untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1900-07-12


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AMERICAN SPORTING MANUAL. The American Sporting Manual of 1900 contains all racing records at large, revised and complete up to the end of 1899 ; four handicapping systems with directions for their practical application, a table showing how to compute bookmaking percentages, track records of all the recognized tracks of the country, the western and eastern ?cales of weights, tables showing the comparative speed of tracks, a complete list of pugilistic contests of 1899 of any consequence, trotting and pacing records at all distances and a list of the new 2:13 trotters of 1899. : Also a complete record of performances at all styles of billiards, together -jnth scores of all the important matches and tournaments of 1899 BIG SALK OK THOROUGHBRED YE AR- lings at Inion Stock Yards, Chicago. 111.. Monday and Tue-day, July 16-17, evenings at 7:30 oclock. 125 thoroughbred colts and fillies from the following well-known breeders: Gen. W. H.Jackson. Belle Meade : Mr. O.H.Chenault. Spendthrift : Col. W. S. Barnes, Melbourne. Mr. Catesby Woodford, Raceland : Col. E. F. Clay. Runuvmede: Messrs. Woodford Bros.,Leonatus : Mr. W. M. Fields Jr., The Warners; Mr. O. F. Troutmin. Messrs. S. K. Hughes and Co., Col. L. P. Tarltou. Fleetwood : Mr. J.V. Shipp, Messrs. T. J. and G. H. Clay. Maj. B. G. Thomas. Dixi-ana Stud; Mr. J. W. Forsythe, Mr. Joel Higgins. From stake winning and producing dams. See W. T. Woodard at Washington Park track. He can sell some horses in training at this sale. Biggest and Best Sale in the West for 1900. For catalogues and all particulars apply to WOOOARD and sHANKLIN, Lexington, Ky BUNCO --BRONCHO As advertised and promised one 1 REAL iOOD TH:NG at a price which Milwaukee was THREE i3i OTHER WINNERS at even money or bettor. Here is the special: Tappan. pipe: Serrano, with a Bullman ride. OTHERWISE Clay Poynter : Espionage. Zoroaster, even money win or Mr. Brown place. ALL WIN" AND BETTER THAN EVEN MONEY, with Golden Age as an iutermission bet. TODAY 1 HAVE ANOTHER MILWACKEE AND TWO OTHER WINNERS. NO FAVORITES. AND ONLY ONE CONDITION RACE. Get specials at all the usual places BEFORE entering track. Col. J. c. Wooters, 94 Lincoln Hve. Today as Promised Our advertised 15 TO 1 chance IS FIT and starts TODAY. With this we have two other rare chances— BOTH WINNERS— one 3 to 1— one 5 to 1. Absolutely RELIABLE INFORMATION on these good things. Ready at 10 a.m. .00 DAILY .00 CHICAGO TURF ADVISORY CD. Room 707. 225 Dearborn St.. Chicago. 111. Better Information 2randK£.2sri dear at any price. Our clients had [tat fllirQ most of the long shots that have ■*■ UUlu won and we have several that will win at once. .00 Per Day. .00 Per Week. Wired 11 a.m. Delivered anywhere in town, American Horsemens Pgency, SUITE 516. 167 DEARBORN ST. IT1HRVEL0US ! IllflRVELOUS ! ! The most extraordinary success on earth. Gran-nans "Commonsense" Guide. Winners every day. No t ip6 or wires required : one horse a race, and not for every race in the day ; this secret mode of operating never before made public; tells you at a glance just what to do. Send him your stamped address quick. It will be the best days work you ever did in vour life. GRAN-NAN, P O. Box 227. Brooklyn, N. Y. 15 TO 40 TO 1. Today our good thing runs and the best long shot you ever bet on in your life. 64 WINNKRS OCT OF 90 Run at Washington Park. Friday our -.pedals include a 12 to 1. You can bet the limit. .00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY Race Track Information Bureau, SUITE 500. 263 DEARBORN ST.. CHICAGO CAD C Al p FOR BREEDING l K.J 1 0~VI— «!_. ■ purposes OBA/IEL1.A, Ch. m. 5 vears old. by Aintree— Qniek. This was a good racehorse, is highly bred and hould make a good broodmare. Inquire of GEORGE D. KELLEY. Stable W. Washington Park. ...LEXINGTON... 23ND STRKET AND MICHIGAN BOULEVARD, Chicago.... High Class Transit and Residential Morel. Absolutely Fireproof. Convenient to TransDortation for all Race Tracks. Send for Souvenir Booklet and Terms. Geo. B. Ross, Prop.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900071201/drf1900071201_2_3
Local Identifier: drf1900071201_2_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800