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1899 ANNUAL RACING FORM. A few left. Price 0— two volumes. Toflay-m 1st Race- Another grand chance to get 10 to 1 or better for your money. Get our SPECIAL GOOD thing6 and win every day. TELEGRAPHED AT 9 A. M. Race Track information Bureau. SUITE 500, 263 DEARBORN STREET, ....CHICAGO.... TERMS, .00 DAILY, .00 WEEKLY. QIFj GAlf C ETTA, 9-2, Ofil/ dflill, Dlj GREAT BEND 9-10 Lennep, 8 to 1, and Blue Dan, 6 to 1, our good things yesterday. All our client? are big winners. Become one of our subscribers and be a sure winner. Today in 2nd race, 7 to 1 ; 5th race, 10 to 1. Both good mud-larks. 91.00 DAILY. .00 WEEKLY. Garden City information Bureau, Room 506, Inter Ocean Bldg. Madison and Dearborn Sts., Chicago. Ready 9 a.m.