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BRIGHTON BEACH FORM CHART. BRIGHTON BEACH, N. Y., August 1.— Twenty-third day. Brighton Beach Racing Associa- tion. Summer Meeting. Weather clear : track fast. Presiding Judge, R. W. Simmons. Starter, C. J. Fitzgerald. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. I Jkll *i * FIRST RACE1 3-4 Mile. 00 added. All Ages. Handicap. ~ Ind Horses AWt8t H X H StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19479 STUART 3 98 1 14 14 1U 1* Rauch L Stuart 10~lo~l 8 19380 MARI BERT 3 107 5 I » 5» 51 2* Maher P Lorillard 2 34 2 3 19448-PUPIL 3 109 8 6« 64 44 3- Bullman G B Morris 10 20 10 20 18397 RIKKI TIKKITVI3 108 4 3h 2h 2" 4 McJoynt Oneck Stable 6 8 6 8 14637 MUSETTE 3 104 2 41 44 3« 5» Henry J S Ferguson 3 3 2 2 19497GOLD FOX 4 114 6 7 7 7 6 WedstrandThompson Bros IS 40 12 30 195I12SMOKE 3 103 3 21 34 6- 7 Slack W Showalter 3 4 3 4 192713TOLUCA 4 110 7 8 8 8 8 Turner W C Whitney 10 15 10 12 Time, 12?*, 24. 36, 48, 1:1235. Winner— B. c, by Faverdale— Pilgrimage. Went to post at 2:30. At post 5 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the snme. At the weights Stuart was best and outran his field all the way. Maribert ran well and finished strongly. Pupil, slow to break, closed fast in the stretch. Rikki Tikki Tavi and Musette tired in the last furlong. Gold Fox was overweighted for this company, but is in good form. Smoke weakened when half way home. Toluca ran a poor race. Scratched— 19605- Heliobas. 132. Overweights— Pupil, 1 pound: Rikki Tikki Tavi. 2; Toluca, 4. Stuart, place, 3 to I ; show, 8 to 5. Maribert. place, evens; show, 1 to 2. Pupil, show. 3 to 1. Musette, place. 4 to 5 ; show. 2 to 5. ft moke, place, 6 to 5: show. 3 to 5 1 Ckft OJ SECOND RACE— 5-8 Mile. 50 added. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Allowances. ~ [nd Horses A Wt St H % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18326*PR7CESS PEPPER 107 8 12 114 12 1* Jenkins Pepper Stable 6 6 4 4 194042APPLEOFM EYE110 2 2" 2" 2 2i Turner Oneck Stable 8-5 24 8-5 11-5 19333fTOM KENNY 110 5 S 5- 4« 3- McJoynt Osceola 8table 5 7 5 6 195743MATEO 110 3 7» J1 72 414 Slack Turney Bros 20 60 20 40 19272*MTNION 110 1 44 3" 3" 5» Henry A Featherstone. 5 6 44 5 19252 OPERATOR 110 7 61 6] 64 64 Spencer H B Lurham 5 7 5 6 ROCHAMPTON 110 4 3 41 P 71 Howell J G Follansbee 12 20 10 15 19355 HUMBOLDT 110 6 8 8 8 8 Freeman W Donohue 12 20 10 15 19163 TAVETA 107 12 9 9 9 92 Booker W A Chanler 40 KO 10 100 19571-STREET BOY 109 10 10 10 10 10 Bullman J L Holland 12 25 10 20 19478 ANNA DARLING 107 11 11 11 11 11 Brennan W C Daly 50 100 40 100 FRANK KENNEY 110 13 13 12 12 12 YanKuren C L Railev 30 80 30 50 ALBERT EDWARD 110 14 14 14 13 13 Clawson Simms and Radford 10 IS 10 15 19436 ANNUITY 110 9 12 13 14 14 Bracken G Chandler 50 100 40 100 Time, 121.-,. 23*g, X%, 1 :00*r . Winner— B. f. by Kantaka— Debut. Went to post at 3:05. At post 15 minutes. Start fair. Won easily ; second driving. Princess Pepper showeil great speed and was easily the best. Apple of My Eye ran well. Tom Kenny closed fast in the last furlong. Mateo is a slow beginner, but finished fast. Minion quit in the stretch. Operator was outclassed. Scratched— 19543 Idle Chat, 107; Queen Quality, 107: 19481 Philma Paxton. 107. Overweights— Street Boy, 2 pounds. Princess Pepper, place, 8 to 5; show, 4 to 5. Apple of My Eye, place, evens; show. 2 to 5. Tom Kenny, show, evens. t Q/*0 J THIRD KACE-1 Mile. 00 added. 3-year-olds. Selling. Tnd Horses A Wt St ■* ij StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 18215KING BRAMBLE 110 2 2 2** 1« Vi H4 Turner Mrs S C Hildreth 8-5 2 7-5 7-5 19538THE CHAMBRLNlOii 3 34 4 4 V V Spencer R Loud 4 S 34 M 19349 SILVER GARTER 101 1 4 3- 8" 4 Si Slack GB Morris 6 20 S 20 19461 PRESTIDIGITATR 98 4 14 1- 24 32 4 Henry GE Smith 6-5 3-2 6-5 7-5 Time. 12:t5. 24:i5. 37 5. 49: .-„ 1 :02, 1 :1425. 1 :40. Winner— Ch. c. by Bramble -Queen Beluga. Went to post at 3:45. At post 3 minutes. Start good. Won easily ; second the same. King Bramble was fresh and very fit and came away from his field on call in the last quarter. The Chamberlain ran a good race but tired in the last sixteenth. Prestidigitator was done at six furlongs. Scratched -19540Gonfalon, 106: 19602 Hansborough, 98. King Bramble, place. 2 to 5. The Chamberlain, place, 4 to 5. Silver Garter, place. 5 to 1. Prestidigitator, place. 2 to 5. No show betting. IQQfr FOURTH RACE-3-4 Mile. All Ages. Allowances. L tJXj Q » J The Sea Cliff Stakes. ,000 added. Ind Horses A Wt St H X StrFin Jockeys Owners T~ H L C 19297 VOTER 6 133 2 13 1- |i |i Spencer J R Keene uTT-3 1-4 l-4~ 19605-*HELIOBAS 4 133 1 2 2 2 2 Turner E L Graves 3 4 3 16-5 *Added starter. Time. 12. 23 :-„ 35. 47-5, 1 :12-6. Winner— Ch. h. by Friars Balsam — Mavourneen. Went to post at 4:15. At post 2 minutes. Start good. Won easily. Voter was never iu trouble and was eased up in the last furlong. Scratched— 19605 Modrine. 117, | Q ft Q ft FIFTH RACE=3-4Mlle. 00 added 2-year-oldBAllownces. Ind Horses A Wt St % % StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C ~ 195433GLEN NELLIE 112 3~ H 14 U4H Spencer John Dalv 2 3 2 135 17905 KEN ILWORTH 115 2 2, 214 2- 2: Bullman G B Morris 6 7 6 6 19543 BEAU GALLANT 115 4 5 5 41 3i Turner J E Madden 8i 3 24 3 IP196K1D COX 112 5 4i 41 5 44 WedstrandThompson Bros 46 100 30 100 19541 HANDWORK 115 1 V V 34 5 Maher J W Rogers 8 5 9-5 7-5 7-5 Time. 121.-,. 23:*.-„ »*£, 48-.-. 1 :14 .-,. Winner— Ch. f. by His Highness— Nelglen. Went to po6t at 4:45. At po6t 6 minutes. Start good. Won ridden out : second driviug. Glennellie showed dazzling speed and outran h« r field from the start. Kenilworth showed improvement and ran a fair race. Beau Gallant closed a big gap in the last quarter Ilaudwork, prominent in several breakaways, was always outrun and stopped badly in the stretch. Glennellie. place, 4 to 5 ; show, 2 to 5. Kenilworth, place. 2 to 1 ; show. 3 to 5. Beau Gallant, -how. 2 to 5. Handwork, place, 2 to 5: show, out. 1QAQ7 SIXTH RACE-1 1-8 Miles. 00 added. 3-year-olds and upward. l.»/V*f I Allowances. Ind Horses A Wt St St k ¥1 %. StrFin Jockeys Owners O H L C 19513 iB. OF TROY 4 1W5 3 2- 21 1« 1» 12 |i Henry J E McDonald T~l 24 2t 19462UMP 6 121 1 |1 14 2- 2- 2- 2- Clawson HnessandBro.ssmanl-2 9-101-2 7-10 ifi!fflfi9?rvft?ON 3l0t5 2 ■■ ■■ 3i 31 ***" WedstrandPerryBalmont 6 6 4 4 193732FLAUNT 3 111 4 45 4* |M 4 4 4 Jenkins r H Ryan 10 40 10 30 18244 TYR SHENA 4 101 5 5 5 5 Bled. Phelan Clayton and Co 40 100 31 100 Time, 12*5, 23. 36i3, 4S:V„ UWi, 1 :U.-;, 1 : 7, 1:10, 1:53. Winner -Ch. f, by Fonso -The Belle. Went to post at 5:15. At post 1 minute. Start good, Won easily ; second the same. Bille of Troy ran a good race, showed a lot of speed and was very at. Imp is not h irslf. sli » thowxl no signs of lameness, but could never get away from Belle of Troy and was beaten at seven furlou/s ionfalon ran a poor race. Flaunt showed some speed. Scratched -19644 Prince MeOlurg, 123; U9606 Decanter. HI ; t9i7iRin:ildo II lOSir 751 Herbert. 107: 18634 King Bramble. 101. jfejjeofTroy. Pace. 1 to 2; show, out. Imp, place, out. Gonfalou, place. 7 to 10- show. out.