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THE Washington Park Club 25-DAYS RACING-25 2 JUNE 23 TO JULY 21, INCLUSIVE £ RAGES COMMENCE AT 2:30 P. M. SHARP. RAIN OR SHINE. ADMISSION, INCLUDING SEAT IN GRAND STAND, .00. nnMiiwwwwn Mn iiiiiiIpiipiiii n»«ww»»www r» TRAIN SERVICE. Illinois CPnlTrll RriilrOriCl FXDfPSS ni I OCrll TrflinS South Side Elevated Trains connecting with all Elevated Roads via the Loop every 3 minntee. . . SOUTH SIDE ELEVATED EXPRESS TRAINS. Leaving Loop at Congress street and stop- t Leave D Randolph j i u street j depot *. as * follows 11 : ♦., J12:45. iS i. tl:00. m %1 », :05, « «. *1 :10, n *, yl :20, * +, :25, or m *1 :30. ™ *i flalL *n , , «« , , „, . „„ . -. . ., . A. I ping only at 22nd and 31st streets, arriving at 61st street in 20 minutes. *, *, =„ in m +o ™= *o ,n j.o o« +o.,c « ,n x- Note: * *• indicates j- i ■ fl:45, *1:50, |2:00, :05, *2:10, t2:20, 2:25, 12:40. through express trains, no ■tope south of V».n Buren street; texpress trains with loop connections, transfer at Sixtieth CABLE AND ELECTRIC LINES. State street and Cottage Grove avenue cable lines con- ■treet, stopping at Van Buren Btreet, Hyde Park and South Park oulj ; + local, stopping at all nectiag with all south side cross-town lines direct to gates. Calumet Electric Street Railway tc ■tationB with loop connections, transfer at Sixtieth street ; parlor cars on through express trains. South Park avenue and 63rd street. Chicago Jockey Clubs Summer Slakes To Be Run at Hawthorne During the Meetings of JULY 23-AUGUST 4, and AUGUST 20-SEPTEMBER 1 . Twelve fliQu-CIass stakes witn Following Conditions: The Prairie Stakes.— A sweepstakes for two- tional to start. With 00 added, of which before the race, and all so named to be liable usual hour of closing the day before the race, year-olds that have not won a stake. Entrance to the second and 5 to the third. Weights to j for the starting fee. One mile. and all so named to be liable for the starting- 0 each to accompany the nomination : 0 ad- appear five days before the race. Winners after ■ The July Stakes.— A sweepstales for three- ee- Mile and a Quarter. ditional to start. With 500 added, of which publication of weights of other than a selling year-olds and upward Entrance 0 each to tv. » u* i » n- 25 to the second and 5 to the third. Winners race, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Starters to be named accompany the nomination ■ 0 additional to t !e x yn stakes.— A selling sweepstakes after the closing of this race, of a sweepstakes through the entry box at the usual hour of clos. , start With 00 added of which SI 50 to the ! tnree-year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 to carry 5 lbs. extra. Others non-winners of ing the day before the race, and all so named to I second and 5 to the third Weight 8 lb° be- f-achw aPcp. t°0?in?tl0.n : JH0"1: 00 allowed 5 lbs.; maidens, 12 lbs. Five and be liable for the starting fee. Six Furlongs. J~° and, fclf2 Winners I this ar of other tha,, gfSfi SiSSaStSf °f-Th?„*™ mj_w fiipljuuf furlong. . , .it iv i *•!_-* u» iQ6 econa and - o to the third. 1 he winner one-half Tht, stakes.-A handicap a selling race, when carrying weight for age or Superutr sweep- to be solA at auction. |f entered to be sold for stakes for three-year-olds. Entrance 0 each, more, to carry I lbs. extra for each such race The Lassie Stakes.-A sweepstakes for fillies 000 to carry weight for age: if for les* lib. two years old. Entrance 0 each, to accom- to accompany the nomination; 0 additional to won. Others, non-winners this year of . al- ali„wecl for eacll .co to ,000, then I lb. for pany the nomination ; 0 additional to start, start. With 00 added, of which 50 to the lowed o lbs. ; of 00, 10 lbs. six Furlongs. each 00 less down to 00. Seven Furlongs. With 00 added, of which 50 to the second second and 5 to the third. Weights to ap- The Olyuipia stakes —A sweepstakes for and 5 to the third. A winner of a stake to car- pear five days before the race. Winners after three year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 each. The t-iidii ranee stakes.— A sweepstakes for ry 3 lbs. ; of two. 5 lbs. ; of three or more, 8 lbs. publication of weights of other than a selling : to accompany the nomination ; 0 additional three-year-olds and upward. Entrance 0 each, extra. Others, non-winners of C0. allowed 5 race, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Starters to be named to start. With 00 added, of which 50 to the to accompany the nomination : 0 additional lbs.: of 00, x lbs.; maidens, 15 lbs. Five Fur- through the entry-box at the usual hour of clos- second and 5 to the third. A winner this year I to "tart. With 00 added, of which 50 to longs. ing the day before the race, and all so named of three or more stakes, selling excepted, to i second and 5 to third. Non-winners this year _ - , to be liable for the starting fee. Wile and a carry 5 lbs. extra. Non-winners of two stakes of *-.000 allowed 5 lbs. ; of ,000, 10 lbs. ; of 00, The Clyde „_. Stakes. -A sweepstakes for colts Furlong. this year allowed 3 lbs. ; of any, 5 lbs. ; if uch , 13 lb*- Two Miles. for three-year-olds Entrance 1-lbs. .■ ™»Ol an, value, la b». One Mile. , fU each, for three-year-olds to start. With 00 added, of which 50 to the takes cap and upward. Entrance second and 5 to the third A winner of a to accompany the nomination; %40 additional The Northern stakes.— A handicap sweep- 0 each, to accompany the nomination ; 0 ad-stake to carrvSlbs • of two 5 lbs -of three or to 8lart- » ith 00 added, of which 25 to the stakes for three-year-olds and upward. En-| ditional to start. With 00 added, of which more 8 lbs extra Other* non-winners of 00 second and 5 to the third. The winner to be trance 0 each, to accompany the nomination : 50 to the second and 00 to the third. Weights allowed 5 lbs ■ of 00 8 lbs.- maidens 15 lbs 8oltl al auction. If entered to be sold for ,000 0 additional to start. With 00 added, of to appear five days before the race. Winners Five and one-half furiongs. to carry weight for age; if for less, 1 lb. allowed which 00 to the second and 00 to the third. . after publication of weights to carry 7 lbs. for each 00 down to ,C00 then 2 pounds for Weights to appear live days before the race, i extra. Starters to be named through the ei-try- The Competition Stakes.— A handicap each 00 less down to 00. Starters to be Winners , after publication of weights of other box at the usual hour of closing the day before sweepstakes for two-year-olds. Entrance 0 named and selling price stated through the than a selling race, to carry 5 lbs. extra. Start- the race, and all so named to be liable for the each, to accompany the nomination; 0 addi- entry-box at the usual hour of closing the day ers to he named through the * ntry-box at the starting fee. Full Course. Entries Close Saturday, July 14, at Midnight. Address nominations and communications to W. R. Letcher, Secretary, Room 403 Monadnock Bldg.