York. Offices, Fifth Ave , cor 22d St., New York gEs jnonrJay, July 16, 1900, Autumn meeting, 1900. FOR TWO YEARS OLD. and*££* OI f* *•"*■**■ wt» W" added, of which 00 fo the second and 50 to the third. THE OREAT EASTERN, ,500. A handicap. By subscription of 5 each, for starters. 5 "eights to be announced three days before the race. Winners after announcement of weights forfeit, for horses entered by January 3, or of 50 each for starters, forfeit for those entered » Jbi,trv.,bI1 Ib1urJ,.,?g8 U ,Maln Track. by Juty 16, when the event shall be closed. Guaranteed cash value ,500, of which ,000 to the ,. -Auii ,L,y14 , • *J500 added. By subscription of 0 each for starters, or 0 forfeit. With winner; ,000 to the Becond and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before 7 .•fiZZ whlch *: 0° to th« second and flM to the third. Winners in 1900 of ,000 3 lbs. ; the race. Winners after announcement of weights 4 lbs. extra. Six Furlongs. J,wo of *75?°i°r °.n,e ot 0000. 5 lbs. extra. Xon-winncs in 1900 of .5C0 allowed 5 lbs. ; of ,000, THE FLATBUSH, ,000. By subscription of 5 each for starters. 5 forfeit for horses 8 lbs- ■ °/ and-12 lbs. • ! f s:co-, 18 lbs- One Mile and a Furlong, entered by January 3, or of 50 each for starters, 0 forfeit, for those entered by July 16, when -m Tj j J r-5. •w added. By subscription of 0 each for starters, or 00 forfeit. With the event shall be closed. Guaranteed cash value ,000. of which ,000 to the winner 00 to the •p-OO added, of which C0 to the second and 50 to the third. Winners in 1900 of races amount-second and 00 to the third. To carry 115 lbs. ; winners after August 15 of ,000 120 lbs. ; maidens «and in the aggregate to $.,.000. 3 lbs. extra : to 0,000. 5 lbs. extra. Other horses if non-winners 105 lbs. ; fillies and geldings allowed 3 lbs. Seven Furlongs. J* anv race m 19tu « UJM allowed 5 lbs j of ,000, 10 lbs. ; of 00, 20 lbs. One Mile and Three THE AUTUMN MAIDEX, ,250 added. Maidens at time of closing. Colts to carry 115 lbs. ; Sixteenths. fillies and geldings 112 lbs. By subscription of 0 each for starters, or 0 forfeit. With ,250 FOR THREE YEARS OLD AND UPWARDS. added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. Winners after July 16, once 4 lbs.; THE TWIN CITY HANDICAP, ,500 added. Handicap By subscription of 50 each for twice 7 lbs. extra. Last Five Furlongs of Futurity Course. starters. 0 forfeit, or |SS if declared out by August 15. With ,500 added of which 00 to the THE SAPPHIRE, ,250 added. For two-year-olds which have not won a race of the value second and 00 to the third. Weights to be announced three days before the race Winners after of 00. Colts to carry 118 lbs ; fillies and geldings US lbs. By subscribtiou of $ 0 each for announcement of weights 5 lbs. extra. One Mile and a Quarter. starters, or 0 forfeit. With ,250 added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. THE AUTUMN CUP. ,500 added. Handicap. By subscription of 50 each for starters 0 Winners after July 16, of ,000. 3 lbs. ; two of ,000 or one of ,000. 7 lbs. ; of ,000, 10 lbs. extra, forfeit, or 5 if declared out by August 15th. With "500 added of which 00 to the second and Mai,jen£ SHSHF1 £and" kand* Fi™ anu a H*MX?i2?»«i8! Futurity Course. S3C0 to the third. Weights to be announced four days before the race. Winners after auuouuce- THE DASH. .2o0 added. Colts to carry 122 lbs. ; fillies and geldings 119 lbs. By subscrip- meut of weights of one race 3 lbs.: of two races 5 lbs. extra. Two miles tion of 0 each for starters, or 0 forfeit. With ,250 added, of which 00 to the second and THE TlRF HANDICAP, si, iro added. Handicap. By subscription of 0 each for starters 50 to the third. Winners of .0C0. or two of ,250. 5 lbs. extra. Xon winners of ,250 allowed or 0 forfeit. With .2.0 added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third Weights to 7 lbs. : of 00, 12 lbs. ; of 00. 18 lbs. be announced three days before the race. Winners after announcement announcement oi of weights weignts 5 , lbs ins. extra extra, THE BELLES. ,250 added. For fillies. To carry 115 lbs. By subscription of 0 each for One Mile and a Quarter on Turf. starters, or 0 forfeit. With ,250 added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third THE Rl SSET HANDICAP, ,500 added. Handicap. By subscription of 0 each for start-Winners after July 16, of ,400. 3 lbs. ; two of ,400 or one of ,500, 5 lbs. ; or of one at any time ers. or 0 forfeit. With ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third Weights of ,000, 10 lbs. extra. Non-winners at any time of ,250 allowed 5 lbs. ; of 00. 8 lbs. Maidens to be announced three days before the race. Winners after announcement of weights 5 lbs ex-allowed 15 lbs. Futurity Course. tra. One Mile and a Half on Turf. THE PARTRIDGE, ,250 added. To be run on the Turf Track. By subscription c f $"0 each for 0 forfeit. With ,250 added, of which 00 to the second and 50 to the starters, or rThp niitiirnn HQnfliPQnO «t!C GPlR By subscription of 0 each which eubscrintion third. Winners of ,000. or two of 400 7 lbs. extra Xon-winners of ,400 allowed 5 lbs. ; of I I|G 1UIUII[| nanUlGapS. it b.andUU s,Jall eutitfe "he entr "to "art in all U.reehandT- 00, 10 lbs. Maidens allowed 15 lbs. Six Furlongs on Turf. caps. viz. : The t all. The Ocean, and the Omnium without additional cost and also to he handi- THE GOLDEN ROD, ,250 added. To be run on the Turf Track Colts 115 lbs : fillies capped free if declared for all overnkd.t handicaps, at the Autumn Meeting thereby saving the and geldings 112 lbs. By subscription of $, 0 each for starters, or 0 forfeit. With .2.0 added, usual declaration fee. The dates of these races will be published in the Droc-r imme book oook of the tne of which 00 to the second and 50 to the third. Winners of ,000, or twice of ,400, or of the meeting. programme oi Partridge Stakes. 7 lbs. extra. Non-winners of ,000 allowed 5 lbs. ; of 00. 10 lbs. Maidens THE FALL HANDICAP. ,000. A handicap for three years old and upwards The winner allowed 15 lbs. Six and a Half Furlongs on Turf. to receive ,500. the second 50 and the third 50. Weight to be announced three davs before FOR TWO YEARS OLD AND UPWARDS. J1* race- Winners after announcement of weights 4 lbs. extra. Horses entered five days before THE FLIGHT, ,500 added. By subscription of 0 each for starters, 0 forfeit for horses the THE OCEN HNDIC VP*t* OMA hSandfaPJS Mai" TVA? a entered by January 3. 1900, or of 00 each for starters. 0 forfeit for those entered by July 16. to receive 1500 the ecnd The winner 1900. when the event shall be closed. With ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and 00 to Jg/!2SLW Wtoners ifter uimnnce , e . f w«io,t iK w ******* and* and*• £e ore the third. Two years old, 95 lbs ; three years old, 118 lbs,: four years old and upward. 125 lbs. . J? StSr or J2.X"e L One M le " sex allowances. Winners in 1900 of races amounting in the aggregate to ,000 or more, if TRV OMNilM H ivmnp *■» -en a i,..„; «__*i .. , „,, three years old or under, 10 lbs. ; if four years old or over, 7 lbs. extra. Other horses never h»v- ner torecei ve r 000 theWorid £ tL AlPw™* rV°M and uPwar,ds- 1,e "fr ing won 000, if non-winners in 1900 of ,000. allowed if three years old or under 5 lbs. : if four f the rtce inien?3E! TnSj2?tfl?iSf; Yt ghtS ?° b° i anoimt"ed three days be- 5sfS2th 10 lb" : of -000, if three years or under-10 K ; if four or upwar ls r u,s-»-"« ""- s ■ pa/s-* * entered hve day FOR THREE YEARS OLD. STEEPLE* HASE AND HURDLE STAKES. THE SEPTEMBER, ,500 added. By subscription of 0 each for starters, 5 forfeit, or THE WESTBURY STEEPLECHASE, ,200 added. Handicap for three years old and ud only 0 if struck out by July 16, 1900, or of 00 each for starters. 0 forfeit for horses entered by wards. By subscription of 0 each for starter, or 5 forfeit. With °00 added of which s o July 16, 1900, when the stakes shall be closed. With ,500 added, of which 00 to the second and to the second and 50 to the third. Weights to be announced three "" divs h*»f«™ °eiore ,* ™e r .-a race. *uii i, 00 to the third. Horses which have never won ,000. if non-winners in 1900. of ,000. 5 lbs. : of Steeplechase course. ,500. 10 lbs. : of ,000. 15 lbs. Winners in 1900 of ,000. 4 lbs. extra. In the calculation of penal- THE MINEOLA HlRDLE RACE. added. Handicap for three years old and unw-ird ■ ties and allowances, winnings resulting from handicaps and selling races when carrying less than By subscript ions of 0 each for starters, or 0 forfeit. With 00 added of which »00 to the weight for age 6hall not be taken into consideration. One Mile and Three Furlongs. second and 00 to the third. Weights to he announced three davs J heforn the r-me Tiv,. m;iu. THE FLYING HANDICAP. ,250 added. Handicap. By subscription of 0 each for Over Eight Hurdles, On Turf. mUm FOR THE JUNE MEETING, 1902--KOR horses now yearlings THE LAWRENCE REALIZATION ,500 added. For three years old, foals at 1899. A sweep- first forfeit of 0. leaving the purchaser liable for the same unless duly struck out Should stakss by the following respective subscriptions: For horses entered a6 foals by July 15, 18.»9. $,0 subscriber or transferee die before the race the entry shall not be void provided it be assumed i each, or only 0 if struck out by July 15. 1900. or 5 if struck out by July 15. 1901. For horses en- by the then owner of the horse ; notice in writing to that effect, accompanied by the oavment ot tered as yearlings by July 16, 1900. when the stakes shall be closed, 00 each, or 0 if struck out all accrued liabilities, hem-given within three months after such demise ix.mise. One Une Mile Mi « and ,.„l i ive ku« by July 15. 1901. All starters to pay 50 additional, all of which shall go to the second and third Forlonas. horses as further provided. The Coney Island Jockey flub to add ,500. The second to receive ,000 of the added money, and two-thirds of the starting money ; the third 00 of the added The Rules of Racing, and subsequent amendment- thereto adopted bv The Jockey Club m money and one-third of the starting money. In the event of a horse, nominated as a foal, win- ern all races and racing of the Coney Island Jockey Club. Eut , ies to these and all other racea uing, the nominator, namely, the owner of foal at time of entry, to receive 00 of the added of the Coney Island Jockey Club are advertised, and will be received only on the understand ng money. Colts to carry 126 lbs.; geldings. 123 lbs. ; fillies, 121 lbs. Non-winners at any tune of and agreement of the subscriber that the provisions of Rules 52 and 43 form a Dart of anH m,clr» ,000 allowed 4 lbs. ; of ,000. 7 lbs. ; of ,000. 10 lb-. Handicaps and selliug races not reckoned the contract. Rula f2- Rules of Racing. Every person subscribing to a sweeDst ikes en or as races. The produce of mares or stallions which have not produced a winner prior to January tenng a horse in a race to be run under t bese rules, accepts the decision of the Stewirds 1, 1899, to be allowed, if claimed at tune ol entry. 3 lbs. ; of both. 5 lbs. By filing on or before July question relating to a race or to racing." Rule 48.— "At the discretion of the Stewards on of the inv 15, 1900, with the Coney Islaud Jockey Club an accepted transfer of the foal s entry, the original Jockey Club, or of the Steward.-, and without notice, the entries of any nerson or the transfer of subscriber will be released from any liability as to the engagement of said entry except as to the any entry may be refaaed.1 kntbiaddre9sei to The Clerk of the Course, Coney Island Jockey Club, N. E.cor. Fifth Ave., and 226 Street, New York.