Washington Park Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1900-07-12


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WASHINGTON PARK FORM CHART. j « HIC.VCO, II. I.., .July 11. » Sixteenth day. Washington Park Club. Summer Meeting. Wither clear : track fast. , Presiding Judge. C. H. Pet I .iugill. Starter. Kicliard Dwyer. , ■ Racing start- at 2 :30 p. m. I 1 i* * W P1RST RACE B 1-s Kurlongx. hB.00 a lded. |P to nwd; «S to third. ! i 11 t" 1 Oil E-year-olda. Allowance*. __ Ind Hor e A Wt St Li Vi StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19061 GOLDEN. AGE YBk 9" V V i 1-i Biiilman li B Morris and Co 2 11-52 11-5 ! 3 i!«»iHA.D MW 108 5" 4" I- IH 2» Mathews H T Griflin 6 20 ti 20 1906S H. HKRENDKEN 115 24 21 11*2* I* Caywood iritlin and Powers 2 2 2 2 18909 LONGFLO 115 lOi 9" 10 4 44 J WinkfieldK D Frazier 10 : 0 10 50 19099 KOHNVVREATH 10: 8 S- si ,■ L Rose « W Poole 10 10 10 20 U900- DAN iERLINE 115 1» S i 74 91 H T Burns J F Schorr 6 15 6 IS 18702 -GR MH IN 108 4 10- 9- 7-7- T Knight J B Respass 6 10 b 10 18971 BATT IS 112 7" 61 6- 8* Southard .1 H Smith 6 10 I 10 lxS20tPALETjr 11" ** U 2, 51*93 Howell T F Sellers 6 10 6 10 i 19032 RUSTIC GIRL J07 6 5 " - 10 10-i Roland T A Magce 18 : 0 15 r,0 lis 53 PROSPER LA GAI 108 11 11 11 11 11 S Porter VM Walla, e and Co30 50 30 50 Time. 12. 24,. 3f.. 49. 1:08.. Winner B. c. by Golden Garter- Nonage. Went to post at 2:30. At post 16 minutes Start fair. Won easily: -econd and third driving i hard. Golden Age ia a colt of good class, and, considering the weight he was conceding to all llie other starters, he ran a good race. Handy Man was a keen contender all the way and out-trained Harry Hereudeen at the end. The latter showed his usual amount of speed, but tired 1 when the pinch came. Longtio had a rough journey, and, eieij thing considered, ran almost as as good a race as .lid the winner. Paletou is Speed] . bnt seems to possess little stamina. Battus ran below the mark. Scratched 18880 Princess Tatyana. 112. Overweights -Rustic Girl. 2 pounds. Golden Age, place, evens; show. 2 to 5. Handy Man. place. 8 to 1 : show. 3 to 1. Harry Her-ondeen, show, 2 to 5. -| d-t /» A SECOND RACE-1 Mile and 70 Yards. 00 added. 5 to second; 5 to _|_ » / X " * J third. 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Jnd Horses A Wt~St~li W~H~ StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19083 TAPPAN 6 107 6" 5" 5»« 4* 2* 1* Buliman WP Magrane 8-5 8-5 8-5 8-5 19127 HENRi C. 5 110 l 44 3. 24 Pk V Bolaud James Wilson 10 10 10 10 19070 SAM MKEEVER 4 110 3" 3- 4* 51 !■ t Howell Fred Foster 6 10 6 10 19127 RED PIRATE 4 108 1" 2 r 21f 11 4- i* Southard J H Smith 4 4 34 M 16680 B. OF HOLMDF.L5 105 7 6 V 6- W» 51* T Knight H T Grirlin 10 10 6 6 18382 PITFALL 8 107 U 7 7 7 6- ft- L Rose E Harding A Co 50 60 50 60 19071 BITTER ROOT 5 113 2» 1- 1" 3-- 7 7 Caywood MrsF7.uehlko fcCo4 4 4 4 Time. 124,2*1,49, 1:15!. 1:41.1:461. Winner— B. g. by Powhattan Finical. Went to post at 3:10. Off at the second break to a good start. Won easily at the end after a hard early drive; second, third and fourth doing their best Tappan was the best, best ridden, and appears to be in excellent form at present. He is a horse that likes a route and can be tabbed to beat better one-. Henry C. ran a surprisingly good race. Sam McKeever looked to have a winning chance at the head of the stretch, but hung at the end. However, it is the best race the colt has run at the meeting. Red Pirate showed a sharp turn of speed. So did Bitter Root, who stopped with his mouth wide open. Belle of Holmdel got into a bad jam on the first turn and this ruined her chances. Bitter Root bled and that caused him to stop. Tappan was run up to 31,000 by J. H. Smith, but W. P. Magiaue n-tained him. Overweights— Bitter Root. 3 pounds. Tappan, place, 3 to 5; show. out. Henry .. place, 4 to 1 ; show. 2 to 1. Sam McKeever. show, 2tol. Red Pirate, place 7 to 5: show. 3 to 5. Bitter Root, place. 7 to 5 ; show, 3 to 5. f|-| rr7i THIRD RACE— 1 1-4 Miles". ,000 addedKMO to second ; 00 to third. f X i 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Ind Horses A Wt St St „ Vs StrFin Jockey.- Owners O H T.~C~~ 18690M 1 LWAUKEE6 100 5» 3 *~ 7 •* 3 1 T Knight T Hums 10 10 5 5 19098S11. LUCA8 :; 122 S»« 6" M 3-3" 1»« 2- Boland Thompson Bros 24 44 24 4 19122FLORI/AR 3 108 *" *■ 2- 2, li SI U Buliman H J Scoggan 11-52; 11-524 19035-ADY. GCARD3 Ii7 1h 5- 1" |1 4* 4- 4* Caywood CarthersandShields4 4 11-511-5 19124 OUR NELLIK4 102 4« !•• 1U1. 2»» 5 5- H Stuart T J McHale 15 40 15 40 19124- THE BOBBY 3 99 2» 2. 3" 6- 7 6- 64 Patterson J H Smith 20 20 20 20 19C97-ADMETUS 6 106 7 7 64 7 6-7 7 L Rose G W Poole and Co 10 12 10 12 Time. 124.25,504. 1:154. 1:42. 1:314, 2:07. Winner- B. h.. bj Free Knight— Fautress. Went to post at .1:40. At p -t 4 minutes. Start good. Won easily: the next three were driving. Milwaul.ee liad a big pull in the weights, was ridden to perfection, and won like a good racehorse. Knight hugged the i til throughout and never made a move until the stretch was reached, then lie luckily got through on the inside. Sidney Lucas race was a grand one. The colt was carried wide at the he. d of the stretch by Florizar Florizar seemed to have all of the others beaten on the far turn. I .it he weakened badly when the pinch came. Advance Guard met with i lot of interference a;;er passing the three-furlong poet, and Caywood had to pull him up sharply to keep him from fal nig. Our Nellie ran a good race, and can win a race in cheaper company/ The Bobby and Adasetna were outcla-sed. Overweights The Bobby. 1 pi ind. Milwaukee, place. 8 to 5: show. I to 5. Sidney Luca.-, place, 8 to 5 : show, 3 to 5. Florizar. show. 2 to f Advance Guard, place, t to " : show. 2 to 5. r | FOURTH RACE ! Mile and TO Yards. 00 added. ~5 to second ; 5~To 1l » / X 4 A third. 3-year-ol s and upward. Selling. InT Horse- A Wt 8t7 ■-» % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19124 CLA POYNTER 5 107 6 6 6 31 1" L PMcDermtJ D Farrell and Co 5 7 5 5 18939 SERRANO 6 112 1* 1-2 1h 2 2* T Knight J B Reapaat 2211 19I5C-ESP10NAGK 4 103 4« 3" 4 6 44 3» B.-rgen L H Ezell 6 7 6 7 19034 iLAKE MILLS I KM U i .- ! B» 41 Boland J W Wilson 5 5 5 5 19081 GEORG E K RATS 5 107 ?,« x 3" 4*» 5»« 5* Howell WHRobinsonandCo 8 12 8 12 18177 SEMPER EADEM4 107 2-2U; 24 6 6 Buliman J Mnrphy 5 6 5 6 . Time. 12.243,494, 1:15. 1:40. 1:45.. Winner- B. g, by Linden -Ella H. Went to post at 4:15. Oil at the second break to a good start. The first two were driving to the limit, as also were the third, four !i an. I fifth. Clay Poynter ran a very game race, and on him McDermott rode a powerful finish, from the head of the stretch home Clay Poynter and Serrano had a battle rojal. Knight, who rode Serrano, was criticised for not drawing his whip. I ut as a matter of fact he rode a great race and got every inch of speed that the hor.-e possessed out of him. Espionage was interfered a it h on the far turn, and in the last quarter made up a lot of ground, finishing gamely under Bergens -trong ride. Better ridden. Lake Mills would have been third. Bolaud messed the colt about l.adly all during the race. George Krats took the long route. Semper Eadem showed speed, but ran a disappointing race. The winner was run up .S300 over his entered price by Ed Trott-r. bin was retained. Scratched-19097 iGreat Bend. lift. Overweights- Semper Eadem, 2 pounds. Clay Poynter. place. 8 to : : show, 7 to 10. Serrano, place. 3 to 5; show, out. Espionage, show. evens. r. 1 rj b FIFTH RACE— 1 Mil«:. 00 added. 00 to second ; 0 tolhira. » / i — 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. TnX Horses A Wt St V4 % StrFin jockeys Owners O H L C 19101 -BLUE LICK 4 115 4" 5 4* S* 21 I" Caywood Q W Poole and Co 2 34 2 3i 19102-JOSEPHINE B. 4 100 3» IS 1-4 1-4 C 2 T Knight T E Barrett 4 5 4 5 19125 LA JOSEPHINE 4 107 5 3" 3" 24 4" 3- Mathews J Grirlin and Co 24 24 11-511-5 19102 LOMOND 3 90 2" 21 2" 4" 3" 41 J Martin W P Magrane 12 U 10 10 19T80 JIM MCLEEYY 4 100 1" 7 7 64 51 51 Hall John Hall 6 8 6 8 19G20 MD. RESERVE 4 107 64 61 6 51 62 6 Grimes G B Havill 20 30 20 30 19078-THE L. IN BLUEI KB 7 4 5" 7 7 7 H Butler A B Barnes 4 4 4 4 Time. 121,241, 191. 1:154, 1:41. Winner B. . by Daniel Blue Bells. Went to post at 4:45. At rost 5 minutes. Start good. Won driving hard. The next four were doing their best. Blue Lick got a fine ride and ran a good, game race. Caywood held the colt back until the stretch was reached then be went to the front like a flash. Josephine B. got a flying start, took the iborteat route and ran her very best race. La Josephine had bad luck in ! the race but it is doulitf ul whether -liecuM have beaten the leaders. Lomond -bowed speed. The Lady in Blue got away in a tangle and never got fully straightened ont. Corrected weights-Maryland Reserve. 107. Blue Lick, place. 9 to 5 ; show. 1 to 2. Josophiue B. place. 2 to 1 ; show. 4 to 5. La Josephine, show. 2 to 5. The Lady in Blue, place. 8 to 5 : show. 3 to 5. T *± SIXTH RACE l Mile. 00 added. 1100 to second; 0 to third. 111 J f X | O 3-year-olds and upward. Allowance-. Ind Horses 4 Wt St 4 ;2 J4 StrFin Jockeys Owners 0 H "t C 19C04 ZOROASTER 4 102 ! S - li J Martin Y Shields 3 la-ftt tt-5 iie962 MR. BROWN 3 MB I 2 31 SM 2 2" T Knight J B Re-pa- I 18-53 18-5 lSyll BANGLE S 114 4»« U4 1- 1 -•: l1 3+ Buliman KS Gardner Jr 7-5 7-5 6-5 6-5 I90M BONEV BOY 4 107 l V tn 2-4* 4- Seatou Mrs R Bradlev 20 20 20 20 19069-EYA RICE 5 109 3- U 4- 4- 5-• 5-" Devin C K Burdeau 4 6 4 6 j , , I ! ! 3 191273PATROON 5 102 54 6 6 6 6 6 L Rose W McLatchy 10 15 10 15 Time, 12, 244. 48:, l:14i, 1:40. YViuner B. g. by Rayon dOr— Astoria. W;ent to post at 5 :15. Off at the first break to a good start. Won cleverly ; second and third were under full sail. Zoroaster, with a lot of weight off. ran like a stake horse. On him Master Martin rode a flue race. He waited in behind the others until the stretch was reached and then went to the front with a rush. Mr. Brown is a handy colt and is as game as a pebble. Bangle got away flying and set a terrific pace which told on him when the pinch came and he naturally tired. Bouey Boy was right there all the way and is apparently in winning form. Eva Rice showed little or no speed and hardly ran her race. Patroon has had a lot of racing lately and is possibly staling. Mr. Brown interfered with Bangle in the stretch. Scratched— l9033- Midwood. 100; 19122 Star Chamber. 102. Zoroaster, place, 6 to 5; show. 3 to 5, Mr. Brown, place, 6 to 5; -how, 3 to 5. Bangle, place, to 5; show, out,

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1900071201/drf1900071201_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1900071201_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800