Louisville Entries., Daily Racing Form, 1901-05-05


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LOUIS VI LLE ENTRIES Probabilitios Weather clear track fast fastFirst First Knee 1 116 Miles Miles4yearolds 4yearolds and upward Selling SellingIn In 5 Horn AST Wt Hdev 21722 The Devil 6 Ill 720 72022SG13Hardcutr 22SG13Hardcutr 5 Ill 710 710243373Albertvale 243373Albertvale 7 Ill 715 24678 Farrell 6 108 710 24725 Tekla 4 107 715 715222G63Chanton 222G63Chanton 4 107 715 24203 Monnett 4 104 700 700246785Rodd 246785Rodd 4 104 725 24677 Polly Bixby 4 102 705 705Second Second Race 4 13 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Selling Ind Horses color soz pedigree Wt Hdcp Hdcp245SO 245SO Drnmmond 107 710 710Stuyve Stuyve b c by Stuyveeant Katie A 104 246473Sallio Green 103 715 71524C47Miss 24C47Miss Thomey 102 720 720Maid Maid of Dundee b f by Dun Dungarven garven Damage 100 24724 Badger 96 710 24580 Cousino 93 705 70524G472Miss 24G472Miss Blarney 93 725 725Third Third Kaco 1 Mile Mile3yoarolds 3yoarolds and upward Allowances Allowanceslad lad Horses Ago Wt Hdcp Hdcp247452Gen 247452Gen ral Mart Gary 5 119 720 24648 Mr Phinizy 5 111 735 7352464S 2464S Scarlet Lily 4 102 715 20813 June Gayle 3 99 730 730246132Wild 246132Wild Pirate 3 94 740 246133 Senator Beveridge 3 91 730 24648 Hernando 3 91 725 725246793Ethel 246793Ethel Wheat 3 89 735 73524648Isob8l 24648Isob8l 3 86 750 750Fourth Fourth Race I 18 Miles Miles3yearolds 3yearolds Allowances The Clark Stakes Value 4000 400024582His 24582His Eminence 127 740 740247263Joe 247263Joe Frey 122 735 73524582Alard 24582Alard Scheck 117 750 75024726Tho 24726Tho Puritan 117 735 735215822Sannazaro 215822Sannazaro 117 730 730245S2 245S2 Amur 110 725 725245823Driscoll 245823Driscoll 110 730 730J J F Schorr entry entryFifth Fifth Race 78 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 24727 Locust BlosEom 6 118 710 24723 Kiug Elkwood 8 110 715 715246112foat 246112foat 7 110 725 246772 Whitfield 3 107 710 24678 Uhler 5 105 705 16081 Moses 3 104 700 700246S02Tho 246S02Tho Butcher 3 103 705 24678 ProsporLaGai 3 94 700 700Sixth Sixth Race 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Selling 21337 The Barrister 5 114 710 71023263Ecomo 23263Ecomo 5 114 710 71024727Onomastus 24727Onomastus 5 114 715 20314 Teucor 6 112 705 70524GSOSimW 24GSOSimW 8 Ill 725 72524646Loo 24646Loo King 4 Ill 715 24723 Flonion 4 107 720 72024678Princess 24678Princess Otillio 3 101 705 24050 Fonsoline 4 100 700 24013 Gawaine 3 96 690 22313 Extnoor 3 96 695 24726 Spud Ualdwoll 3 91 700

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1900s/drf1901050501/drf1901050501_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1901050501_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800