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| j THE BRIGHTON CVV. There is promise of a truly great race at Brighton Beach next Saturday, concerning which the New York Sun of Monday says: "The cup event is framed with the idea of bringing out the speed and endurance of the ideal thoroughbred, but it is such a severe test that since it was founded in 1897 the acceptances have never exceeded three. Still the race has made history and earned widespread favor among the sporting public. "When The Friar scored his sensational victory over Sunny Slope and Ben Brush in 1897 he got home in 3 :564 and netted ,300 for his owners. The race of 1898 was only a romp for Hamburg, whose only opponents were his sprinting stable mate. Ogden, and the second rater Howard Mann. Hamburgs reward was -tvj.300. Bangle achieved the double honor last year of winning the event from Don dOro and Latsou and reducing the track record to 3 :56-.-,. His rake-off was ,675. "Next Saturdays race promises to come much closer to the ideal aimed at by the promoters, as ten of the best stayers in training are engaged, with a possibility of the majority accepting. Under the scale conditions governing the race. John Bright will have to shoulder the top weight of 125 pounds, but his people profess the greatest confidence in his ability to do this and win. Ethelbert, Kinley Mack, Prince McClurg and Rafaello. ridden respectively by Maher. McCue, Van Kuren and Jenkins, are grouped at 124 pounds. The three-year-old standard is 109 pounds, at which weight Sidney Lucas. Kilmarnock and Prince of Melbourne should be dangerous factors. Sidney Lucas will arrive from Chicago to- j day, and Jockey Bullman. who preceded him. says he is the best horse in training, east or west. Green Morris is of the same opinion. Kilmarnock - preparation at Saratoga has satisfied his shrewd trainer. John E. Madden, and Turner will ride. Francis D. Beard threw away a race last Saturday rather than take any risks with Prince of Melbourne, whom ho regards as a sure winner. Spencer is hooked to ride the Bramble colt. Standing will not start. and it is hardly possible that Charley Bross-j man will send Imp to the post. The original entry for the event was so large that the value to the winner this time will be close to 0,000, while there is practically no limit to the prestige of a victory in such a field."